Sylph: A Study


The elusive, feminine nature spirit known as the Sylph are truly unique and remarkable creatures that can only be found dwelling on the islands within the Ynesleaic archipelago. The term ‘sylph’ is a Bat Elven word from their language of Echi, and means “zephyr” or “soft, gentle breeze” when translated into traditional Tamrielic. This name clearly suits them, for unlike the woodland spirits we call the Spriggans (which can be found in both Tamriel as well as Yneslea) they are shy, polite, and generally unaggressive unless provoked. In fact, the Sylph and the Spriggans have a rivalry that allegedly goes back into times immemorial.

The Echmer first discovered the Sylph during the time period they refer to as the Fourteen Years of Progress, when they were finding themselves as a race and making their first excursions to the surface of their island realms. At first the Bat Elves were frightened by the wind spirits, and would have attacked them if they had not been calmed down by the Hyu-Ket goblins, who had been peacefully coexisting with the Sylph for centuries ever since they first sailed to the archipelago. The more mechanical Bat Elves were curious about these ‘breeze women’, and sought to study them extensively like the rest of the surrounding flora and fauna with the aid of their newfound goblin servants.

Sylph take on the appearance of tall, slender women with light grey skin with billowing winds swirling about them. Their long, flowing hair and eyes are pure white as if blind, yet it is well documented that they can see their surroundings perfectly. Their voices have a melodious quality to them. Usually most levitate a few inches off the ground, but some have and do walk normally like the mortal races on occasion. They have an immunity to fire and lightening, as well as boasting a very powerful regenerative ability. They are interestingly vulnerable to ice and other cold elements, however, and it dulls their healing power.

Befitting the element they embody, many of the Sylph’s abilities derives from the air. They can create a whirlwind cloak that will fling away anything that draws near them, as well as conjure orbs of condensed gusts to stagger attackers. Most useful of their abilities is to turn invisible, which they can use both defensively and offensively. They are also able to communicate with birds and command avian creatures to aid them during battle. Whether this is a voluntarily process for the avian in question or the animal is summoned via magic is still a topic of much debate amongst scholars. When killed their bodies can be harvested for the rare and powerful alchemy ingredient known as ‘aether essence’, with can provide boosts to health, magicka, and stamina but a weakness to frost. But this ingredient must be harvested quick, for after a few hours a Sylph’s body will fade completely into wind in order to be reborn again.

The origin of the Sylph is unknown to all, as is the reason why they can only be found on the islands of Yneslea. They seem to have an hierarchy (the more ‘older’ Sylph being referred to as Tempest-Mothers and Gale-Queens) and their own language, but are partial to learning other languages in order to converse with mortals. They follow the teachings of the ‘Sky-Mother’ (which is presumed to be the Goddess Kynareth by another name) and recall fighting in a great war, long before the races of man, mer, and beastfolk came to be. It is possible that this war can be the infamous battle between the Old Ehlnofey and the Wandering Ehlnofey during the Dawn Times that shaped the surface of Nirn, but that has yet to be proven.

A rare, possible variant of the Sylph are creatures called Squalls by the Echmer and Hyu-Ket. According to the Sylph themselves a Squall is a Sylph that has become corrupted through unknown means and has started to ‘absorb’ other Sylph into it, becoming more powerful and twisted in appearance. This corruption has many theories surrounding it depending on the culture inquired. The Hyu-Ket believe that Squalls are formed from dark nature magicks used by shamans that have abandoned the Grash and are now out of control. The Echmer believe they are formed when two or more Sylph combine together through unknown means and the comingled thoughts drive the poor creation insane. And Tamrielics believe they are formed when Spriggans use their greenery powers on the breezes in an effort to transform them into nature spirits.

When approaching a Sylph, please be courteous and polite. Although benevolent, they will defend themselves when they feel threatened and are quite powerful. And if it can be avoided, please do not approach a Sylph with a Spriggan in toll. The breeze woman will go into a frenzy in an effort to defeat the tree-spirit, and you can get caught in the middle.