[Apocrypha] 10 lesser known facts about Nirn, and the people who live there.

By: Born-In-Kettle

  1. "Yokudan" simply refers to any (Sometimes only Man) inhabitant of Yokuda and does not specify Redguards only. Aside the Redguards, other Yokudan races include, but are not limited to: The Left-Handed Elves, the Gigno, the Kanakh, the Pole, the Boat-Folk, the Pink-Elves, the Thrice-Lipped Men and the Leaf-Eared Men of Yokuda.

  2. The Dwemeri language has gone through more stages than any other known language at 17. It seems that the Dwemer consciously 'improved' their language every few hundred years. This has made translating the Dwemeri language a complete hassle. (Apparently the Dwemer also numbered each stage. So instead of say, Old-Dwemeri, you'd have Dwemeri.1 then Dwemeri.2, and so on)

  3. There exists a gladiator team composed entirely of male Bosmer who have taken to styling and dying their hair into ridiculous fashions. And their weapons of choice are at least twice as large as they are. They claim they do this because of tribal customs, however many critics claim this is an elaborate suicide attempt. (Personally, I think they're compensating for something)

  4. Recent archaeological shows that the Birdmen of Nibbenium Major had a written language. Sadly, not much can be gained from the discovery as the text is indecipherable. Here's a clip of one of the three unearthed texts: ".. / -.. --- / -. --- - / - .- ... - . / --. --- --- -.. / .-- .. - .... / - .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- / -.. .- -- -. . -.. / . .-.. ..-." What a world it would be if we could understand the ancient wisdom of that these proud people left behind. (Oh who am I kidding? It's probably just a guide on proper feather care)

  5. Before the Oblivion Crisis it was perfectly legal to summon a Daedra in the Imperial Market. However the guards were often likely to charge you with disturbing the peace.

  6. Modern Rune spells, while being considered today as Destruction magic, have their basis in Enchanting. Their inventor, Redguard, Khemet of Hegathe (Informally known as Khemet of Seals) was a highly eccentric man who believed that any spell affect could be achieved through script and enchantment. Khemet passed several years ago, when in a fit of madness, he attempted to enchant his own body to make himself immortal. Sadly the enchantment instantly ate his own soul.

  7. There is a blackmarket for Alfiq and Alfiq-raht-Khajiit where they are marketed as 'Exotic house cats'. I would strongly discourage buying one however as it would technically be slavery under Imperial law. And it has been rumored that this is actually an attempt at a spy network.

  8. It is formally illegal under Imperial law to practice or make use of the Pankratosword technique withing 100 miles of Imperial territory. However there is no proper response or bounty for breaking this law. (There have been a number of rather unsavory suggested punishments, though none have been made official)

  9. The Eternal Champion is known to have never revealed their identity throughout the entirety of their quest. They did this through innumerable bribes, accomplices and luck. During an interview where the Champion sat behind a curtain they explained it like this: "I was effectively plotting a coup to kill the emperor. I had to be as discreet as I could. All in all, I think it was the right choice, as I'm now free to tend to my business without incident."

  10. According to Lilmothiit myth, foxes are Lilmothiit who simply do everything backwards, this includes speaking and hearing. This is the key reason why Lilmothiit poetry and song is spoken backwards, they are attempting to be considerate to their little brothers. (Seriously, the word 'fox' comes from Lilmothiit "Fa-skos" meaning 'Little Brother')