Forged of Dark Remnants: A Guide to Sutch (Part I)

Eis Vuur Warden, Wayward and Contract Scholar of the Ebonheart Pact Circa 2E 576

Greetings to the traveler who stumbles upon this pamphlet.

My name is Eis Vuur Warden, an esteemed scholar, historian, cosmologist, and former member of the Imperial Geographical Society (due to strange and alarming circumstances in the Imperial City). As a long-term of inhabitant of the City of Chaos due to my…checkered past, I haven taken it upon myself to construct a guide for those finding themselves wandering to the Black Town of the Gold Coast (for what reason I can’t even begin to fathom).

Sutch is one of the ten ancestral cities of the province of Cyrodiil, the others being Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Chorrol, Cheydinhal, Kvatch, Leyawiin, Skingrad, and The Imperial City. Often given a dark name for its origins and general atmosphere, Sutch is actually a city of much importance despite the locales always destroying it every few years or so. If you would like to learn more about it, please read my work Sutch: A History for more information (because quite frankly, I do not feel like recounting the entire thing here).

#####Districts of Sutch Like the great Imperial City in the center of Cyrodiil, the city of Sutch is also divided into many districts…seventeen in fact. This extends back all the way into ancient times, when the city was built by freethinking Ayleids in open mockery of their more traditional brethren in White-Gold Tower. Each district has many historical landmarks and control a certain aspect in the city, offering both benefits and detriments to those who enter them. The Districts are in order: Twilight Way, Schemer’s Forum, Devil’s Bazaar, Eternal Librarius, Hunter’s Bounty, The Crystal Atrium, The Infernal Quarry, Harborage of Desolation, The Bloodbaths, Lightkeeper’s Solace, Master’s Manacle, Corroding Stones, Shadow’s Embrace, Reaper’s Harvest, Disorderly House, Bedlam, and Lucid Gardens.

Two ‘unofficial’ districts also exist: Castle Sutch (nicknamed The Gloomy Citadel in ill humor at some point in time) where the Count rules over in the center of the city and Fort Sutch Abbey (also known as the Fortress of Screams because of an…incident. Yes, just an innocent little incident in the past), a historical keep that has defended the city from attacks beyond the border but not attacks from within the border.

#####Atmosphere of Sutch

Upon reaching Sutch, do not be disturbed by the multiple attitudes of its residents. Some of them are constantly angry, ready to fight over the smallest incident. Others are extremely cheery, ready to adopt you as a member of their family and then some. This is standard behavior here, and you must adapt to it in order to survive. Literally. Freedom is at the heart of this city, the freedom of choice in nearly all facets of life. Only the religion of the Eight Divines (but not their Missing Brother Shezarr) is met with some form of irritation and distaste. They allow it, but do not expect much love from the residents if you are a particularly zealous member. Other than that, people from all walks of life and conditions are allowed to settle in Sutch.

####Factions of Importance There are not many true organizations in Sutch, especially traditional ones found in the rest of Cyrodiil. Instead a few more unique one exists in the city under the authority of the Count, but would ultimately answer to the Emperor’s will…except for the fact, well, there is no Emperor at this time.

#####The Black Guard

The Black Guard are both the security and ‘law & order’ of Sutch, created during its first stint of independency but interestingly kept as a central part of the city despite its constant destruction and rebuilding. This also adds to the Guard’s uniqueness of being outside the authority of the Imperial Legion, functioning instead as a group of mercenaries in essence. Dressed in and armed with Imperial style Daedric armor and weaponry, they are some of the fiercest warriors to ever grace Cyrodiil. Membership in the Guard is open to all races, but certain oaths must be undertaken first. Some are verbal, others are bound in blood. Although warriors in the Guard stand at attention in many parts of the city and are able to handle most threats with ease, they do have a strong abhorrence for doing anything that invokes ‘stasis’ and ‘unneeded rigidity’. Because of this, most outsiders tend to look down upon the Black Guard as little more than a group of self-righteous thugs. But if one looks past their rough and peculiar exteriors, one can find a honorable army at the command of the Count that will defend the people of Sutch to the last breath.

#####Enchantresses of Clarity

An exclusive all-woman faction of mages, the first thing one should remember is to NOT call them witches; your health may suddenly take a dire turn for the worst uttering that word in the presence of an Enchantress of Clarity. They cannot be found wandering the city usually and their rations and other supplies are generally brought to them mainly due to a simple yet important detail of their attire: their gowns are completely see-through and they choose not to wear undergarments. This is part of their customs and is left ignored by the Black Guard. But woe to the ones who stare at them for enjoyment rather instead of with respect – castration, banishment, intermediate uncoiling, and death are some of the minor punishments for those that partake in such rude activity. Known for their skill in all of the Schools of Magic, their services are often sought out by civilians en masse. They are reminiscent of the Mages Guild in a fashion, but I would personally not mention that in their presence. They can be found in Clarity Cathedral near Castle Sutch.

