Orcish University Drop-Out

A short letter because the recipient doesn't deserve a longer one.


I received the scroll you sent me an entire three days later than the date you insisted I would receive it by, but regardless it is in my possession. Lines 3 and 4 are smudged out almost entirely by what smells like grease, but lucky for you the subsequent page underneath was unharmed. Your base seems mostly solid, though I have my concerns about the actual shape of the symbols you supplied, specifically their location on the parchment, the tightness with which they are placed, and especially the overall shape of each letter. There are also many missing pieces. In my reply I've included your original work, along with my own revisions so that you-- I mean, we-- can study the difference in results.

I've also included blank spaces so that you may better yourself-- they should be glaringly obvious. If you've constructed the barrier specifically as I've instructed in my own work you'll see, admittedly, that the very center of the structure is far weaker than its further ends. Still, I believe this is a much more stable replacement for the sad excuse for a barrier you had initially recorded, and was the best I could provide you without completely rewriting your work.

I understand that your position within His Majesty's court is at risk as it is, but if you continue to provide unsatisfactory results you will be barred from entry into the university.

Head Mistress of the University of Orsinium,

Kala gra-Kragog

P.S. - Please stop eating over your work.