Hello, I'm Hekobah Helban with a shocking story that came in just a few microtones ago. The Trankalpic class Vivifrigate Phantom Recliner that was launched 12.426 cycles ago has gone silent over all frequencies, and no attempts of contact have been successful.

The ship was manned by 321 scientists sent to explore the effects of prolonged exposure of crops to any sorts of radiation that may emanate from the Deadlands as part of the New Exodus project. They were known-what's that? Uh huh. It seems we have recieved the last recording the ship's inner audio sensors picked up. We will play that for you now.

By Azura, it got Nisik!

We have a massive hull breach, sir! Daedrons are flooding in by the multitiude, everyone put on your-GAAAAGH!

(Screams are heard as metal is torn apart and consoles explode)

I didn't sign up for this shit!

You knew exactly what kind of danger was posed by working this close to the (explosions) and just could come from it!

That is no Daedra, you idiot! I've been out here for longer than you've been alive, and I have never seen talons like those. Did you even see its eyes? That is something far older and far more vicious than anything a Prince could ever dream of.

I don't care what it is, it already ate half the crew and even more of the ship! We've gotta-


(High pitched whining)


The recording ends there. We have with us here Admiral Turimar Enakul, the chief overseer of subsector 12-0-4.

It is a pleasure to be here, ma'am.

Admiral, what can you tell us about the mysterious attacks on Phantom Recliner?

I can assure you there were no attacks, ma'am. Just a simple misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding? Can you really deny that those men were screaming about some creature attacking them?

We have searched the wreckage and found that an engine merely blew out in a nasty Sithessence field. No need to worry, these mistakes happen all the time. I ran simulations of that very mission myself 14 times, and only succeeded in 13.2 of them. Frankly, the crew was to blame for electing to embark in such a vessel. Trust the experts here.

What of the mentions of the eyes and wings?

They must have misunderstood the situation. It can be quite easy to mistake raw Padomaia for a winged demon. Energy fields and monsters bear striking similarities.

And there you have it, a terrible accident has befallen the Phantom Recliner, but should have no impact on our lives in the future. We'll have more absolute truth for you tonight, I'm Hekobah Helban, back to your regularly scheduled programming.