The Prolix Tower and Dracochrysalis Analyzed

‘Lo everyone, Warden here. Out of all the Walking Ways that we know about, the Prolix Tower is arguably my favorite one. Why? I really kind of don’t know. It’s probably the name; ‘prolix tower’ just oozes awesome to me (being as interested in words, language, and literature as I am). Or maybe it’s because HRAHNDEYL, my favorite character in the Uutak Mythos, attained it. Nevertheless, this isn’t my first time writing about it. But I think I’ve finally figured out the most mysterious way of reaching heaven by violence. So…

OY. YMWTSDFT. Oh Yeah. You Might Want To Sit Down For This.

##What Is The Prolix Tower?

“You in the Fourth Era have already witnessed many of the attempts at reaching the final subgradient of all AE, that state that exists beyond mortal death. The Numidium. The Endeavor. The Prolix Tower. CHIM. The Enantiomorph. The Scarab that Transforms into the New Man.”Jubal-lun-Sul, Loveletter From the Fifth Era

The Prolix Tower is described as being the First of the Six Walking Ways, or ‘the ways to reach heaven by violence’. It allows one to achieve permanence in reality through godhood. It is also another possible way of achieving Amaranth, yet like all of the other Walking Ways except for CHIM it does not immediately reveal the true (Dream) nature of the Aurbis. To better understand the true nature of the Prolix Tower, one must not only look deeply into the definitions of the words that make up the phrase but also their originations:

>prolix |prōˈliks| > >adjective > >(of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy > >ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French prolixe or Latin prolixus ‘poured forth, extended,’ from pro- ‘outward’ + liquere ‘be liquid.’

>tower |ˈtou(ə)r| > >noun >1 a tall narrow building, either freestanding or forming part of a building such as a church or castle. > >2 a place of defense; a protection. > >ORIGIN Old English torr, reinforced in Middle English by Old French tour, from Latin turris, from Greek.

>liquid |ˈlikwid| > >adjective > >1 having a consistency like that of water or oil, i.e., flowing freely but of constant volume. > >ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin liquidus, from liquere ‘be liquid.’

Of special interest is the connection to liquid that the word ‘prolix’ has, something that I never really paid attention to before. If one combines these three definitions together one can begin to discover the true nature of the Prolix Tower. Let’s break it down by each of the above definitions:

  • “Prolix”: It has something to do with words and especially talking. But not just talking in general, but talking used in a way such as a speech or a monologue. It is also slow, dull, and extremely long; nothing too exciting at first glance.
  • “Tower”: Towers have always been important in the TES Universe, and this is no exception. With the inclusion of the word in the phrase after prolix it makes me think of a symbol of strength formed entirely out of phrases, a building literally made out of ideas and words. But at the same it makes me believe that this Tower is only just a part of another building. A Tower can only have a single Castle, but a single Castle can have a thousand Towers.
  • “Liquid”: The word liquid, while not actually being a part of the phrase Prolix Tower, is vastly important to understanding it. A liquid (water for example) can take on many shapes and forms, and is ultimately never constrained. No matter what happens a liquid will always find some way through an obstacle. Yet despite being separated in various parts of the world in different locations its still the same substance. Ocean water, lake water, rain water, frozen water…it’s still water at the end of the day. Unique yet still a part of a whole. Relating this to the Prolix Tower makes me think of several speeches, each vastly different in wording, yet still purveying the same message at the end of the day.

Therefore I have come to a definite (at least for me) answer on how the Prolix Tower allows one to become a god. And it’s both unique (obviously) and cooler (cough personal bias cough) than the other five Ways. So without further ado…the Prolix Tower is reaching heaven by talking yourself into the story of a godly Oversoul yet remaining a distinct identity somewhat independent of that Oversoul. Basically, it’s godhood by becoming an universal legend. Amazing, right? Let’s dig a bit deeper into what this means.

