The Greatest Lie or: The Ramblings of an Impossibly Madmer

I am [NUMINIT]. This is my Truth. I have devoted the entirety of my life to mastering the principles of Illusion, which, in its fundamentality, is Truth and Falsehood. My inferiors are content to practice our art upon the Mundane, and believe the Divine to be beyond their reach. This is not my Truth.

I see now the New Medium, intent upon destroying Alinor by imposing its truth on the Mundus as Truth. Where others of our kind see the real as impossibly so, I see instead possibility in the future and possibility in the art of Truth. I, rather than limiting my Art to the perceptions of the Mundane, reach out into the Aurbis and ask myself: is the Divine not also bound by the concepts of Truth and Falsehood? Thus I first began to comprehend what I began to comprehend, and in doing so realized the Certain Truth and the Greatest Lie.

This Certain Truth is that all things are bound by Truth and Falsehood, no matter how Mundane or Divine they may be, and no matter how well or poorly we are capable of understanding this. Though we may see in certain Falsehoods an Immutable Truth and in some Truths an Impossible Falsehood, this changes not the crux of the matter: all things in the Aurbis are Truth or Falsehood. There is no ambiguity in this, try though the Mundane might to sully this most Certain Truth.

In realizing this Certain Truth, I gained the first glimmers of insight into the Greatest Lie. Though Truth and Falsehood are, in and of themselves, immutable concept, this pays no regard to the Lens. The Lens is the manner in which all things are realized in the mind, whether in the youths of Alinor or the most venerable of spirits, all things that recognize Truth and Falsehood do so through the Lens. The Lens, however, is a fragile things. It can be molded. It can be warped. It can be shattered. In this realization, I ask myself again: is the Divine not also bound by the Concepts of Truth and Falsehood?

Thus, the Greatest Lie. The warping of the greatest Lens of the Aurbis. In my many meditations, I have come upon a number of Truths and Falsehoods of the Cosmos, many of which defy articulation and understanding. This, however, changes not the nature of these things. I see, in my mind as much as in the Aurbis, the nature of Truth and of Falsehood. I see now that even in the Divine, the perception of Truth is mutable. In the Mundus, the perception of Truth is especially mutable. The New Medium, the ultimate folly of the Deep Folk, an unnatural amalgam of Mundane and Divine, is a changer of Truth, though it is no less bound to the perceptions of the Aurbis and the Concepts of Truth and Falsehood itself. In this, a certain realization is apparent: if the New Medium is a changer of Perception, a shaper of the Divine Lens, then why is it not possible for the Divine Lens to be itself shaped in a way that removes the New Medium from the Peception of the Aurbis?

Such a thing would not be possible without the intimate knowledge of the Aurbic Lens, the greatest of Perceptions on which the Mundane is built and shaped. Such a thing would be called by any other Mundane being Falsehood. Such thoughts are rejection of the Certain Truth. I, however, Perceive the Truth of the Aurbis. The Certain Truth and the Lens are. In my meditations, I have seen the true shape of the Aurbis. I see in my mind a great Wheel upon which all the Mundane and Divine is supported, though this is but one narrow interpretation of the limits of Existence. I prefer to see the Wheel as a great disk, with Truth on one surface and Falsehood on the other, a reflection of the Certain Truth in the architecture of the Aurbis, as just as all things are contained within this great disk, all things are between Truth and Falsehood, but never beyond. From this, then, there must be some separation of Truth from Falsehood, and upon seeing the side of the Disk, one sees the Aurbic Lens, the true shape of things and the manner through which all things are known to us, Mundane or Divine. Such things, however, are the domain only of the Royalty of this existence, and it is only through deception and Falsehood that one can become capable of Perception of the Certain Truth.

In this Perception comes realization: just as all things in the Aurbis are mutable, so then must be the Aurbic Lens. The New Medium realizes this, and grinds and shapes the Lens to remove certain Truths from the Perception of the Aurbis. I theorize, then, that the New Medium is itself within the Aurbic Lens and thus vulnerable to the shaping of Perception. This, then is the Greatest Lie: to convince the Aurbis that the mundane is Royalty. In accomplishing this, it becomes possible to convince the Aurbis that the New Medium is an impossibility beyond Truth and Falsehood, for if nothing exists beyond Truth and Falsehood, then anything beyond must, by necessity, be as nothing to the Aurbis. To accomplish this, it is necessary to accept that all within the Aurbis is one in Perception, between Truth and Falsehood, and in doing so, remove the New Medium from Perception. Such a thing is only possible, though, through the theft of Royalty and the usurpation of the Divine. Such feats are beyond the scope of the Mundane and the domain of the Aurbic Royalty.

By shaping the Lens, it is possible to remove the New Medium and to convince the Aurbis that no such thing exists in the endless time and space of the Wheel-come-Disk. Such would be the greatest deception in the entirety of possibility. Such would be the Greatest Lie never told. Such would be at once the acme of my Art and the ultimate endeavor of the Aurbis. If I am successful, the realm of possibility is laid before me as I shape the Lens of Perception as I see fit, as Royalty will be my birthright through Perception. This is my Truth.