An Analysis of the Words of a Khajiit Clanmother

An Analysis of the Words of a Khajiit Clanmother by Dolanaaro Corvus

As a newcomer to the Academic world, I hope that my contributions are not unduly disregarded. True, I’ve taken a lofty first challenge; the Khajiiti creation myth is considered at its best a misinterpretation of true events and at its worse the ramblings of a mad cat. In spite of this, I’ve been able to break them down into a story that complies with the commonly accepted (and obviously correct) Altmeri creation story.

>In the beginning there were two littermates, Ahnurr and Fadomai. After many phases, Fadomai said to Ahnurr, "Let us wed and make children to share our happiness."

Anu and Padomay. We know this story. Through their interplay they create the Daedra/Aedra. We see a distinct Khajiit flair to the story, but so far nothing contradicts the accepted creation mythos.

>And they gave birth to Alkosh, the First Cat. And Ahnurr said, "Alkosh, we give you Time, for what is as fast or as slow as a cat?" And they gave birth to Khenarthi, the Winds. "Khenarthi, to you we give the sky, for what can fly higher than the wind?" And they gave birth to Magrus, the Cat's Eye. "Magrus, to you we give the sun, for what is brighter than the eye of a cat?" And they gave birth to Mara, the Mother Cat. "Mara, you are love, for what is more loving than a mother?" And they gave birth to S'rendarr, the Runt. "S'rendarr, we give you mercy, for how does a runt survive, except by mercy?" And many phases passed and Ahnurr and Fadomai were happy. And Ahnurr said, "We should have more children to share our happiness.” And Fadomai agreed. And she gave birth to Hermorah. And she gave birth to Hircine. And she gave birth to Merrunz and Mafala and Sangiin and Sheggorath and many others. And Fadomai said: "Hermorah, you are the Tides, for who can say whether the moons predict the tides or the tides predict the moons?” "Hircine, you are the Hungry Cat, for what hunts better than a cat with an empty belly?” "Merrunz, you are the Ja'Khajiit, for what is more destructive than a kitten?” "Mafala, you are the Clan Mother, for what is more secretive than the ways of the Clan Mothers?” "Sangiin, you are the Blood Cat, for who can control the urges of blood?” "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?”

Here we see that the interplay has created the gods. Note she also gave birth to “many others”, which accounts for the unmentioned Daedra/Aedra. We ask ourselves, is there any importance to the first litter containing Aedra and the second Daedra? In my opinion, no there is not. From what we know of other creation myths the only birth of significant timing is Auri-El, who was the first of the aspects. With that in mind, we can conclude that the “litter” aspect of this creation myth is just more Khajiiti flavor. This point may seem frivolous, but it is necessary to recognize that the timing of these children are not to be taken literally for the myth to conform.

>And Ahnurr said, "Two litters is enough, for too many children will steal our happiness." But Khenarthi went to Fadomai and said, "Fadomai-mother, Khenarthi grows lonely so high above the world where not even my brother Alkosh can fly." Fadomai took pity on her and tricked Ahnurr to make her pregnant again. And Fadomai gave birth to the Moons and their Motions. And she gave birth to Nirni, the majestic sands and lush forests. And she gave birth to Azurah, the dusk and the dawn. And from the beginning, Nirni and Azurah fought for their mother's favor.

Here is where things get tricky. As we know that Nirn is a separate entity to the other beings. Born of Lorkhan’s devious plot. And so here I began my theory. The first litter of kittens is obviously the Aedra. The second the Daedra. And in broad terms, the third litter of children represents the forces of creation/Mundus (Note: to the khajiit, Azurah is obviously a force of creation as she created their entire race.) We also see the often alluded to relationship between Khenarthi and creation of Mundus. And why the fighting between Nirni and Azurah? That, I believe, represents the struggles/concerns of the mortal life conflicting with that of the spiritual life. Do you spend your life focusing on mortal toils and pleasures (Nirni) or devote yourself to a higher power (Azurah)? A conflict all mortals can relate to.

>Ahnurr caught Fadomai while she was still birthing, and he was angry. Ahnurr struck Fadomai and she fled to birth the last of her litter far away in the Great Darkness. Fadomai's children heard what had happened, and they all came to be with her and protect her from Ahnurr's anger. And Fadomai gave birth to Lorkhaj, the last of her litter, in the Great Darkness. And the Heart of Lorkhaj was filled with the Great Darkness. And when he was born, the Great Darkness knew its name and it was Namiira. And Fadomai knew her time was near. Fadomai said: "Ja-Kha'jay, to you Fadomai gives the Lattice, for what is steadier than the phases of the moons? Your eternal motions will protect us from Ahnurr's anger." And the moons left to take their place in the heavens. And Ahnurr growled and shook the Great Darkness, but he could not cross the Lattice.

We see here that when “the moons” are birthed, they are also referred to as the Ja-Kha’jay. But we know the moons are Lorkhan, right? How can both the moons and Lorkhan exist separately? This line is the cause of much confusion for many scholars, and is a leading cause of the Khajiiti mythos being discarded. However, as “the moons” are later called “Ja-kha’jay” we can assume that “the moons and their motion” are actually the Ja-kha’jay NOT the moons themselves. (Both were mentioned solely because the motions of the moons cannot exist without said moons.) Thus, the Ja-kha’jay can exist separately to Lorkhan. What is this great darkness? It is the void. That which is outside the Aurbis. Of particular importance is that the Void is not evil. Darkness =/= evil. Merely that which exists outside of the light. (the Aurbis) What does Namira have to do with this? Nothing, but this myth suggests perhaps she is very misunderstood. What is Ahnurr’s Anger? Why, you just saw it. It is the destruction of Ahnurr and Fadomai’s children. He stated he wanted no more children, then when he saw more were on their way, he turned violent. Thus it is the wish of Ahnurr that the third litter (Creation) never occured. This will be important later. What is the Lunar Lattice? It is that which holds creation together. Creation cannot be undone as long as the lunar lattice exists. (See: the moon disappearing and the Khajiiti tower)

