On Sundered Slopes - A Report

The following letter was discovered in Morvayn Manor, Raven Rock, after the death of Mistress Brara when her son, Lleril, inherited control of the settlement.

4E 1, 1st of Sun's Dawn

Mistress Brara Morvayn,

Ald'ruhn is much as we left it that fateful night, though the fires have mostly burnt out. More often than not buildings are destroyed, only the outlines of the walls visible. The outer walls of the town, however, are largely still intact, meaning a restoration operation could be safely defended should one be approved.

There was a small population of minor Daedra upon our arrival, scamps and others of their ilk, and you shall be pleased to know we executed them with no remorse for the honor of House Redoran. The foul gate they entered through was largely gone, most of one half crumbled, but we destroyed it completely to ensure no more of the creatures could trouble our proud city once again.

I fear the restored city will unlikely resemble the original however, Skar lies defeated once more across the Upper District, crushing the Temple. Though perhaps this is a sign of things to come. I hesitate to question Lord Vivec, but...well, it matters not, there are more immediate issues at hand.

To restore Redoran's seat to it's rightful glory, I respectfully request you acquire permission from the council to dispatch as many guards and workers as can be spared. With some fortune from whatever gods we follow these days, and the men to do it, our fair Ald'ruhn shall stand once more, in time.

In the meantime, I would refrain from returning yourself, my lady. Until the restoration is finished, the city will not be safe for you and your son. May I suggest Vivec, or the mainland perhaps? Or you mentioned inquiring about Raven Rock. Either way, stay safe Councillor, House Redoran needs it's leaders. House Redoran needs you. I need you.

For House Redoran,

Captain Veril Olano