An Overview of 9th Century Ayleids and their place in the Aurbis

The Traveler's Guide to 9th Era Aurbis

Chapter 2, Part II: The Ayleidoon Hegemony*

Population: Estimated 2-4 Million

Aurbical Location: Oblivion (Colored Rooms and the surrounding environs, Various Installations throughtout the Aurbis)

Capital: Sol Elér

Population Composition: 40% Altmer; 45% Bosmer; 10% Daedra (Auroran); 5% Other. Note - Implying that the Bosmer or Altmer are anything but 'Ayleids' generally results in anger.

A Very Brief History:

Self styled 'Ayleids' (In fact, all Ayleids resemble ancient Bosmer and/or Altmer and for the most part are genetically altered Dunmer) are recorded in Memory as far back as the 'late' 5th Era. It was not until the 'mid' 6th that they formed any sort of political entity, and at the time, it was mostly a rebellious faction from within the controlled lands of the Great Houses of the Dunmeri. They were exiled from Masser & Secunda as a means to remove a thorn in the Great Houses side. Proving more resourceful then the Dunmeri had given them credit, they established various colonies in Oblivion. After a series of civil war amongst the Ayleid people on who was to rule, The Ayleid capital of Sol Elér aided by Meridia's Aurorans was able to establish an Hegemony. With power finally consolidated, The Hegemony began its first foray onto inter-aurbical scene. Well know acts commited to memory include the signing of the Golden Concordat, the first state to recognize the Aurbical Trade Syndicate as its own political entity. This of course, set up the Hegemony to become one of, if not THE wealthiest faction within the Aurbis.

Things a traveler should know when dealing with the Ayleids:

While not xenophobic, The Ayleidoon Hegemony has a propensity for finding themselves superior to anyone who is not Ayleid, or Auroran. Known for their zealous idolization of the Sun and Magnus, what they lack in technical capabilities they make up for in religious fervor. Be wary of signing contracts with Ayleids, as they enjoy making the unwary traveler into indentured servants.

Dealing with Hegemon officials & Aurorans:

Generally speaking you will be treated with cold indifference. At worst they will find you even more inferior then the average Ayleid would and refuse to deal with you at all. At best, the treat you with distaste. It is important to note that the hegemony does not protect visitors to their cities, and fighting a contract NEVER works against the interest of an Ayleid.

Political Position within the Aurbis:

The Ayleidoon Hegemony, coupled with its very close (almost symbiotic) relationship with the Aurbical Trade Syndicate makes the pair the alliance with the largest wealth in all of the Aurbis. Ideally aligned with Meridia, the Hegemony has generally non-hostile relations with the denizens of Oblivion. In regards to the Factions of the Mundus, The Hegemony remains a neutral faction, and along with the Aurbical Trade Syndicate makes a tidy sum selling their technology to all factions.

Interesting Facts:

-While generally a neutral entity, the Hegemony is known for providing top of the line military equipment to the highest bidder. In fact, Ayleidoon Military Hardware is often considered of the highest quality, if not expensive.

-Technically Speaking, the Ayleids have been extinct since before Landfall. Word of warning - Do not tell this to the Ayleids.

-Sol Elér has the reputation of being the most visually appealing place in all of the Aurbis, and in fact is technically part of Meridia's Colored Rooms.

-The Ayleids are known for their advanced magitech, including things such as their powerful Varla and Welkynd receptacles, but did you know that most of this tech is created by non Ayleids? Indeed, most advances in their technology come from their indentured servants.

I would personally like to thank /u/laurelanthalasa , /u/SilentMobeius & /u/Flatogeo for their input on this :)