Guide to Greenheart, Second Edition

Guide to Greenheart, Second Edition

by Karinar Arrin

By the devotion of Saint Fargoth the Builder, Aran Rhulain welcomes you to Alten Cirue.

Alten Cirue (Bosmeri: Leaf-Jewel), Common Tamrielic Greenheart and also known as Vvatarwe (Bosmeri: Mountain Weeds) is a large city of southern Valenwood and one of the eight traditional Aransels of Valenwood. Ruled by the Aran Rhulain Tarlain, it boasts a burgeoning population of about 6000.


Greenheart, founded as Eldacira, is one of the oldest cities of Valenwood, having been founded by Topal the Pilot in one of this many journeys. It served as Valenwood's capital during the reigns of Emperors Agnorith and Pelagius, but was soon displaced by its larger neighbor Woodhearth. In the Thalmor invasion of Valenwood, the city was razed. Centuries later, a young blacksmith named Fargoth sought to rebuild this ancient city. Using only his pickaxe and his devotion to Z'en, he rebuilt this ancient city out of stone. Now called the Stone City, Greenheart looks to a bright future.


Greenheart contains Several districts; the Temple District, the Market District, the Guild's District, the Lower District, and Stonehold. The Temple District is home to the Temple of Z'en, the largest building in the City. Its majestic spire towers above even many Valenwood Lesser Oaks! The district also contains the Palace and the Barracks. The Market district contains most of the Services in the city. Tarhiel keeps a fine inn, the Greedy Witch, and Matanir's Arms forges any type of weapon you could need. The Guild district contains chapters of all the major guilds of Tamriel, and the Green Mirror sells hunting supplies. Just steer clear of the abandoned Fishing shop - Thieves are known to do business there! The Lower District, also called the Seaside district, contains houses and Swordfish Gully, a dock containing the Bragging Seagull, which is known for its specialty rum, made with dried harvested moon-sugar canes. Stonehold takes inspiration from the architecture of Markarth with its jagged edges and high walkways. Built into the hillside, it contains upper-class houses and the historic quarry where Saint Fargoth mined the stones that form Greenheart. Be sure to visit the quarry while in Greenheart; its magical stones are said to be blessed by Saint Fargoth and the city has made a fortune by selling them to travelers.