A Hope In The Starry Heart(CYOA Part 3)

The Ruby Thrown sits empty once more. Emperor Titus Mede II is dead, and Cyrodiil is in crisis. You are Constantine Milan IV, esteemed member of the Elder Council, and the burden of guiding the Empire to greatness falls on your shoulders once more.

Watcher of The Stars

You have long been interested in the Magna Ge, those mysterious spirits who broke through the night sky and into the heavens beyond. Night after night you tracked their movements with your telescope, logging each change in color and direction. One day your father brought home an old book called the Magna Ge Pantheon, which you have had little luck in deciphering. You continue to watch the night skies in the hope of gaining insight into the mysteries of Aetherius.

The heavens are not your only defining factor, however. Worldly affairs have shaped much of your life, such as where you grew up.

You grew up in:

[ ] Cyrodiil- The temperate land of Cyrodiil has always been your home. Here you learned that honeyed words and a silver tongue can get you much further than a knife. (Increased experience with persuasion)

[ ] Morrowind- Your father became an Ambassador to Morrowind. You grew up in that harsh volcanic wasteland, still recovering from the chaos of the Red Year. There you learned how adversity breeds greatness. (Increased resolve)

[ ] High Rock- Your father sent you to High Rock to learn the art of state craft. There you learned the value of secrecy and intrigue early in life. (Long experience with espionage.)

[ ] Skyrim- The roots of political tension among the Jarls were growing during your childhood, and your father was sent to keep an eye on the situation by certain interested parties. You learned that words can only get you so far. Strength is what really matters. (Experience in intimidating others.)

[ ] Hammerfell- Your father sent you to Stros M'Kai to further train you in astronomy. It was there that you learned that honor was important, and having a code of honor set you above everyone else. (Personal code of honor.)

To be continued...