An Ex-Mercenary on Draugr

    You can tell whether a Nord is native to Skyrim or an outsider by saying one word; Draugr. Any Nord raised in Skyrim that hears that horrid word, will immediately feel a shiver run down their spine that's colder than the glaciers of the Sea of Ghosts. Every Nord child, even the orphans, have been told stories by their elders to never dare go even within eyesight of the ancient ruins.

    Many think it's their stench, or the sight of their decay that makes a man into a milk-drinker, but those are nothing to be feared. The eyes. Their blue eyes pierce the darkness, like arrows into deer. That may not seem so bad to you, but when one set of eyes becomes six or seven, and they draw ever near, what would you do then? Their weapons, though ancient, are still treacherous. They may have dulled over the ages, but if an arrow or axe sinks its teeth into you, any number of infections could kill you.

    The worst part of all is seeing them kill your kinsmen, while you pick your bloodied body off the ground to fight for your life. They laugh. The bastards laughed when they killed my kinsmen, and they'll laugh at you before they take your life. If you've never been afraid of anything, it's because you've never heard them laugh. It's stomach churning and will break any man's will.

    There are rumors that some know the Voice, and can use it just as well as the dragons of old can. I didn't care to find out. If any would-be mercenaries ever read this, by the Nine, leave the ancient Nordic ruins alone! Trust an old Nord,

                                             -Uggir Shatter-Stone