On Dwemeris: An Exploration of the Dwarven Language Through the Nchuand-Zel Stele

>On Dwemeris

>The following is a rambling dissertation published at some point in the early 4th era by an eccentric scholar under the pseudonym of Radac Mzuthand (or perhaps Rdandak Mzuthand, or Radac Musad, based upon his own writings). As it was disseminated anonymously and unreviewed, the text was barred from most archives and fell into relative obscurity until a nearly identical (though admittedly more polished) analysis was released by a group of Altmer mages many years later. As this original dissertation was never officially accepted by the scholarly community, the Altmeri party has received most of the credit for Mzuthand's work. What follows is the unabridged original of the eccentric, copied from one of his many pamphlets (though such originals are now only slightly less elusive than the famous Yagrum Bagarn). Spelling errors, logical fallacies and flights of fancy abound. Enjoy.

In short, this is a fictional analysis of the Dwemer language focusing on a translation of the Dwemeris inscription on the Nchuand-Zel stele. Fictional, because I've written it as an in-universe document, but sound (in my opinion) nonetheless because it only draws upon information commonly considered canon, so I haven't inserted much that isn't in keeping with the various established lores.

After spending way too long trying to properly format the full text, only to realize that it was just waaay too long to begin with (six pages, oh boy), I've simply turned it into a pdf and shunted it onto another site: On Dwemeris