“The arbitrary and the motivated in regarding one's divine ancestors: ignoring a manifest concern for belief in them as us, instead we concern ourselves with intensity and its relationship with action, valorizing ‘little narratives’ and proliferation of narratives in our native cultures to the point that there is no perch from extraneous content. Pure subjectivity is no longer possible; instead it becomes akin to sensory deprivation, yet without the fear, for we sense things that remind us of the dawn: the sacrifice into the stabilizing bones, new-built towers with broken intentions, and first metals gone blue from exposure to the long sun. The quest toward the ur-you for certainty and foundations is not innocent. However, it is an honest vindication for truth and superhuman ideals, which means it should be regarded as such by our own sense of fault: we made this, we dreamed this, we made it viable by voting with our seductions, we will live again to show our genuine applause.”On Aldmeri Ancestor Worship, Vehk’s Teachings

In the above passage written by Lord Vivec himself the Warrior-Poet of Morrowind begins to describe Ancestor Worship, a concept at the heart of all merish religious traditions. Ancestor Worship, in my opinion, is the merish way of trying to achieve the Prolix Tower and strongly relates to it. In this quote Vivec states that the Mer races venerate their ancestors by adding increased importance to their life-stories to the point where the line between mortal and god becomes unclear, thus ascending into immortality through words alone (“to the point there is no perch from extraneous content”). The actual achievement of such a state for an ancestor is increasingly rare and difficult, as the apotheosization must be recognized/talked about by…well, everyone. By “pure subjectivity is no longer possible” Vivec means that the individual becomes immune to mythopoeic forces, instead staying true to themselves. He then equates the state to “sensory deprivation” (which is linked to the Void) but without the fear for having returned to the Dawn; this statement indicates the individual sheds the mortal sensations and does not find fault in this, instead embracing the concept of being returned to a more ‘primal yet powerful’ form. This ‘primal yet powerful’ form is similar to the “ur-you” Vivec mentions, which can be linked to that individual’s protonymic (your utmost, truest identity/name; the very essence of your being that makes you unique amongst the infinite number of individuals in the universe). The journey to discovering this “ur-you” is described as not being innocent because the action of meddling with one’s protonymic can be seen as both insanely dangerous (you could potentially unmake yourself) and incredibly selfish. However, the Warrior-Poet then states that protonymic-modification is justified because wanting to learn the truth of oneself is a type of heroism we can only blame ourselves for wanting to do (confused yet?). He then ends by saying that through determination, passion, and general belief an individual can achieve the true goal of Ancestor Worship aka the Prolix Tower.

But when does the ‘becoming a part of a god’s sphere but remaining independent of that god’ part enter the picture? And isn’t that basically mantling anyway? Let’s dig even deeper.

“At which Vivec spoke aloud, 'Boethiah-who-is-you wore the skin of Trinimac to cleanse the faults of Veloth, my Queen, and so it should be again. This is the walking way of the glorious.'”Sermon Eight, The 36 Lessons of Vivec

Vivec once again mentions the Prolix Tower in the above statement in his infamous lessons, saying it is the walking way of the ‘glorious’ (the famous; possessing a striking beauty that evokes admiration). Fitting, since the Tribunal of Morrowind are perhaps the most famous achievers of the Prolix Tower in Tamriel.

Whereas Mantling is to “walk like them until they walk like you”, the Prolix Tower is more along the lines of “walk beside them until they walk beside you”. The former is all about acting like a particular deity in such exactness that you effectively become that deity to the entire Aurbis; you pretty much become indistinguishable from one another. The latter concerns itself with acting like a deity in some aspects but not all of them and eventually ascending into godhood by taking control of those aspects in that particular god’s sphere of power; you pretty much edit yourself into that god’s story to the point where when people tell the story they have to tell the parts with you in it or it wont feel right. Thus the Prolix Tower can be seen as a violent way into godhood because the individual is pretty much shoving a deity out of the way and taking their place front and center without actually becoming that deity.

