Guild Recruitment Flyer - The Prostitutes Guild

All lovers of luxury and purveyors of pleasure wanted!

As all are keenly aware, Potentate Versidue-Shaie has helped the Empire to forge ahead in the realm of material and intellectual wealth by his passage of the Guild Act of CE 231, and this action will send new jobs, goods, and services across Tamriel. A noble act of rulership indeed - but what is the lady or gentlemen blessed by Dibella to do in this changing world? Rest assured, you have not been cast to the wayside. The Prostitutes Guild is looking for your talents!

The chartering of the Prostitutes Guild has effectually redefined the term 'prostitute', and thanks to the introduction of Imperial regulations, we can now provide an important service to the people of Tamriel in a safe, clean environment. Members of the guild may reside in a luxurious guildhall, making a good wage by offering companionship to folk who are screened for their health and required to abide by a code of good conduct. A Prostitute may become close with leaders in nobility and industry, and as such may reap considerable rewards. While the Guilds of every other profession may build our society up, the Prostitutes Guild offers some enjoyment to these builders.

The Prostitutes Guild is the destination for the man or woman feeling lonely or looking for company of good taste, and by providing this company, you are serving your fellow citizens in a way no one else could. You may offer support and comfort to one of the important Imperial officials who ensure that our society runs smoothly, or you may make a favorable impression on a foreign diplomat; in this way, you hold part of our future in your hands. If you choose to travel, you will have the opportunity to meet diverse peoples and see exotic wonders, and you can always rest assured that you have a safe and welcoming place in any of the guildhalls across Tamriel.

Once, prostitution may have been looked down upon as a desperate or depraved act, but thanks to the Empire, the men and women who work in this field can be respected and seen for who they truly are: people's people who freely choose to provide pleasure to the world. If you are interested in this offer, your local guild will happily take you in, and you are also invited to travel to our main headquarters in Wayrest.