The Daedric Doctrines: The King of Rape

> Spawn of the wretched, bred from the damned
Gone are the instincts normal for man
Spawn of the wanton loins of the cruel
Spanwed by brute force used as a tool
The wretched spawn, violence will rule

-Cannibal Corpse (The Wretched Spawn)

A most discomforting Daedra with domain over ways that many do not wish to speak of. Molag Bal is very seldom viewed in a positive light due to his history as the father of vampires, perpetrator of the Planemeld, member of the House of Troubles, and largely wicked actions.

However, LaVey reminds us that the uncomfortable things are often those which make us stronger, as few have the courage to walk the paths decorated with terror.

Molag Bal represents a wicked form of realization that the path to greatness is not paved with cupcakes and bunnies. Bones will be broken, and blood will be spilled.

Molag Bal represents his domain of domination, vampires, and his title of the Harvester of Souls.

> Domination

This is an easy one. The realization of the self is a long and violent road, and may require one to subdue his or her opponents. Domination is the exertion of your will onto another. Will is a very important force in self-fulfillment.

CHIM, the Secret Syllable of Royalty, allows the user to exert his will into reality and become divine. Without CHIM, the mundane man is entirely subject to the will of the Dream. CHIM is the ultimate realization of the self, and I would assert that reaching heaven through violence is well within the domain of Molag Bal, especially considering that he was the one to teach CHIM to Vivec himself.

Bal teaches us to be ruthless in our power. It is better to dominate an opponent than to slay him, as one may turn enemies into resources that way. Domination is prevalent in many of the greatest beings in the universe, be they Dov, kings, or CHIMsters, and they maintain their strength by preventing the weak from toppling them.

Staying on top also requires those on bottom to stay on bottom. If one is to remain great, he must make sure no other individuals can become as great as he. Domination is different from pure destruction in how it keeps the weak small and the strong powerful.

Bal tested the Dunmer bloodlines, which I see as a way of dominating them over generations. If one were to manipulate the genetics of his foes into how he sees fit, he could be sure that his enemies and all their descendants remain below him.

Those below you are to be used. Their labors shall serve the enlightened man well, and shall teach them a lesson in subjugation.

> Vampires

Vampires are the ultimate realization of Bal's gifts to mortals. Vampires are gifted with magics of seduction and domination, allowing them to bend others to their will.

Vampires in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Daggerfall gain a large bonus to willpower (although Daggerfall vampires gain a bonus to every stat, so the point is rather moot). Also, vampire characters gain charm and fear spells (except in ESO, but I'm guessing there really aren't charm spells due to it being an MMO).

A vampire is a highly efficient predator. Vampires are strong, intelligent, agile, and subtle. They are perfectly designed to spread their influence and control. And such spreading of influence is not always a wicked process. Janus Hassildor was a vampiric count of Skingrad, but he was known to be a benevolent ruler.

Bal's actions in the house of troubles are those of testing the Dunmer's bloodlines. He may have been attempting to mold them into vampires.

> The Harvester of Souls

Molag Bal has a recurring theme of draining the essence of foes. His vampires often have abilities that drain the life of their targets, and his infamous mace can drain an enemy's attributes while also applying a soul trap effect. Molag Bal teaches us to make tools of our enemies in every way possible, not just as slaves.

It is said that Molag Bal designed the first soul gems. Every mage knows how useful such trinkets are. Using your foes to power your weapons opens the way for an enlightened individual to claim greatness.

One could also harvest souls in a less literal way. Demoralization and psychological warfare could break your foes on a mental level, leaving them susceptible to your domination.

> Conclusion

Molag Bal has much to teach us in the ways of obtaining power. Every ruler that has ever been has exercised Bal's power. He is the Prince most closely linked to CHIM, which is the stepping stone to Amaranth, the very reason mortal life exists. Bal allows us to fulfill our mortal destinies, and only the weak and foolish would ignore his wisdom.

> Hear him spewing forth a meaning to miserable lies
See the twisted hand of doubt seal the affair
The insect trust
our body a vehicle to him just the same

-Opeth (Heir Apparent)