Think about the Tribunal for a minute and the Three Good Daedra being their Anticipations. Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec didn’t become indistinguishable with Boethiah, Azura, and Mephala; these beings remained completely independent from each other. Yet the Tribunal undeniably stole several of the powers and even the worship of the Good Daedra. Sure, tapping into the Heart of Lorkhan undeniably gave them some unique abilities…but it isn’t the only way they achieved their godhood. The Warrior-Poet rewrote not only his own history during the Dragon Break at Red Mountain but also that of his compatriots; basically he modified their protonymics from whatever they were before (e.g. “Almalexia”, “Sotha Sil”, and “Vivec”) to what they became afterwards (e.g. “Almalexia of Boethiah”, “Sotha Sil of Azura”, “Vivec of Mephala”). And since the whole of the Dunmer people (and consequently the other races of Tamriel, who learned of the Living Gods though interaction with Morrowind) believed they were gods, the Tribunal remained gods. When this belief vanished due to the Return of the Nerevarine and the losing of the Heart of Lorkhan the Tribunal consequently ‘lost’ their immortality. Sure, their powers faded away…but they continued to live on despite that (e.g. Almalexia appearing as a spirit-like figure multiple times, Sotha Sil merging with his Clockwork City, Vivec being Vivec-y). Because in the TES Universe once you become a god you’ve always been and always will be a god, there is no changing that. It reminds me of what the Warrior-Poet and Hassour Zainsubani (cough avatar of HRAHNDEYL cough) said in Morrowind after Dagoth Ur was killed:

“[Being a god] is a bit like being at once awake and asleep. Awake, I am here with you, thinking and talking. Asleep, I am very, very busy. Perhaps for other gods, the completely immortal ones, it is only like that being asleep. Out of time…It's nice never being dead, too. When I die in the world of time, then I'm completely asleep. I'm very much aware that all I have to do is choose to wake. And I'm alive again... That is the god place. The place out of time, where everything is always happening, all at once. In his sustained shadow immortality… [Dagoth Ur] is a mad god. He was a god, and now he is dead. IF one can truly kill a god.”Vivec

“Dagoth Ur is dead. I hope we will no longer be troubled by his dreams. But I wonder, too, what the ghost of a god would be. And can a dead god dream?”Hassour Zainsubani

Dagoth Ur himself is unique for having achieved Anti-CHIM, godhood through the Heart of Lorkhan like the Tribunal, and possibly embracing the Prolix Tower as well (by becoming a Devil/Big Bad figure to the Dunmer people and the Empire as a whole). The Ur has been known to die twice and both times he has returned back to life. Vivec himself has been killed before yet has also returned. And let’s all not forget Lorkhan, who still stalks Nirn despite being killed during the Dawn Era. Because their protonymics, their “ur-selves”, state that these figures are immortal then they will always be immortal. Killing a god only kills their body but not their essence, which kind of floats around until that god decides they want to come back to life and interact with the world again.

I feel like talking about Alduin for a bit. Let’s talk about Alduin for a bit.

And the third, who looked akin to a Karstaag-man, [gigantic], and adorned in storm cloud and endless, endless yellowtooth… [he] was Alduin the World-Eater, and he only said, "Ho ha ho."

“You will eat nothing here, aspect Ald,” said the Aka-Tusk, sensing trouble. “Do not forget that it was Heaven itself that shed you from me.”

“Who cares,” the World-Eater said, “You speak of the Prolix Laws, which do not bind me if you strain our kinship. You awoke me. That bell-sound has consequence. And the Dagon here, well, he’s going to tell me right now where he’s hidden all the additions to the World he has hoarded in the long aeons of salmon-leap which he calls his own survival.”Fight Four “The Tenpenny Winter…Again”, The Seven Fights of the Aldudagga

This lists a perfect example of the Prolix Tower and its exemption from the act of Mythopoeia. The Aka-Tusk (the complete Oversoul of all the Dragon/Time Gods) outright calls Alduin an aspect of itself, given life and form by Nordic beliefs, and attempts to restrain the World-Eater. However Alduin pretty much laughs in Aka’s face by telling him that he can do whatever he wants and that the Oversoul can’t push him around. “You speak of the Prolix Laws, which do not bind me if you strain our kinship” is Alduin telling Aka-Tusk that since they are essentially the same person their protonymics are the same as well (unless the latter chooses to think of the World-Eater as an independent god, in which case he would have a slightly different protonymic), so Aka-Tusk can’t banish Alduin from his presence.

