Assessment On The Education Of The Common Tamrielic Undergraduate [Report I]

Research And Notes Compiled By: Eis Vuur Warden, Scholar of the Imperial Geographical Society and Auxiliary Professor at the Imperial Polytechnic of Mundane and Extra-Liminal Studies, Circa 3E 429

Attached Note From Master Warden: This report, created as a personal favor for the Emperor, is meant only for the viewing of the Emperor and myself. In other words if you are not Uriel Septim VII then drop this immediately!

#A Brief History Of IPMEAS

The Imperial Polytechnic of Mundane and Extra-Liminal Studies (IPMELS) was officially completed at the beginning of the fourth century of the Third Era in 3E 408, and was headed by Provost Damian Montclair. Provost Montclair personally paid for the construction of the place of learning, using the wealth he had collected from his years as a scholar of the Imperial Geographic Society before his retirement. The main purpose of IPMELS was to allow the common Tamrielic young adult, regardless of race, a chance to learn a proper view of our world after elementary institutions or home schooling.

IPMELS has given rise to many famous individuals, who immediately go on to join esteemed organizations such as the Arcane University or the Imperial Geographic Society. However, over the years the quality of admissions and curriculum has diminished dramatically, with even some potential scholars dropping out before their terms are up! Because of this, I have decided to create this report to study the reason why so many undergraduates are giving up on a well needed and well paid for education.

#Freshman Courses

Firstly, we shall take a look at the syllabus of a freshman pupil in order to deduce which classes could be challenging for a new scholar at IPMEAS. There are nine classes at the Imperial Polytechnic of Mundane and Extra-Aurbical Studies, with four of them being electives that a scholar can take up depending on individual interests:

Freshman Syllabus

  • Advanced Arithmetic
  • Herbology
  • Ehlnofex Studies
  • Cross-Examinations of Tamrielic Cultures
  • [Lunch]
  • Aedric and Daedric Metaphysics
  • History of the Aurbis
  • Alchemic Properties/Smithing Strategies
  • [Free Period]
  • Creative Writing/Insights of Literacy
  • Fantastic Beasts and How to Fight Them
  • Delving into the Nature of Magicka
  • [Study Hall/Debate Hall]

An important note I would like to state here first is that the Elder Council has (on multiple occasions) requested that the Headmaster segregate the classrooms. I find this foolish and unnecessary. I will not lie; it is difficult to teach lectures to a room full of the many diverse races of Tamriel, but it has never resulted in death like they keep assuming it will. Sure, serious injuries have happened before but no one has actually died.

The most hated class at IPMEAS seems to be Ehlnofex Studies, taught by Professor Whitethorn. It’s slightly understandable; even fellow teachers believe that the studying of the Ehlnofey is an unimportant subject. Professor Whitethorn frequently argues that the Ehlnofey Wars are very important and that the everyday Tamrielic should understand their nature. The only race that can be noted for caring about this class are the Altmer, but even they tend to roll their eyes at some of the concepts. The other races attitudes to this seminar are even less enthusiastic, with some aspiring scholars falling asleep in class.

The most popular class (unsurprisingly) is Fantastic Beasts and How to Fight Them taught by Professor Nija, mostly because young adults are very fond of discussing the killing of monsters, both native and outside of their home provinces. Many of the pupils are proud to discuss stories of fighting common vermin (such as skeevers and swamp rats) in their parents homes, or being allowed on hunting trips into the countryside to fight other creatures. All and all, it’s a ‘fun’ course.

The mindset for the other classes are generally looked at with a mixture of mild interest and boredom by the students, whose interests in such subjects depends on personal opinion or even racial background, which leads me to my next point.

#Races and Graduate Average Percentage

As you may know, Graduate Average Percentage (GAP) is the amount of successful tests and essays an undergraduate has completed that result in grade points combined with their general behavior at school and on travel seminars. The next table details the common GAP of the Ten Races of Tamriel during the last five months of school.

[The maximum GPA that a scholar can accumulate is thirty-two grade points, with the amount needed to graduate IPMEAS being twenty-eight.]


Something I am very pleased to see is that none of the races are below twenty, which is reassuring. The students at IPMEAS, despite the dropouts, are very capable young adults.

The Imperials have the highest GAP with an average of thirty-one. Fellow colleagues deduce that this because of the institute being in their home province, and thus they want to represent Cyrodiil. However, this has also led to the Imperial pupils acting arrogant and believing that their professors will cut corners for them on certain assignments, which angers them when it doesn't happen.

The Altmer come in with the second highest with a twenty-nine average. A proud, studious people, the High Elves native culture gives them the advantage of learning new ideals and concepts. However, similar to the Imperials, they are arrogant and this causes Altmer pupils problems. Also to note is that the Altmer are horrible at sudden quizzes, because on the Summerset Isles tests are given on specific dates.

The Bretons are the third highest, with a twenty-eight average. This is to be suspected from the citizens of High Rock, the political province. The Manmer are taught reading skills and the arts of persuasion from a young age, but this focus on literacy and linguistics outweighs their academics sometimes. Hopefully, we will see some more Breton accountants after graduation.

The Redguards and Dunmer tie for fourth highest with a twenty-seven average. The Redguards are one of the most academic races despite their focus on fighting in their culture, as they descend from the technologically superior Yokudans of old. The Dunmer are also similar in this respect, with their everyday lives being influenced by ancient Chimeri customs. Also, both of these races are known for studying Dwemeri artifacts.

The Bosmer and the Nords tie for fifth highest with a twenty-six average. The Bosmer themselves are a very intelligent race, but their wild culture lifestyle causes them to be more carefree in their studies. Likewise, the Nords generally only teach the skills and academics that will benefit them in their everyday lives.

The Khajiit and Argonians tie for sixth highest with a twenty-five average. The Khajiit are generally hyperactive during classes, resulting in them being more playful and relaxed at their studies. The Argonians on the other hand, are lousy at keeping track of school time, causing them to be either late or early depending on their class.

The Orsimer have the lowest GAP, with a twenty-four average. The Orcs themselves are fairly intelligent; however, their recent assimilation into the Empire has led to them being introduced to a new method of learning and they are growing accustomed to it.

End of Report One.