#####Fighters of Free Lance

No, they don’t just use lances. Some use swords and warhammers and daggers and bows and axes and…you get the point. The Fighters of Free Lance are a group of mercenaries that can be found only in Sutch in their legendary Free Lance Hall near Castle Sutch. Decked in specialized chainmail, the Fighters are typically hired to perform services in County Sutch but may be spotted in other parts of Cyrodiil completing their tasks. Their own historical records show that they were founded by a spurned warrior who was refused to join both the Fighter’s Guild and the Companions because of her excessive brutality during tryouts, so she traveled to Sutch to form her own group of mercenaries where there would be no limitations on the amount of violence they could deal and where they would not be subjugated to unneeded rules. Thus, the Fighters of Free Lance were born. With their services cheap and affordable to both the common man and the stuffiest noble, the Fighters are often seen on the go and are considered the most disciplined mercs one can find.

#####Oblivion in Miniature: The Seventeen Districts

In ancient times when Sutch was still known as Sunnalor, the seventeen districts were originally dedicated to the Daedric Princes of Oblivion and modeled after their spheres. Despite the countless rebuildings the city has been subjugated to, its infamous districts have never been completely erased; architects only return to rebuild it exactly as it was before. Some people suggest godly interference, I say those are some damn good architects. Each district is separated from the others by walls and blackened steel gates. All seventeen are described at the best of my capability below in an order corresponding with the Princes in alphabetical order – which is to say, I think I did alright.

#####Twilight Way We begin first with Twilight Way, as it is not only the first district one will encounter upon arrival in Sutch but is also the place where one might buy a permanent home as well. An important part of Sutch and noted for its sheer amount of denizens, Twilight Way is in charge of residency in the city (because of this it is double the size of the other districts). Still showing signs of Ayleid architecture combined with the cultural style of Colovia, roses of multiple colors dot the whole of the place and make one feel as if they have traveled back in time. Through some mysterious circumstances (or perhaps leftover merish dawn and earth magicks) the homes and inns of the district change color in correspondence of the time of day; at dawn they seem to burn a fiery pink, at dusk a cold cobalt. Like in the other nine cities beggars are frequent here, but unlike in those cities they have city-paid homes in the area the locals call Moon’s Grace. However, they are not as elaborate or as beautiful as the homes of the nobles, artisans, and merchants that can be found in the area of Star’s Love. Where these two areas meet stands an ancient statue of the Daedric Prince of Dawn and Dust, Azura, the patron of the district.

All inns are found here, especially the more famous ones like ‘The Colovian’s Dog’ and ‘The Gold and Ash’. The citizens here openly speak of their fondness of the area, stating that it’s a place where others do not judge (normally) and keep to themselves. Rumors abound that former Daedra worshippers, ex-Morag Tong, Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood members, retired mercenaries, cunning politicians, vampires, lycanthropes, and the occasional rogue bandit or two call the district home; they’re probably true. As I have said, Sutch does not frown down upon differing walks of life like other places in the Empire. Sorry if I seem to be repeating myself; sometimes you have to in order to nail some things firmly in bigoted minds.

#####Schemer’s Forum Unlike the other cities in Cyrodiil, the Count’s and Countess’ reign here in Sutch is not secured by blood but by their ability to rule. For this reason a new district was formed to house the politicians that competed (and still compete) for the Throne of Sutch. He or she with the strongest will to win is often awarded the throne, but several previous rulers succeeded in their plans with more deceitful measures and plots of intrigue. Because of this, the district was named Schemer’s Forum in honor of the more devious Counts and Countesses of Sutch. At the entrance of the district stands a statue of the Daedric Prince of Plots himself Boethiah, striking a pose that advocates both sternness and ingenuity. Buildings concerning law, government, and dealings with the other cities can be found here. It is not uncommon for bosses to mysteriously disappear in the middle of the night, only for their strangely happy lieutenants to take their place posthumously. If you wish to work here during your stay in Sutch, I would advise you to be on your guard. Never know when a dagger in the back might end your political career. Literally.

