Tyranny of the Northern Lord: Bromjunaar Sanctuary and Konahrik

Imperial Scholar Lucius Flavius

After nearly a year of exploration my expedition finally had achieved our goal, we had all eight masks of the highest ranking dragon priests of the Dragon Cult of Skyrim. Yet there were still unanswered questions in Bromjunaar, the wooden mask and the small room it was found in. Several of our best mages were left at the location to discern the nature of the mask while we continued to explore the last ruin. Then not long ago I received a message from them with ecstatic contents, they had finally discovered why the mask was associated with time. One of them had finally dared to put on the mask and found themselves transported not to a different location, but to a different time. The sanctuary that had been dilapidated in the present was now pristine in the distant past, the shrine was also complete and its purpose was now obvious. The various masks of the dragon priests could be placed upon this shrine to some unknown end. They could not access any other part of the ruin, save for that small room, but when they took off the mask they found themselves returned to the present time, and to a frightened compatriot.

The rest of the expedition and I set off in haste to return to Bromjunaar with our collection of masks. When we finally arrive I was elected to be the one to don the wooden mask and find out what would transpire when all the masks were placed upon the shrine. I slowly took the wooden mask, it was identical to all the others, and brought it up to my face. I closed my eyes. Suddenly I was aware of a change, a sensation I had never felt before, it was as if time had been altered. When I opened my eyes again I found the entire place transformed. As the mage had said the room was no longer ruined or open to the elements. I turned around where my fellow scholars had stood and perhaps foolishly swatted at the air to see if they were still there yet unseen. My hands found nothing, I was in a truly different time. Now my attention turned to the shrine. Out of the rucksack I took the masks and it was clear I couldn’t just put them up in any order, small markings in the dragon language translated to their names. On the left side I placed Volsung, Vokun, Otar, and Morokei. On the right side, Krosis, Hevnoraak, Nahkriin, and Rahgot. As soon as all the masks were in their place the center carving of a dragons head opened up. What I beheld astounded me. A new mask. This one was unlike all the others. I took it out of its resting place along with all the other masks and removed the wooden mask.

I now sit in a safe location, I fear to put that information to paper. Yet I have now had time to study this final, ninth mask. It is wrought entirely of gold and the head covering that was contained with it is also made of rich fabric, its threads the color of black and gold. The mask itself has a different appearance that the other eight. The eyes appear to be similar, but instead of the appearance of a mouth two large tusks or horns protrude from the cheek areas. It gives it a very primal appearance. When I asked the mages of the enchantment they took sometime to discern it. All they could tell me was that it had multiple enchantments. One appeared to sense when the wearer was near death and would actually heal the one who was wearing it, in addition to healing it could also cast a cloak of fire to envelop and protect the bearer. They seemed less sure of this finally ability but the mask might even be able to summon a spectre of an unknown variety. Perhaps in the future we will put those enchantments to the test. The name of the mask, as indicated in the sanctuary, is “Konahrik.” I have translated this to mean “Warlord” Now what significance or purpose this mask held, we have hotly debated amongst ourselves.

One theory put forward by my colleagues was that Konahrik was the head of the the dragon priests. They believe that he was the most powerful of them all and thus, he ruled over them all, perhaps holding the highest position a man could hold in the Dragon Cult. When pressed on why the mask was locked away instead of being found with the respective priest they offered a few explanations. One idea was that Konahrik would have certainly lead loyal forces of men against the rebellion and might have fallen in battle, rather than let the mask fall into the wrong hands the remaining priests chose instead to lock it away. One scholars in that camp opted for the idea of a conspiracy. He said that the other priests might have become jealous of the power and prestige that Konahrik held and therefore, plotted against him. Perhaps he was murdered by his fellow priests and his mask locked away so that none may have held such power. I take issue with this theory because the dragons certainly would have taken notice of the murder of a man they had appointed to the position

As for myself, I am of the opinion that Konahrik was not an individual dragon priest, but a position in the Dragon Cult. An extraordinary position at that, opposed to ordinary positions. The way the mask was sealed away seems to indicate that the eight priests would need to be in agreement to lock or unlock the mask. I put forward that here we have the basis of the modern day Moot of the Nords. In times of extraordinary need such as rebellion or war, the priests would see fit to elect one of their number, or some other ruler or warrior, to the position of Warlord. Then they would either be granted extra power and abilities or unlimited power and authority, for a set amount of time. Then whoever was elected to this position would carry out their duty until the crisis or need had ended. They would then give up this power and return to their station lest they try to keep this power and face the wrath of their fellow priests and perhaps the dragon’s themselves. From this process of consensus and election either by unanimous vote or a majority, we get the framework for Skyrim’s modern day political system of the Jarls electing one of their own number to the position of High King. When asked the same question of why this was found in the sanctuary and not on a dragon priest, I said that during the Dragon War someone must have been elected to the position of Konahrik. However perhaps after the tide had turned against the Cult and seeing the writing on the wall, they resolved to hide the mask away, so that it could not fall into the hands of rebellion. In my humble opinion, the arrangement of the sanctuary and the busts for the masks seems to indicate that there had to be consensus among all of the priests to acquire or lock away Konahrik.

For the time being both theories remain valid due to the lack of sufficient evidence. However my fellow scholars and I now face a problem we did not foresee. This note was found the body of a Thalmor agent outside of the ruin of Forelhost.

You will proceed to the ruins of Forelhost to retrieve the Mask from the Dragon Cult there. If you are discovered, impersonate an officer. It is unlikely that anyone from Skyrim will be clever enough to see through the disguise. Once you have obtained the Mask, bring it to Labyrinthian.

It is clear that the Thalmor are also seeking the masks and Konahrik. Now here I sit in possession of them all. I fear for the safety of my fellow academics, and myself and must decide on where to go so that we will be safe. Someone mentioned that the Thalmor do not have a strong presence on Solstheim...