Rotmulaag Meditations with Paarthurnax: Krii

Greetings mentor. Paarthurnax, what can you tell me about words of power that are clearly not intended for worship, as the Way of the Voice is intended to be used?

Greetings Dovahkiin, mentor now am I? No one has called me such for thousands of years. The thu’um can be deadly, but you have gained Pruazh Inhus over it. Take care to not Pahlok Wal Mah, fall to the arrogance of power though. What word calls to you?


“Kill” in your tongue. You are correct, this thu’um is not for worship. The thu’um is as ancient as the dovah are, it comes for our instinct to Rel, dominate. As dovah competed for mastery and territory, it was natural that a thu’um would be created solely to kill. This thu’um Liiv Ahrk Kren, withers and breaks the scales of the dovah. When the rebellion against the Dragon Cult began the dovah shattered the armor of the Bron and routed them as scores fell to this thu’um. Think of the act of killing, one stands,one falls. You assert yourself in the Lein as the powerful and dominate one. That is the meaning of “Krii.” To dominate over your foes and assert your will to power. You will find that the life essence of your enemies will fade continually until Dinok.