Interfaces with Giants

A Dwemer Fragment buried in the Library of Tel Fyr

DATE: 0403354 (estimated from data-logarithmic and word-craft back-tracing)

TYPE: Expedition Records

TITLE: Interfaces with Giants

This account is based on information at five times removal, the most recently reaccessed memographic notes dating from 0202745. In turn, those are based on data going back to 0308592. As such it is a reconstruction and may not have any resemblance to the original. However, it does contain marks of primitive cognition. Note subjects' illogical manner of speech and undeveloped mannerisms of culture. As per instructions from Arch-Memo-Archivist Enkirazz, account forwarded to Vemynal compound.

This unit, 7th Rank Sub-Memo-Archivist Yadidatum, recommends deletion. She finds the matters discussed silly, disturbing, and containing excessive spirituality. However, she leaves such a decision to those at Vemynal.

Day 65

At the fifth hour, as we passed over the ridge, our scouts spotted a large fire in the distance. Later reports told us that it was indeed a campfire, with several large creatures sitting around it. It was not long before we dared to approach them. They are quite hospitable, a welcome change from the area's Shallow natives.

They are not mer, for their ears are not long or pointed, but rounded. They appear to herd the mammoths and cows of the area. Their diet consists of farmed vegetables, cheese, and wolf meat. Their speech is slow, slurred, and they do not talk often even between themselves. Yet it does bare a resemblance to Ayleidoon and from that we are able to have a small amount of communication. The most obvious difference between us and them is in their enormous size. They have taken to calling us "Dwarves," which appears to be their name for all mer, such as the Shallows of the area. It denotes small stature. Rather than identify ourselves, we encouraged the use of this name.

Puzmesh took measurements of the creatures and made sketches of them. I would note their similarity in appearance to the records we have on the 'ancestors'. Perhaps these creatures, or something similar, are responsible for the some of the superstitions and myths believed by the Shallows. Indeed, they have incredible strength. We have seen them kill encroaching Sabre Cats with ease, sending them flying into the air with a swing of large clubs. They have a good sense of where their territory ends and where the wilderness begins. If a rabid animal or enemy enters within a certain range of the camp, in any direction, it is met with frightening force. It is as though an invisible circle surrounds the camp, with the fire at the center.

Like other irrational barbarians, they have their own gods. They have particular reverence for a female wind spirit that we have not hitherto known of. However, they are unlike any of race we have found in their expression of religion. Their fixation upon the spiral, below traced, is of interest. The reasons for this shape will need to be investigated, as this has reflections of Aurbic nature. The 'gods' are deceivers, yet perhaps they give these simple creatures a glimmer of truth as a joke.

The climate conditions in these lands makes traveling difficult, yet we will continue eastward in hopes of finding suitable building spots. We will send word if we need assistance.