Of special note is the local news organization, the Concealed Conspirer, that always seems to get information on things going on in the Empire and Beyond faster than other esteemed printing presses like the Black Horse Courier, although the latter is vastly more popular than the former.

#####Devil’s Bazaar

I would be sure to remember this district, as it will soon become one you’ll be constantly running through. If one is feeling peckish, desiring new fashions, or wishing to trade away belongs with both innocents and outsiders then look no further than Devil’s Bazaar. The hub of all things buying and selling in Sutch, this district features thousands of stalls that seem to never close selling all manners of food (except for meat, for a reason that shall be discussed later), clothing, jewelry, trinkets, and other things that certain people might find valuable. Items that are usually rare such as daedra hearts, ebony and other rare metals, banned or burned books, skooma, and soul gems of any variety can usually be found rattling somewhere amongst the vendors, who themselves vary as much as their merchandise. In the middle of the buying chaos stands a statue of Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Prince of Wishes, and his hound Barbas. It seems that his presence imbues the Market with a bit of his vestige, as sometimes the only thing one has to do is shout the name of the item they need and a vendor will immediately appear before them with exactly what you asked.

Right behind the statue of Clavicus Vile rests the Fountain of Wishes, where travelers and residents may make a wish and toss a septim into the waters in an effort to make it come true. Rumors abound that the water of the fountain comes from Clavicus’ realm of Oblivion, giving it mystical properties.

#####Eternal Librarius

Have an appetite for knowledge? Then the district of Eternal Librarius is the place for you. Imagine the biggest library you’ve ever been in. Now triple that size. This is the prized district of Sutch that scholars, philosophers, librarians, scribes, and other individuals of literary background from all over Tamriel come to do their research in peace. Tomes detailing everything from cooking recipes to the summoning of spirits to transliminal transportation can be found here unless already being read by another scholar (and even then; it’s not uncommon for a sorcerer or two to create a copy of a book instead of simply taking the entire thing out of respect or insight). Banned books do not exist here in Sutch; even the most ghastly works of literature can be found amongst the shelves. The streets here wind and twist like the tentacles of a great kraken, all stemming forth from a massive golden eye in the center of the district. Another ancient statue rests in the middle of this eye – the likeness of Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate, is crafted in such a way it almost seems like the Prince is materializing out of nothingness.

At the base of the statue’s pedestal lies a crystal ball being lifted by small visages of men, mer, and beastfolk. Written in Daedric around the ball is “The Gardener of Men”, an old name for Mora. It is said that one can communicate with the Prince through the ball, but the actual ritual has been lost to the ages.

#####Hunter’s Bounty

Whereas other cities in Cyrodiil merge their markets together, Hunter’s Bounty is dedicated exclusively to the art of butchery. Hunters from all walks of life from across Tamriel are able to come here and sell whatever meats, furs, teeth, and other animal parts from deer, moose, bear, wolf, troll, sabre cat, and more during their chases within Sutch. More exotic furs and meats, like werewolf pelts and swamp leviathan tentacles for example, can also be attained here. A statue to Lord Hircine, Daedric Prince of the Hunt, stands proudly within this district armed with his legendary Spear of Bitter Mercy. The Huntsmen and Huntswomen can also be hired to track and kill creatures for individuals with a rather large amount of money, so if you desire a certain type of pelt or eyeball from a particular beast it’s a fine idea to come here first before visiting some stuffy alchemist shop elsewhere.

If one seeks a furry companion during their travels or hunts than the building of Cur’s Tooth should be your first destination within this district. Specially trained hounds are sold here for three-hundred septims each, and will stay loyal to the person who buys them to the very end.

#####The Crystal Atrium

A bit looked down upon by the other districts, the Crystal Atrium is dedicated to the mysterious Jyggalag, Daedric Prince of Perfect Order, whose statue is almost directly in front of the entrance inside this place. The duties of the district are strange and somewhat unable to be correctly guessed, but the citizens of the other sixteen sections state that the people within are ‘trying to both decipher and create the correct formula for ideality’. The buildings here are bland, grey, and flawless. Nothing is broken or in disrepair, and disturbingly exactly the same. Even the people here dress in the same greyish robes, dye their hair white, and wear masks in the shape of crystals (similar to the mask of Lord Jyggalag) in order to negate the ability of change.

Because of, well, it’s absolute boringness nothing notable exists within the Crystal Atrium. No factions, no orders, no stores, no anything. The people of the other districts practically never come to this place, but the district of Bedlam in particular enjoys disturbing the eerie tranquility of the Atrium by launching raids of whimsy or reciting bawdy poems out loud when they pass through.

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