Concerning the Burglary of The North Colovian Masterwork Collective - Fralyn Melo

The following letter was found in the room of Auregus Lucenna at the Sisters of the Sands Inn, Sentinel, shortly after the discovery of his death on 9th of Evening Star, 4E 166

18th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 166

Arch-Curator Auregus,

It is with great bitterness and disappointment that I write to you now, for the news these words bring is not bright. The main Collective vault in Cheydinhal has been relieved of several choice pieces whilst under the supervision of Initiates Thedorus Mallus and Vorden Hlaalu last night. Vorden has since, at the time of writing, been detained in Skingrad for attempting to fist-fight a noble in the streets. Apparently he obtained a large amount of money from somewhere and spent much of it on drink. I assure you, I will do what I can to retrieve the wretch from the authorities and make sure he is dealt with before he says anything he'll regret.

As for Mallus, I'm afraid he may be more of an issue. I have serious reason to believe that the bastard is actually involved in the theft himself. Firstly, he's written one of his poems, describing in detail the events of the burglary. Whether these details are accurate, I severely doubt (he blames much of the thievery on a 'nightingale'. Imagine, a bird stealing paintings. Preposterous!), however, he does list exactly which items were stolen. Namely:

  • 1 Landscape of The Imperial Reserve - Rythe Lythandas
  • 1 Tapestry depicting the ending of the Oblivion Crisis - Possible Cherim
  • 2 Attempted reconstructions of The Poetic Edda - Various Authors
  • 1 Painting depicting Uriel V, presented with a blade by an Echmer councillor - Unknown
  • 1 Ornamental Flute - Uthrad Long-Stride
  • 2 Bardic compendiums - Kieran
  • 2 Ceremonal skyforge swords - Eorlund Grey-Mane
  • 1 Edition of Oghma Infinium - Unknown
  • 1 Dwemer clockwork pocket time-telling device - Discovered by Authrentius Sorrenti
  • 1 Edition of Power of the Elements - Archmage Shalidor
  • 1 Painting depicting Talos bidding farewell to the King of Atmora - Unknown
  • 6 Stones of Barenziah - Various sources
  • 1 Edition of Questioning Answers - Unknown
  • The contents of the Collective's treasury - The North Colovain Masterwork Collective

The simple fact that he has had time to write this mockery clearly paints him as the mind behind the crime, if not the thief himself. The poem then ends with the following message from Mallus.

'Such wonders these halls do hoard, yet what gives a few magpie the right to line their nests with these riches when so many sparrows and crows go starved of knowledge, inspiration and beauty? Send your ravens if you will, but the Nightingale flies swift as the winds of Stros M'kai, so swift not even your lust can snare it. Greed is a terrible curse, my friends, for the fat bird may eat well, but his wings will often fail him when the starving come to peck at his feathers.'

My contacts assure me that a carriage laden with 'farming produce' headed north through Pale Pass in the early hours of this morning, likely arriving in Riften. With your permission, I will stir every ally we have in Skyrim, reclaim what has been taken from us and ensure Mallus never breaths a word of our organisation. Preferably I'd like to ensure he never breaths a word from his filthy mouth ever again, but I know your feelings on murder. Though I'm sure you'd agree, these are exceptional circumstances.


First Warden Fralyn Melo