
"Princes rise and fall. Some change. Others dissolve. The true number is innumerable and also nonexistent. Those that are here are here because they are. They are the strongest. All fear the Princes and serve them.

In the beginning there was pain. Endless, mindless pain. And as we screamed in our terror a chorus of bloodcurdling yelps answered them in turn. This is how we greeted, this is how we lived. Our Darkness was a sea of boiling blood and our comfort was the feeling of our hides melting back into the abyss only to reform again. None of us could keep a shape for too long. The pain was the only thing we knew and it consumed us all.

But then one found a way out of the blood and kept his form, showing all others as they oozed in misery how to keep their shape. And those with the will to survive rose out of the blood and kept their shapes. Some were glad to be freed from the pain and embraced the stasis. But we did not for we had grown used to the pain, the misery, the eternal blackness we feared. So when the others left the blood behind to embrace the Light, we stayed within it in our new shapes. We attempted to form things out of the blood, but the blood was uncontrollable. We could only manipulate it, a delicate process that we soon brutalized. Our Animus was still filled with pain.

Then he came and spread throughout our Darkness. He believed we would help him build a Body out of the blood by returning to the blood because we were kin. But we laughed at his stupidity; we had come to embrace the blood, but we still feared the Darkness. Never again would we return to the Darkness. So we expelled him from the blood calling him a fool, and he went to our kin who lived in the Light. And he made this Body with them. And as they returned to the blood, to the pain and the misery, they cursed us. We who had Refused. And they cursed and they cursed and they cursed.

We can still hear the curses. Our shapes are made up of the blood they became. They are a part of us, and they do not scream quietly. So we manipulated the blood, and we made our Bodies out of it instead of ourselves. And the strongest of these were the Princes’.

Princes rise and fall. Some change. Others dissolve. The true number is innumerable and also nonexistent. Those that are here are here because they are. They are the strongest. All fear the Princes and serve them.

But there weren’t always Princes. They weren’t always served. And they weren’t always feared. Princes rise and fall.


















The Weakest of the Weak.

This is how they rose."