>And Fadomai said: "Nirni, to you Fadomai leaves her greatest gift. You will give birth to many people as Fadomai gave birth today." When Nirni saw that Azurah had nothing, Nirni left smiling. And all Fadomai's children left except Azurah. And Fadomai said, "To you, my favored daughter, Fadomai leaves her greatest gift. To you Fadomai leaves her secrets." And Fadomai told her favored daughter three things. And Fadomai said, "When Nirni is filled with her children, take one of them and change them. Make the fastest, cleverest, most beautiful people, and call them Khajiit." And Fadomai said, "The Khajiit must be the best climbers, for if Masser and Secunda fail, they must climb Khenarthi's breath to set the moons back in their courses." And Fadomai said, "The Khajiit must be the best deceivers, for they must always hide their nature from the children of Ahnurr." And Fadomai said, "The Khajiit must be the best survivors, for Nirni will be jealous, and she will make the sands harsh and the forests unforgiving, and the Khajiit will always be hungry and at war with Nirni." And with these words, Fadomai died.

So it was destined for Azurah to create that Khajiit. The three secrets are unknown to us; though we know the first has to do with crossing over into the Aurbis and that the third has something do with the Ja-Kha’jay and the moonsugar.

>After many phases, Nirni came to Lorkhaj and said, "Lorkhaj, Fadomai told me to give birth to many children, but there is no place for them." And Lorkhaj said, "Lorkhaj makes a place for children and Lorkhaj puts you there so you can give birth." But the Heart of Lorkhaj was filled with the Great Darkness, and Lorkhaj tricked his siblings so that they were forced into this new place with Nirni. And many of Fadomai's children escaped and became the stars. And many of Fadomai's children died to make Nirni's path stable. And the survivors stayed and punished Lorkhaj.

Here we see the events leading up to the end of the Dawn Era. Lorkhan “tricks” the others into birthing Mundu. Nothing here is conflicting with established mythos. Of significant note, perhaps, is that being tricky is a good thing in Khajiit culture. Particularly, mind the word “trick” as it will be used again later. I contend that having been filled with the Darkness and being tricky =/= Lorkhan being evil in the mind of the Khajiit.

>The children of Fadomai tore out the Heart of Lorkhaj and hid it deep within Nirni. And they said, "We curse you, noisy Lorkhaj, to walk Nirni for many phases." But Nirni soon forgave Lorkhaj for Nirni could make children. And she filled herself with children, but cried because her favorite children, the forest people, did not know their shape.

Noisy Lorkhaj, not evil Lorkhaj. None of the children of Ahnurr and Fadomay are dubbed evil. Even the ones we feel conform well to those ideas. (Merunnz is described as nothing more than a kitten.) In addition, if Lorkhaj were evil his forgiveness wouldn’t come “soon”.

>And Azurah came to her and said, "Poor Nirni, stop your tears. Azurah makes for you a gift of a new people." Nirni stopped weeping, and Azurah spoke the First Secret to the Moons and they parted and let Azurah pass. And Azurah took some forest people who were torn between man and beast, and she placed them in the best deserts and forests on Nirni. And Azurah in her wisdom made them of many shapes, one for every purpose. And Azurah named them Khajiit and told them her Second Secret and taught them the value of secrets. And Azurah bound the new Khajiit to the Lunar Lattice, as is proper for Nirni's secret defenders. Then Azurah spoke the Third Secret, and the Moons shone down on the marshes and their light became sugar. But Y'ffer heard the First Secret and snuck in behind Azurah. And Y'ffer could not appreciate secrets, and he told Nirni of Azurah's trick. So Nirni made the deserts hot and the sands biting. And Nirni made the forests wet and filled with poisons. And Nirni thanked Y'ffer and let him change the forest people also. And Y'ffer did not have Azurah's subtle wisdom, so Y'ffer made the forest people Elves always and never beasts. And Y'ffer named them Bosmer. And from that moment they were no longer in the same litter as the Khajiit.

What was Azurah’s “trick”? It was the same trick as Lorkhaj. It was creation. If the word “trick” is used to describe your revered goddess and the very act of your creation, then you best believe that the word “trick” carries no negative connotation to the Khajiit. And so, cannot be inferred of Lorkhaj. To trick is not bad; however one can infer that to be tricked would naturally still be bad.

>And because Y'ffer had no appreciation for secrets, he shouted the First Secret across all the heavens with his last breath so that all of Fadomai's children could cross the Lattice. But Azurah, in her wisdom, closed the ears of angry Ahnurr and noisy Lorkhaj so they alone did not hear the word.

Again, I believe we don’t truly know the first secret, but it would seem it has something to do with crossing over into the Aurbis. What significance does closing Lorkhaj’s ears hold? He is now bound to the mortal plane. And Ahnurr’s? He is held outside of it and is unable to enter and destroy creation.

Closing Remarks: The Khajiit mythos has never been truly understood and might yet hold secrets to achieving Aurbis. It, in fact, does not conflict in any major way with Altmeri beliefs; yet holds different views of the same events.Thus we see the Khajiiti beliefs are the diametric opposite to those of the Redguard. The Redguard see Lorkhan as a trickster, yet are glad for the creation of Nirn. The Khajiit see Lorkhan as not necessarily evil, yet they recognize that that the events of creation are something that upset Ahnurr.