Voyage into the Waters of Oblivion, Part Five, Rape Beasts, Sex Parts, and Darkness. [Evergloam pt.1]

Excerpt from “Memoirs of a Tenticle Beast, real tales from a rape beast’s long career.”

I was polishing my spears, all forty of them, on the border, where Coldharbor and the Huntings Grounds marry, in alliance against Nocturnal, when a vessel tore a hole in the sky, it did as most sailing vessels do when placed in the sky, fell. It plummeted down into the swamps of our battlefield, and all of the servants of my Lords rushed to retrieve them, to hunt them, to play with them, to rape and dominate them, to light them aflame and use them to aid in our war, to bring the hunt and domination to all the lands of the Evergloam.

However when we arrived the ship was airborne, floating some height above the ground, and when our flying creatures gave chase they discovered the ship was empty. We searched the bog for hours but found no trace of survivors. Later that day a dense darkness drifted into the bog and overcame the ship, pulling it into the Dark Lady’s grasp.

Being disappointed in my lack of fun I went on to continue polishing my spears…

Field Journal of Lady Oratori, Oblivion, Day 1

The ship was way too obvious to stay aboard after the critical failure; we managed to get the retrograde thrusters online in time to dump most of the pixie bones and stabilize the ship, but she needed to be set down somewhere else. The crew and soldiers all exited the ship pretty calmly, given the situation, and we quietly discussed what we should do. The Cartograph Cynric brought along showed that we were somewhere near Evergloam, but also close to the realms of Bal and Hircine. We decided to march quickly as we could into Nocturnal’s lands, but to get there we would need to through two merging lands, where Coldharbor and Evergloam overlap, and where the Hunting Grounds and Evergloam mingle. It was soon after when a boggart burst forth from the water and gave us a message from Nocturnal, she would offer us passage to her court, as well as float our ship, if we answered her inquiries and made a fool of the hunters in her land. We took her boon, after much discussion, and soon found that we had been rendered invisible and incorporeal.

It was a good thing because soon after a great many beasts poured into the area to inspect the ship. Horrendous demons, beasts with at least a few score tentacles, some capped with phallus, others with labia, some with whips, chains, swords, and other ungodly instruments of defilement. There were some beasts, like werewolves but each hair was a phallus, and the knot at the bases were glass, and bore a flame, like little lanterns. There were great dragonflies, at least a cubit long, but with the bodies made from instruments of torture and rape. And the beasts all stood around us, investigating the area, looking. We grew bold as time went on, and eventually curiosity left us, and the five hundred or so men and women began to make our way to the heart of Evergloam, protected by Nocturnal herself.

We soon reached the border where the contested lands ended, were creatures hunted for a great many things, always obscured by Nocturnal, in an endless game of cat and mouse. The depraved beasts stood at the border, a wall of pitch as high as can be seen, and attempted to violate it, to whip and hump, to bite and demean the amorphous wall of dense obscurity with their lantern dicks, as if that would somehow move the realms of Rape and Chase further.

As soon as we entered the border all was black, the darkness hung there. Silent, dark, still. When came a booming voice, powerful and deep, saying, “I am Nocturnal, Prince of Darkness, and you are here because I allow it, anything you see, you see because I allow it, for the Evergloam is a place of the densest Darkness.” And with that we could see once more, though everything was grey. Cynric said we were in the realm of Bal and Nocturnal, and we began to march deeper into the Darkness.

The overlapping lands were strange, the first was full of strange men and women, naked, with strange genitalia, they searched through mostly empty streets, looking for smaller people, who scurried away, and on occasion the Blind Rapist would collide and politely take turns violating and torturing each other in the most sadistic of ways, and as we walked one of the Rapists looked at me, her tongue a prolapsed vagina acting as the foreskin of a penis whose shaft was a literal iron spear. Her right breast bore a vulva instead of a nipple, and the clitoris was a talon, her left breast was concave, and the nipple was a phallus, this reminded me of a candlestick. She had a penis, but it was tipped with a vulva, the urethra was a gaping vagina filled with rows of teeth, and the clitoris was another penis, tipped with a similar set of genitals, a recursion into infinity. She spoke saying, “I am Nocturnal, Lord of Darkness, and my shroud hides those that do evil, in this place and on Nirn. It is my influence that keeps violators from harm, and from detection.”

And a small boy approached me, eyes as black as pitch, and he spoke, with a voice like that of an old man, saying, “I am Nocturnal, He who protects the innocent, my shroud keeps these innocent ones hidden, and my shroud extends to your plane, my gift is to the child hiding from his drunk parents, to the young miss hiding in a gutter, escaping the clutches of evil, to scouts, that they might survey and give knowledge to save their comrades in arms. I am the Darkness, I protect all who seek to hide, for the Shade chooses no side but one.”

We soon after made our way out from that vile village, and into a strange forest, but everything was misplaced, trees hung sideways, ponds floated in the air, and the land warped at angles. Strange beasts would often shoot from some hiding spot only to have another attack it from somewhere else, and the beasts would fight, or flee, or turn the tide, eating each other like a snake eating its own rattle.