Excerpt from the Journal of Amaya

Excerpt from the Journal of Amaya

(Found within the ruins of what appears to be an old Redoran stronghold in the western ashlands region of Vvardenfell)

One is solitary.

One is a certain way, for each a solitary being is bound to identity.

One is such that One bears the fundamental gravity of living with a dignity, bound only to One's will.

One endures the trials that One's will's ambitions confront One with, for One does not battle with what One Wills.

One is not disdainful of the menial, yet not averse of the great.

One does not flee from overwhelming odds.

One greets One's adversary with honour as One's brother.

One gives mercy freely and without regret.

One delivers wrath freely and without regret.

One seeks unity and mastery in and of One's self.

One is.

One knows that all who are are One.

Voryn, Ur Dagoth; Your Great Gaze I meet with My Own.

Vehk, Your Mastery I greet with My Own.

Ayem, Your Great Mercy I confront with My Own.

Seht, Your Great Mystery I carry within My Own.

One I Am, And One Are We All.