Winterhold College Textbook: Practical Application of Destruction: Chapter I: Animals and Wildlife


If you are reading this book, than it is no doubt that you have already studied much of the basics of destruction magic, and for many mages who do not major in destruction, they may not wishes to consider further studies into the school. However, if one’s goal is to become a battlemage, they are recommended to study through this book, which will teach how to properly use destruction magic against different kind of opponents and various categories of defenses. And for those who do wishes to study further in destruction, they still might find this book insightful.

Most common prey or, even enemies, adventurers and hedge mages would face are the wildlife and animals that hunts the road, and while they may not always be hostile, caution is still strongly advised whilst dealing with them. This chapter will divide these various animals into five different categories:

  1. Avian creatures, such as birds and hawks;
  2. Small creatures, such as rabbits and foxes;
  3. Large preys, such as deer and moose;
  4. Large predators, such as saber cats, wolves or bears;
  5. Gigantic creatures, such as mammoths.

Avian Creatures

Avian creatures, though unlikely to pose any kind of threat to anyone, are usually hunted for their feathers, which are often used in fletching arrows or producing decorations. Though hunters often uses bows, such practices requires years of training in order to use effectively, instead, aspiring mages who wants to hunt down birds and hawks might consider using magic to aid them. Due to the fact that these creatures usually dwells in high altitudes, most projectile spell can easily miss, even a “Firebolt” spell cast specifically for long range. So, in order to reliably hit these creatures, most mages would use lightning spells which allows one to instantaneously strike distant targets. Most of the time, a simple “ Lightning Bolt” would suffice, however, when one see a flock of birds travelling nearby, don’t hesitate to cast “Chain Lightning” on them, a single volley will bring them down efficiently, and the next time you visit a general goods store, you might just walk out a few septims richer.

Small Creatures

Rabbits and foxes are mostly harmless, however, they could provide the necessary energy for travelers should find themselves low on food supplies. They often darts around bushes or high-grown grass and could be a bit tricky to spot, and most noises would scare them, so it is recommended not to use loud spells if you want to hunt them for a meal. Of course, if one can spot such a creature, then almost any fast projectile or instant spell would kill them, however, the most effective way to capture them is to simply use a trap. Place a rune spell on a rather exposed area, and put some sort of food on it, preferably a carrot or a slice of apple, then just simply wait for the animal to take the bait. If one plans on eating the prey later, then “Fire Rune” is usually suggested, as it shortens the time needed to spend on cooking the meal.

Large Preys

Moose and deer are common sight upon the plains of Skyrim , and they are amongst the majority of wolves and saber cat’s diet. Adventurers and hunters alike usually refer to them as “game”, due to the fact that they are usually most commonly hunted by the citizens of Skyrim. Besides the wondrous feast they can provide to hungry travelers, their carcasses and furs can sell for quite a few bags of septims on the market. However, most of these large preys are easily frightened, and can run faster than most wolves if they spot potential predators, while most hunters resort to the more mundane uses of traps and webs to capture them, those with an affinity for arcane magic could easily do without. As with all fast targets, spells need to be reasonably fast to be reliable, although lightning spells can be quite effective in that regard, its unpredictability and erratic nature means that it could take most novices several salvo to bring down such a large target. Of course, this is by no means to say that such spells are ineffective in the hand of a master, however, those less skilled in the craft are advised to look for alternatives. Instead, they might find fire spells quite effective in this regard, a fast “ Firebolt” spell could easily catch up to the target, and no more than two volley should be needed if the caster is even half-competent.

Large Predators

Wolves are common enemies an adventurer would face on the road, and despite so, many an unfortunate travelers have met they end on the jaws of such creatures. A single wolf is generally easy to deal with, a single spell, no matter what kind, are usually enough to incapacitate them easily, however, as they usually hunt in packs, they could prove troublesome. As with almost all beasts, they are afraid of fire, and so, “Flames” and assortments of fire spells are quite effective, and one could usually exchange power for some crowd-containment, because if they are set on fire, few would have the courage to fight any longer. Should you find your magicka runs dry, you could also wave a torch if you happen to carry one. Sabre cats and bears are much tougher to handle, although they rarely travel together, the sabre cats’ ferocity and bears’ resilience could spell death for unwary adventurers. To deal with sabre cats, the recommended approach is to eliminate the target from afar, and to retreat if one is getting too close, its ability in close quarters are not to be underestimated, its claws could even tear holes in fine steel armor. Should one catch up to you, focuses on the strength of your spells instead of range or area, and also, prioritizes spells which could exert a large amount of force. Using ice spells are recommended, not only will the ice chunks knock back the target, its chilling grasp will also slow its advance. When facing with a bear, using spells with large destructive potentials are favored, also, since bears usually possess thick hides and furs, armor-penetrating spells might be preferred., and setting a bear on fire will also gradually wear him down. If all else fails, one could place a rune in the path and wait for it to charge you, the slow mobility of bears should give you ample time to use such incantations.

Gigantic Creatures

The only creature that most travelers would face are mammoths , herded by the giants as pets. The only practical advice would be not to engage in battle with any such creatures or the giants protecting them, failing to do so would surely acquaint one with death. Of course, master mages and high-ranking warlocks are capable of engaging them with great precaution, however, if one is studying this book, it is a sign that they are not ready to deal with these creatures.