Mankar Camoran also spoke of the Prolix Tower in his Commentaries, which makes sense when one remembers he used Mehrunes’ Razor to cut (ouch) his protonymic back into his “ur-you” of the Dawn. Although he is depicted as an Altmer in Oblivion, many believe that he cut himself into an Aldmer and only appears like an Altmer because the PC (and everyone else) doesn’t know what an Aldmer looks like, so the next best thing was a High Elf. Not to mention that he made himself Dragonborn (he could wear the Amulet of Kings) and could use the thu’um (“After three nights I could speak fire.”).

“Oath-breakers beware, for their traitors run through the nymic-paths, runner dogs of prolix gods. The Dragon's Blood have hidden ascension in six-thousands years of aetherial labyrinth, which is Arena, which they yet deny is Oathbound. By the Book, take this key and pierce the divine shell that encloses the mantle-takers! The skin of gold! SCARAB AE AURBEX!”Mythic Dawn Commentaries Volume 3, Commentaries On The Mysterium Xarxes

“Oath-breakers beware, for their traitors run through the nymic-paths, runner dogs of prolix gods” seems to indicate the individuals who achieve the Prolix Tower, called traitors possibly because they are betraying their own AE by becoming a part of someone else’s AE. “The Dragon’s Blood have hidden ascension in six-thousands years of aetherial labyrinth, which is Arena, which they yet deny is Oathbound” is interesting, because this sentence indicates that Tamrielic Dragonborn Emperor’s are gods masquerading as mortals, having also apotheosized through the Prolix Tower. If one remembers that Alessia made covenant with Akatosh/Shezarr on her deathbed, which resulted in the creation of the Amulet of Kings and the Dragonfires, it’s possible that this involved her meddling with not only her protonymic but also the future protonymics of the Dragonborn Emperors that would follow her, tying their souls to the Amulet/Ruby Throne and even Cyrodiil itself (this is supported by the Remanada where Alessia shows up as being one with the Heartlands and Reman’s comment “I AM CYRODIIL COME”, not to mention Uriel V being described as a King Arthurian style earth elemental by MK and thus being immune to the aging process of traveling to Akavir). Mankar finishes the paragraph with “By the Book, take this key and pierce the divine shell that encloses the mantle-takers! The skin of gold! SCARAB AE AURBEX!”, which seems to be him trying to inform those that read the commentaries to cut their own protonymics into perfection as well.

So with the Prolix Tower analyzed, let’s move on to Dracochrysalis.

##What Is Dracochrysalis?

“Like all of the polydox constructs of the earliest Aldmer-- whatever their abnegaurbic creed-- White-Gold Tower is a conduit of creatia, aad sembia sembio, built to bring about a reversal of the congealing spiritual bleed caused by the Convention. In other words, it was a focus point for (re-)reaching the divine.

White-Gold Tower was made by the Ayleids, the Heartland High Elves that would have none to do with their isle-kind. Where the Altmer sought to focus on dracochrysalis, or keeping elder magic bound before it could change into something lesser (and act which ironically required aetherial surplus), the Ayleids harvested castaway creatia from Oblivion by entering a pact with the masters of the Void, the Princes of Misrule.”Letter #8, Nu-Mantia Intercept

In my opinion the Prolix Tower, due to being a way for an individual to ascend into godhood by becoming part of a godly Oversoul, consists of several categories with each relating to a specific god, and Dracochrysalis being the most common of these categories. The word Dracochrysalis is a combination of the words draco (“relating to dragons”) and chrysalis (“a preparatory or transitional state”), which makes me believe that it describes the process of an individual ascending into the Aka (Time God) Oversoul.

The above quote states that the Altmer were absolutely focused on Dracochrysalis, which in their eyes causes an individual or an entity to remain both perfect and truly immortal for eternity (“keeping elder magic bound before it could change into something lesser”). Such an act, a part of the Prolix Tower as it is, requires tremendous godly power and general faith (“and act which ironically required aetherial surplus”) in order to happen or it wont happen at all. But this act itself is at the highest of merish traditions in the form of Ancestor Worship because the most famous of all Mer, their Immortal Leader, is the only person to actually attain Dracochrysalis: Auri-El.

