A Yneslean Ballad

Wrote this for the Uutak Mythos created by IceFireWarden, in which the lore surrounding the islands in the Padomaic Ocean are heavily expanded upon. You can read more about it here.

Anyways, here's the song!


(proud, happy music)

We Echmer of Yne, Morubixaba and Hrahn,

have proudly lived here, from now since the Dawn!

We work in our Urbs, and tend to our Yaks,

but we shirk not from war, when the Kamal attacks!

Our histr'y is long, and filled with great deeds,

and our people do prosper, from Exul to Dweech.

(music is a litte more melodic here)

But long before Urb, Cne'Matik, Uutak,

the Echmer did struggle, in the shroud of the Black.

We knew little of speech, and far less of fact,

and when Dwemer-kin landed, we were nought more than bats!

But our masters did lead us, with knowledge and tact,

tonal arc'tecture's glories, bringing light to A'sazt!

(music becomes sadder here)

Though the Passing did pass,

and the many tears shed, we looked up to the Orl,

and a new dawn at last!

(huge rise on the last line, back to the triumphant theme from the beginning)

Though some leave our fair isles, HR'NDEYL's words call them back,

and remind us of our wise phrase; always walk,


the Black...