A Shortened Flippers C0DA. Part 1: Poker Face (Chapter 2: It's Coming)

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No questions had to be asked. Within those two Cathay-Raht were equal spirits. One's path was to follow the destiny their bloodline gave them, the other's path was paved by a dream of ambition. Di'vaad, the black and white Cathay-Raht, wore a traditional and elaborate purple robe with symbols of Azurah across most of it whilst Bo'nett, the pale orange one, wore a simple golden robe with low-burning flames on the shoulders. Both held themselves towards the face of the Mane and stared into his big brown eyes, not with a look of doubt or confusion but of complete readiness. Neither knew what the outcome was going to be, but they had no time to doubt or fear the unknown. If they had, they wouldn't be there. It was the Mane who needed to be assured.

"Are you sure you want this?" Di'vaad asks his lord.

"I know you're ready, both of you, but I'm not supposed to feel this. This is just how the world works. We must make choices - whether we want to make them or not - and hope that each step we take is one towards a better place. All three of us were sleeping slaves from the moment we were born." The Mane responds.

"Any answer will be good enough for us, but we can't have you back out at the last minute or second."

"Let's just go, if I look back now I'll see everything that makes me want to stay here. All the lives of everyone under me that I could never really live with. We're going now, the strongest hit is the one that flies straight."

"I think we might have to hurry this, that'll be what we're going for, right?" Bo'nett states as she points into the distance.

"Wait, what is that?" Da'viid asks looking at it.

"That's the image every single story after this will contain. It came before and created a great lake. It came again and created wasteland. Now it comes to make space." The Mane answers.

"It's the Big Walker".