The Red Banner (A Legion Warsong)

This poem was originally authored by Centurion Hjaltan Red-Hand during the campaigns of the Great War, and has since then been popularized and converted to song by Bards and other performers. While it is commonly sung across the Empire, it remains most popular, and most poignant, among Legionnaires at war.

Dawn's Beauty fades

And grows ever fainter,

The Dragon's scales begin to crack

The shadows gather 'round us,

The Eagles circling after the Sack

Across Talos' great kingdom,

The Ruby Ranks are stretched so thin

The golden gleam,

The blackened cloaks,

Hope too grows dim

Our brothers go down into the mud,

Their blood turns brown and cold

We marched together and fought as one,

And watched them fall to the sword

But still we march, and mourn the lost,

The Dragon will not stay downed

We'll see it brought back, gods damn the cost,

Our Red Banner again will fly proud