Cathnoquey: The Untold Story

I've been writing some of my own lore for the near-completely mysterious island of Cathnoquey, and I thought I'd share some of what I have so far from the perspective of a Quey. If people seem interested enough in this, I'll make another post, with more of what I've got. Enjoy, and Happy Anniversary!

Journal of Palpatn Tusk-Welder, Nord, Imperial Legionary of the Akaviri Expeditionary Force, 3E 388

On Cathnoquey, land of the Eye-Folk...

"Oh, y'wanna know 'bout Cathnoquey do ya? You one a dem Tamreliers, ain'tcha? Well, I s'pose I got a minute, so sit yerself down on this here rock ya damned Thaq, lemme tell ya somethin'..."

"The island of Cathnoquey belongs to the Quey, and don't let no 'Mperial tell ya diff'rent. This the home of all Quey-like, Magnus' chosen people. When he's done a comin' through the sky and brings a his chil'ens, they gon land right here, cenner of Cathnoquey. When the Day of Enlight'nment comes, all Quey-like gon rise up from how we dead here on the Dead Plane, living like we jus' waitin' ta die. Nah, Magnus gonna save our flesh suits, an' our souls too. That's why we have the Meat Days, where we offa up the hearts of de weak to 'em, and drink the magicka like there ain't no tomorrow. That's how we keep him happy, and keep him a comin' to the Death Ball, so he can live in The Pit. Anyways, you're already livin' on borrowed time 'til the Magnus comes and snuffs yer flesh, so there ain't no use tellin' you 'bout how the Quey-like gonna be. Yer mo' innerested in what the Death Plane like for us here on Cathnoquey, ain'tcha? AIN'TCHA?!"

"Well, Thaq like you prolly know that Cathnoquey use a be part dem Hiss "trees", back when the Ol' Ones was still bein' dead. Even affer the memories of the Magnus done drowned 'em all up, them Hiss still oozin', juicin', and snoozin' unner Cathnoquey. They still leakin' their juice in our rock, accountin' fer how we Quey be a deadin' in all our shapes 'n' sizes. Yeeh, that's always been a problem fer us here, along with the crowds and the Werms. We Quey always been fightin', fightin' ova whether the Magnus was reel or not, ya savvy? We had our big war right before dem 'Mperials done 'rrived to snatch up our land. Would've fought 'em off iffen there'd been more than a handful of Quey left. We youssa be jammed knee to knee on Cathnoquey, milluns before the war. Damn 'Mperials...they gone get their hearts eaten out by Magnus, once he reach The Pit y'know. And we be there to take their skin, make 'em into nice Padomayo suits. Reel nas!"

"Issa lucky that we got our Magnus to provide for us. The food, the space, the tools, seeyin' as the island isself ain't gone nuthin' but rocks. We eat da magicka, when it turn to juice on the rocks, and we make space with the levitatin', waterwalkin', and waterbreathin' for three levels on Cathnoquey. Dem in the sky, dem on the rock and the see, and dem unner the see. But it's all the same, so long as we got the magicka. The magicka give us our fightin' too, an' our houses. Rock get bent to be a house, all with the magickas written on our backs. Don't need weapons here neither, jus' magicka, 'less you wanna be Werm food. Yeeeeeehh...."

"Well thas a 'bout all I got time for, gotta go hunt the squid with the telekinesee, feed my fam'ly, othawise we'll have to eat least one. Squid'll make a nice hat, maybe boots too, iffen he fat enough. Go well with my Werm jerkin. Mmm...squid. Seeya 'nother time, Thaq, but don't go makin' trouble 'round here, or the King'll have you for Dream Pit food. An' Magnus ain't gentle. Take a care, fear the Werm, and love The Pit!"