Voyage into the Waters of Oblivion, Part three, the remnants of Tatterdemalion and Lleswer.

Situation Report by Gragag Gro Orsim on The colonies of Masser.

My men and I boarded four Galleys and launched from the Cacophony of Echoes as we passed Masser, we landed well enough, only about three miles from where Cynric said the colony started. The terrain was very dusty, we didn’t report seeing any signs of settlement on our decent. The craft landed alright and we began the trek to the location, the wind was blowing harshly and we could only make it about a mile an hour, after a few hours of walking we stopped and made camp, waiting for the wind to die down. The next morning the winds had died down and my men broke camp and began their march, we arrived at the first signs of civilization not long thereafter, a fence stretch quite far, old and dilapidated, beyond the fence was a field of dust and root, it appeared the remnant of an orchard was just past the farmland. Further in we began seeing strange structures, pyramids, cut from single shaped and hollowed boulders, we began searching for buildings, but all we found were these stones and the occasional brick. We found entrances to the sewers but the whole complex appears to have been filled in by stone and bricks, I reckon that there the building went to, sealing the sewers.

Not long after searching we decide to crack open one of those small pyramids, it was filled to the brim with dead men and women, piles of corpses. Mummified and old, my scrier seems to think they are a little older than a hundred years. We searched and searched but couldn’t kind much more than a pillar of an aqueduct and an ass’s jaw. So we set up camp and prepared to return to our galleys the next day. That night we heard a noise and felt the bones of Shor tremble, men started yelling as we heard the sound of boulders cracking all around, then in the sky we saw it, a dragon, bigger than any I’ve ever seen, flying high in the air, my archerers hit it with glowing arrows, and a few of my mages managed to hit it, with lightning bolts. When it flew low a few of my men managed to leap upon it, as they began stabbing the beast, ribbons of flesh began falling from the behemoth. In the confusion we didn’t expect to be attacked on the ground as well, the corpses walked and they descended upon us, though only a few at a time. After an hour of fighting the beast finaly fell from the sky and all was clear, for as it smashed into the moon it broke open and a wave of corpses spilled from the beast, a lich rose from the heart of the monster and began casting frost from its staff. My men quickly incapacitated the nightmare and its magic left the corpses. I interegated the wretch who, after much persuasion yielded his secrets to me, the Void Night killed everything on Masser, and the lich only survived because of his undeath, I put the ghoul down and cleaned my blade, and we immediately made for our ships and returned to the Echoes. All in all we only lost thirty men, and their swords will be given special honor in the halls of the dragon guard. Blessings of the nine upon the brave Blades who passed this day.

Situation Report by Cynric Cantizi on the Colonies Of Secunda.

We landed right on top of the remnants of Tatterdemalion, Imperial by every meaning, the place reminded me of some of the old Remen outposts in Argonia. We found plenty of dead bodies, at least a hundred years dead, and lots of mold piles, the remnants of paperwork, it surprises me little that I would mostly find bureaucracy in this place. The men spent the day collecting old shit to take back with us. I did however answer a question I’d had, the Remen and Septim troops fought and eventually the Remen men surrendered, or so a statue in the main square seemed to point out. Yay, everyone found Talos, it’s a fucking miracle on the fucking moon. The city is surrounded by old plantations, also known as a jungle with some plantation houses, because that’s what a hundred years of overgrowth looks like.

The sugar gets into everything, makes it sweet, even the air. Most people get the wrong impression from the sugar and the cats, the sugar itself tastes super sweet, and you don’t want to eat some just before bed unless you don’t want to sleep, but it takes a ton to get you high, that’s kind of the point of making it into skooma, isn’t it, I mean what’s the point of that death drink if the raw stuff gets you stoned easy too? That being said, after a day of breathing the stuff half my men had to be sent to the longship to rest. Lightweights.

That night we set aflight to the Kitten City, that place was a bit different, huge crystals of the sugar were towering all around and were carved into visages of Khajiiti gods, I bye the way miss Oratori when you read this sit. rep. you should know you owe me twenty septims because I found plenty of statues of Alkosh and that motherfucker was just a cat, pay up you Imperiocentric racist.

We landed outside of the city and I ordered the men to collect relics that they thought the Khajiit would like as gifts, I searched the inner city alone, in the middle of the city I rounded a corner and saw a wave, frozen in place, and upon inspection I realized what I was seeing, The Khajiit hold many secrets, and a secret is just a memory unshared. Memory is water and water controlled by the moon is a tide. Our little cat friends tried escaping whatever killed this moon. They turned into some kind of khajiit soup, I could make out individual cats in the crest of the wave but they all became one organic flow. I think they tried to pile up, like a water droplet falling but up side down, but either the death that over came this place got to them first or they didn’t have the proper cats to escape. Either way there is a frozen sea of static Khajiit corpses filling downtown Lleswer, so there is that. One man got a little to sugared up and fell off a roof, but other than that no casualties.