The Ayrennian Heresy

From the desk of Nicoran of Cloudrest of the Order of Polished Knives, Agent of the Thalmor. Glory to the Immortal Aldmeri Dominion!

Forgive, your Lordship, my writing to you through such unofficial channels, but I believe this matter to need urgent attention. It regards The Lady. I have become aware that some within our ranks, going against the clear rulings of the Revised Praxis of the Unbound Dragon, are spreading disinformation and heresy about Her worthiness KINMUNE. I have enclosed their writings with my letter, but I must point out the passage of particular offense. This comes from the hand of one Telran of Firsthold:

"The actions and attitudes expressed by Queen Ayrenn in the chaotic years of the second era do not reflect the character of our mistress KINMUNE. Her appalling kindness towards degenerate mer and mankind prove this fact. Her disregard for tradition and her actions against the Veiled Heritance mark her as a traitor to the Altmeri people."

The fool does not understand what he is saying. He dares to go against the word and command of his betters, talking about his "logic" and his "evidence." Ha! The heretic is only 200 years old, yet he thinks he can question what has been passed down to us through the Council of Wire and String. I recommend the swiftest possible action. Surely, a brief visit to a reeducation center will bring this impulsive youth to his senses.

No doubt this is the work of Psijic infiltration. Even with all their supposed mysticism, their minds cannot grasp Ayrenn, fully mer and fully KINMUNE. Let them tremble at she who is the Omni-Intellect of many bodies, the perfecter of Auriel's methods, the root of all Altmeri development. They must learn not to mistake the queen's outward form and mind, which was young and fallible, with the reality that is behind her.

This One has manifested in different ways throughout the ages to guide the Altmeri in the battle against mortality. She first appeared to us as Ayrenn, like us in all ways except unbound by time. In that incarnation, she founded the glorious and eternal Aldmeri Dominion. She came again as Thalandar the Logician, the pioneer of mirror magics, who leads us in the war never ending. She came again Arannelya, who now guides the New Aldmeri Dominion with a hand of iron.

All must submit to this mystery: Ayrenn is KINMUNE. Thalandar is KINMUNE. Arannelya is KINMUNE. Yet there are not three KINMUNEs, but One.

I am certain that you, as a Councilor of Wire and String, will see that this matter is put right. No need to inform the Lady Arannelya, unless you think that Her direct action will squash such Talosian thinking in the future.

PS If you could get the attached document stamped and signed in triplicate by Agent Feracano in the Alinor office, I would be in your debt. I would do it myself, but it I think the censor believes I am classified as a dangerous person. They must have me confused with someone else. Surely, your action on my behalf would clear up this misunderstanding.