From the Archives of the Black Horse Courier: Are the Arena Yellows all out of Luck?

The Black Horse Courier
Entertainment Division
Sundas, 1st of Sun’s Height, 4E 120

The hopes for the Arena Yellows were dashed yet again this past Loredas as one of the Yellows’ top Gladiators, Percius Hexus, popularly known as "The Stalwart Sentinel" suffered an ignominious defeat in his fight against Blue bruiser "Big Borgash." Ninety seconds into the fight, hyped by Arena staff as the ultimate clash this Midyear, an unexpected backhand strike from Borgash's warhammer severed the hapless Sentinel's leg tendon, bringing him to his knees. After that, the fight was over in seconds as the Orc promptly crushed the poor Imperial’s exposed neck.
"I could barely believe it myself," spoke a surprised but satisfied Borgash in an exclusive interview with the Black Horse Courier. "I'd been preparing for this match for two weeks, studying his fighting style and looking for weaknesses. Must have worked a little too well. Malacath was watching over me, I can guarantee you."
Prospects are grim for the Yellows. Percius is the fourth rising star of theirs to suffer defeat in the past five months, and fans, with no reprieve in sight, are beginning to get desperate.
"I'm seriously considering turning coat!" bemoaned Harvirr Cat-Hugger, regular patron of the Yellows. "I never thought Blue would look so tempting, even after eighteen years a stalwart fan! These are sad times, my friend."
"My family and I were discussing the Arena matches over dinner," spoke Tyria Morienne, another of the Yellow faithful, "When my daughter chimed up and wondered aloud if we could hire the Dark Brotherhood to kill the Blue Champions! The very idea. There was no pudding for her that night, I can tell you that! It just goes to show you how desperate we poor Yellow fans have become!"
It seems that the Yellows' only hope rests on the many Brawlers eager to restore Yellow to honor and glory in the Arena. Fortunately, there are several promising contenders: Shastei the patient Argonian warrior, Barik at-Taneth, the dour Redguard rouge and Fenthr the fearless dark-haired Nord. Fear not Yellows! The present may be dark and stormy, but soon, the sun will rise in victory!
(For our complete interview with "Big" Borgash gro-Dushnikh Yal, turn to page 21)