Obscure Aldmeris Word of the Day, Issue #1

Obscure Aldmeris Word of the Day – ‘Kosmokra’

It’s awfully sad that my Altmer brothers are abandoning their homeland’s mother tongue in favour of the foul-tasting fruit that is Cyrodiilic. As such, certain words have dropped from Aldmeris entirely. This educational pamphlet aims to teach Summerset’s youth a new word in each issue and. hopefully, keep the language alive. In this inaugural issue, I would like to re-introduce the word ‘Kosmokra’.

The word Kosmokra literally means ‘thirsty from salt’, and one of its latest uses was in the scholar Moramar’s Anthology of Elven Races, where he makes mention of the coastal-dwelling Kosmokramer, the so-called “Wild-haired merchants of salt”. Though the Kosmokramer, should they have existed at all, must have died out in Moramar’s time, and the word that lent them their name (or even named after them!) died along with them. It’s more than likely that the word dropped from usage due to its awfully specific nature – there are too many causes of thirst to use a single word for only one. In lieu of the word’s usage today, here are a few examples of which Kosmokra can be used;

“Nurcano swallowed a lot of seawater and became kosmokra.”

“You’ll be kosmokra if you forget to drink any wine with your meal.”

“You put too much salt in your pastry, these sweetrolls are making me kosmokra!”

I hope this pamphlet has been an illuminating and educating experience for you. Look out for upcoming editions, and don’t let the old tongue die!