The Aldmeri Inquisition Pt.2

Kalabor's iron clad boot was the first thing to hit the hull of he merchant ship. Mandel followed closely behind carrying a long crate made from wood and rusted wire. Both men were cloaked in purple and black, and attempted to conceal their more noticeable features. Kalabor's forehead had twin scars stretching to his eyebrow. Mandel walked with a subtle limp that was hardly noticeable when he stood still or ran. Kalabor was of noble birth, and wore decorative iron armor when he wasn't outfitted with clothes suiting his rank in the Dominion. Mandel was renegade of Valenwood, a common criminal. The two would be disgusted by eachothers presence if not under different circumstances. A crew body approached the two and gestured them to below deck, where they would be staying until their arrival. Mandel placed the crate on a small table in their cabin, and removed the lid with his brittle iron dagger. Inside were 8 ebony arrows, a wooden bow, two ebony daggers, an ebony long sword, and varying poisons in a multitude of colors. Kalabor took out a rag and poured the contents of a black bottle onto the rag, making certain that it not touch his skin. He slapped a leather glove on his left hand and took the long sword in his right. He pressed the rag to the blade, and spread the poison across each edge. When he finished, he sheathed the weapon, placed it back inside the crate, and continued to do the same with the daggers using different poisons. "How long's this trip going to be?" Kalabor was uncertain, but it would be rude to not give his friend an answer. "A day and a half, maybe two". Mandel seemed upset "do you know for certain, or are you just telling me what I would like to hear?". "How long do you think it takes to get to the Imperial City from Alinor?" Kalabor was done talking, so he removed Elenwen's missive from his boot, and began to read it once more. Under her authority, he was to board this ship alone, and meet her in the Imperial City. From there he was to meet her, and act as security along with a young soldier named Talwen. Kalabor now knew that name far too well. "What now?" Mandel blurted out. "Now" Kalabor answered "We sink this ship. Remember Mandel, no survivors. I am to have died here, now let's get this over with".