Strengthening Legion Sentries

This missive is directed to the Legion Affairs and Armament Office, Green Emperor Way, Imperial City.

I, Dacio Teutonius, Legate in the Third Legion, by the grace of our magesty Emperor Cephorus, have secured the means to develop and furnish our frontline forts with a new type of item that will double the efficiency of our watchmen. The sentinels on duty in our forts across County Bruma tend to suffer greatly the cold of these closing months of the year, yet no year bore such biting frost as this one. The harsh winter has been taking its toll on the brave souls that keep their careful watch over the Skyrim border. The cold and the thick darkness of these winter nights make guards' minds dull and lost. If the frost makes your head float, the dark makes your watch hopeless. Therefore, I have secured a contract that, if approved by this esteemed office, will deal with this problem effectively, cheaply and to the soldiers' delight. I've made a request in name of the Legion to a well-known breton alchemist that is a citizen of Skingrad. His name is Richaud Fyrbarr, and he is also an experienced vintner with a vast vineyard in County Skingrad. He provided a concoction that he proudly named Shadowbanish Wine. This wine is specifically made to tackle the issues I've mentioned. It not only tastes great, it also keeps guards pleasantly warm and has an alchemical effect that allows one to see clearly in the dark. What scholars call Night-Eye. I encourage the colleagues of the Legion Affairs Office not to worry about inebriation on duty. The alcoholic effects were toned down by Richaud with the long shifts of our lads in mind. Thus, I ask the Office's approval of this project, which has seen great success amongst my garrison, and the wine's distribution through our largest border forts as a test during the first year. I believe this endeavour to be a great aid in fine tuning our armies in the war effort against Solitude. The details and contract requiring the Emperor's Sigil follow together with this missive as do two bottles of Shadowbanish Wine. I encourage the esteemed Office colleagues to taste and try the effects of the beverage. I wish you a good day and may our lads' blades always strike true and first. For the Emperor.

Legate Dacio Teutonius
Turdas, 6 Hearthfire
Year of Akatosh 3 E 133
Fort Horunn
County Bruma