The Comedy Stylings of Tamriel, part two: The Dunmer

by Aryn Sarnath, Bard's College alumni and hanger-on

Author's note: As a Dunmer myself, I can't help but have a predilection to my own culture. As such, I will try my hardest to represent my people neutrally, but please forgive any cultural posturing I may unintentionally commit

Much like our gold skinned cousins, we noble Dunmer of Morrowind have an unwarranted reputation for stoicism and complete comedic ineptitude. The Dunmer have historically used comedy as a means of bridging the gaps between the Great Houses. Dunmeri comedy is rooted deeply in theatrical arts, and as such, tends to be difficult for those outside our culture to understand.

"Anara: Please, serjo, go wherever you want. We got nothing to hide. We're loyal Imperial subjects. Clavides: As, I hear, are all Telvanni."--The Horror of Castle Xyr, by Baloth-Kul

That said, less esoteric humor is enjoyed by the average citizen and I'd be remiss to misrepresent my people as stuffy and uptight even in comedy. Often, our jokes tend towards the absurd.

"A Dunmer walks into a corner club and stops in her tracks when she sees a Guar as the bartender, cleaning jugs for Sujamma. She stares for a moment, when the Guar says 'what? Never seen a Guar bartender before?' And the woman replies 'Its not that, I'm just shocked the Kwama sold this place!' "

Historically, under the rule of the Tribunal of ALMSIVI before the Red Year, Ashlanders viewed the ALMSIVI as being usurpers of the true Tribunal. Often jokes circulated between the tribes painting the Temple negatively.

"A thief, a Temple spy, and a Temple Priest walks into a corner club. He orders Sujamma."

Rarely, some jokes would target ALMSIVI themselves.

"One day, Vivec declares Vvardenfell to be entirely for the Great Houses, and that the Ashlanders must leave the land at once. Naturally, they were outraged. Vivec agreed on a compromise; a debate between him and an Ashlander, entirely silent, and if Vivec wins, the Ashlanders may stay. No ashlander volunteered out of fear, except an elderly Urshilaku. The Urshilaku met Vivec at his cantons and began the debate.

Vivec holds up three fingers, and the ashlander shakes his head and holds up one. Then, Vivec points out at the city, and the Ashlander shakes his head and points down at the ground. Finally, Vivec pulls out Sujamma and bread. The old man pulls out the same. Vivec sighs, smiles, and declares the Ashlander victorious.

When asked what happened, Vivec explained 'first, I held up three fingers, representing the Tribunal and our power. Then he held up one finger, representing the oneness of our power and thus how the dunmer too should have unity. Then, I pointed out at the great houses' achievements in the city of Vivec, but he pointed to the soil it was built on, reminding me of how the Ashlanders have a closer connection to nature. Finally, I pulled out Sujamma and Bread, representing my duty to provide for my people. He pulled out the same, to remind me that I must provide for the Ashlanders as well.

Meanwhile, in the Urshilaku camp, the Ashlander is being asked what happened at the meeting. 'Well, first he held up three fingers, to say three of us should leave. Then I held up one, meaning not one Ashlander shall leave. Then, he pointed out at the edge of town to tell me to leave, so I pointed down to say I would stay here until I win. Finally... He pulled out his lunch and I pulled out mine."

That last joke tends to have the tribe name changed to whichever tribe either wants to look foolish by nearly botching a major debate, or venerated by outsmarting the Tribunal itself, even if accidentally.

As before, I hope this helps give insight on to the cultural connotations of humor in Morrowind. I hope to elaborate more in a later chapter.