Voyage into the Waters of Oblivion, Part one, boring introductions.

Captain’s Log, The Cacophony of Echoes. 4e219

We set sail from Wayrest, with a crew of 135 and a compliment of 400 marines, as well as 4 important benefactors. Ambroise Patenaude, a elderly bretish gentleman commissioned this ship as well as it’s venture, all kept secret from most people, including most found on this ship, as far as I know only the four important people, the commander of the marines and I know of our destination. Oblivion.

Patenaude is some kind of wizard, don’t know what kind, but he seems sure enough of himself to put his money and wellbeing on the line, and anyone willing to got to hell and back is either stupid or a fucking god, and they don’t make stupid wizards, or rather stupid wizards don’t grow to be as old as that elfblooded dustbag. And Oratori and Canthizi seem to trust his plan, and they’re the sort to know better.

Calissia Oratori is a battlemage from the Niben, she says she studies language, and she speaks them all, Elhnofex, Dovahzul, Altmeri, Ayliedoon, and even Dwarven. But she keeps secret the fact that she can Shout, Swordsing, and Kai, hell she can make the dwarven metal and machinations from scratch. She designed most of the ship, at least the machine parts. I always did like those Niben folk, and she’s no different, covered in tattoos and metal, she’s pierced, plated, scarred, branded, and sown, she’s fit for Oblivion, at least in looks.

Cynric Cantizi has got to have the most fucked up bloodline of anyone around, and we’re in Highrock, his mom is the product of the Great War, half Altmer half Bretton, and his father is a Colovian with a Akaviiri surname. He’s an explorer of some renown, and is the leader of the expedition, he arranged for the crew and marines, as well as figured out how to get to Oblivion in the first place. It seems he’s learned a thing or two from his travels cause has some amount knowledge of just about everything. He’s the one that designed the rest of the weird ass shit on this boat. He’s got glowing tattoos all along his body, he says it’s powered Welkynd Stone.

Hairarap Saddarnuran, is an Ashlander, or rather she used to be an Ashlander, she got exiled for deciding it’s not good to worship demons. I think she’s a Tribunalist, but I haven’t exactly spent too much time talking to her. She’s supposedly an expert on the Daedra and how best to deal with them. She’s polite, but sometimes it seems like that’s all she is, I don’t think I’ve seen her make a joke or heaven forbid not call someone by the proper title, hell she even calls each furball S’.

The Commander of the Marines is an Orc by the name of Gragag Gro Orsim, I’ve known the green guy going on fifteen years now, he hails from the mountains and lead a small mercenary group operating in the east of Highrock. His company was officially inducted into the Legion once the Dragon Crisis and they worked to keep dragons out of Highrock. He was retired nine years ago and has spent those years building a small marine corps for the defense of the Bay, incase the war breaks out again.

The marines themselves are grouped into four regiments of one hundred; each comes from different provinces to best deal with the varying terrain of Oblivion. The First is the Green Teeth, Gragag’s men, they’re of varying race and are trained mostly in naval skirmishing, Second is the Iron Shields of Skyrim, mostly Nords, these men and women are trained in coastal combat. The Third is a group of Battle mages, and lastly are the Witchhunters of the Alik’r.

Officially we are conducting an exploration of the lands west of Yokuda, and have commissioned a large vessel to do so, and the ship is gargantuan, it has magic all throughout it’s constructions, the ship is held afloat by magical means and contains hidden dimensions, the courtyard contains a farm of about two hundred acres and as well as grazing land for a few hundred horses, Infernal machines line the ship as well as countless engines of war.

The trip is supposed to take about two months to reach the point where we can go to Oblivion, I haven’t a clue why we need to sail west to reach Oblivion but I’m not a wizard with powered metals deposited in my body so what do I know about the barriers of Mundus. Let’s just hope I’m one of the survivors.

Signed, Anwen Aldwyr