Interview with Dwemer

An Interview with Dwemer diplomat, Word Draftsman Shabazz Nadchezzar conducted by Chimer journalist Narlo Warnen.

Why do you build such things as automatons and elevators and such? Would not a magical solution be easier?

It is better to interact at a distance. The magical is limited because it requires one to conform to it rather than the other way around. Thus the artificial is superior.

Your people are famous for not worshiping the gods. Why don't you?

Reason: They maintain what is hostile to us. Reason (continued): We see that they are to you as we are to the Falmer.

What do you think of your slaves, the Falmer?

We do not.

Why is prostitution so prevalent in your cities?

It is the best solution to the problem of love that we have found. However, Animunculi are under development that may perhaps serve as decent replacements.

Surely you have love poetry though?

Some of us, in our attempt to deal with such a regrettable state, write what are called love-riddles.

Could you give an example?

Thinking. Example found: A riddle by Gyro Demiurge Sharhezz Barthem-

What is painful, yet blinds us to pain?

What is spoken of only in noises that do not speak?

What should be removed from existence because it maintains existence?

Tell me about the form of telepathy that your people share, "The Call".

No. Explanation: Anybody who refers to it as "telepathy," will not understand my answer. This misunderstanding arose because we described to it others as involving the words "tele" and "pathy". We will not speak of it further, as per Tonal Architect Kagrenac's request.

One last question: What is best in life?

That is a trick question.