Auri-El (King of the Aldmer): The Elven Akatosh is Auri-El. Auri-El is the soul of Anui-El, who, in turn, is the soul of Anu the Everything. He is the chief of most Aldmeri pantheons. Most Altmeri and Bosmeri claim direct descent from Auri-El. In his only known moment of weakness, he agreed to take his part in the creation of the mortal plane, that act which forever sundered the Elves from the spirit worlds of eternity. To make up for it, Auri-El led the original Aldmer against the armies of Lorkhan in mythic times, vanquishing that tyrant and establishing the first kingdoms of the Altmer, Altmora and Old Ehlnofey. He then ascended to heaven in full observance of his followers so that they might learn the steps needed to escape the mortal plane.Varieties of Faith: The High Elves

When the Aedra created Nirn they were sundered from their immortality, becoming mortals that would soon lead the already the Ehlnofey (who like the Hist were brought into the Current Amaranth forcibly by Anu and in my humble opinion are not actually related to the gods at all) into battle against one another. Auriel (while others like to say there is no differentiation between the names ‘Auriel’ and ‘Auri-El’ I like to imagine that Auriel was the name the Aldmer King used during his time as a mortal to note his fall from divine splendor and that he regained the name Auri-El after ascending back into godhood) and his allies (Trinimac, Xarxes) led the Old Ehlnofey, the Aldmer, against the Wandering Ehlnofey armies led by Lorkhan and when he won he ascended back into godhood by way of Dracochrysalis in front of the entire Aldmeri race, becoming Auri-El once more by rejoining the Aka Oversoul he was fragmented from (which would explain why he never differs in any merish tradition). And all of the Altmer, who are the mer race that so tries to keep the traditions of the Aldmer, want to achieve Dracochrysalis to be with their most beloved god.

Another individual who achieved Dracochrysalis was the chivalrous (:3) Reman Cyrodiil and his Wives, who Akatosh himself had to come down from the heavens to announce what badass individuals they were:

“Then the Dragon of Heaven appeared, encircling them, King of Time, eating his lower length in symbol, speaking in the manner of the aether, which is mostly dream, "This I do command, for Reman was conceived of the imperial earth, and by his sacred measure he shall be as it should be: of an immortal fire that binds heaven to the mundane, Light made Man, and Order, fed ever by the seed of first stasis, anon Anu. And his wives will share forever in the blessing of Beauty if this should be so, their fair aspect frozen eternal, youth-radiant unto the ending of days. Aad semblio aurbex, aad semblio ae ehlnokhan, ae na-sen-ae-mantella, dracochrysalisanu."The Shoni-etta

“This I do command, for Reman was conceived of the imperial earth, and by his sacred measure he shall be as it should be: of an Immortal fire that binds heaven to the mundane, Light made Man, and Order, fed ever by the seed of first stasis, anon Anu” seems to outright say that Reman has transitioned from man to god (or god to man, depending on the story) and has become perfect and stable within the imperfect and chaotic Aurbis for eternity. Hell, Reman remains a cultural god to the Imperials and his last name even became the name of their province because that’s how much they loved the guy (not to mention that he was the son of a Hrol, a Space God, and Alessia, who was a spirit possessing Nirn itself, which pretty much makes him a weird dragon-serpent-earth elemental-space-sex god). “And his wives will share forever in the blessing of Beauty if this should be so, their fair aspect frozen eternal, youth-radiant unto the ending of days” indicates that his wives also became goddesses by becoming a part of the Dibellan Oversoul, and will live as long as Reman will (which is forever). “Aad semblio aurbex, aad semblio ae ehlnokhan, ae na-sen-ae-mantella, dracochrysalisanu” is…um, some mumble-jumbo Ehlnofex that I will assume confirms everything I just said here (>:D).

And that’s the Prolix Tower and Dracochrysalis explained. Hoped you all liked it! (Jeez, I haven’t written a Loressay in awhile…)