Join the Waterwatch Today!

Filed under Imperial cultural records as of 4E02

Curator’s Note: The following document has been found in marketplaces, inns, and even chapels all across Cyrodiil. The leaflets began their appearance in Sun’s Height of 3E433 and continued to circulate until Frostfall of the same year despite the dangers that plagued the roads during the Oblivion Crisis. The identity of the distributor has yet to be discovered, and some speculate no one individual is responsible, but perhaps a group. Regardless, these documents have proved to be culturally valuable, having lead to a large group of enthusiasts that gather on a regular basis with like minded individuals to spur on conversation. Some say small cultural groups such as these have even helped the citizens of the Empire to cope in the absence of an emperor.

WANTED! - Fellow lovers of beauty and keepers of peace

Hail friends! What’s going on with you?

Mudcrabs. Nasty creatures. Did you perhaps see a mudcrab the other day? I saw a couple down by the water recently and I steered clear of them. I hope I never see one again, horrid creatures. Sure, at least they’re slow, and not too bright...their pincers are sharp though.

Do you despise this foul blight on our beautiful Cyrodiil too? Do you seek to see these beasts stricken from the face of the land? Have you been wronged by mudcrabs in the past, wounded by their claws, or taken advantage of by their shady financial dealings? Then we have the perfect social group for you!

We are the Waterwatch! And we need you! We are a social group seeking skilled men and mer from all walks of life to join us in our effort to eradicate the growing threat of the ubiquitous mudcrab. In a world where no one seems to care about the havoc mudcrabs are bringing upon our land and our people, we are the only ones bold enough to make a stand against such injustice. The Counts and Countesses have done nothing, the Imperial Legion rolled their eyes upon hearing our plea for help, even the Elder Council shook off our requests for aid, claiming they were facing “more pressing matters”. More pressing matters? What could be of more importance than the ugly, foul, horrendous blight swiftly spreading across our once beautiful Cyrodiil, besmirching the land’s glory and threatening our citizens’ saftey? Surely nothing! So the task falls upon us, the humble people of the Empire, but we can’t do it alone. We need your help.

We are looking for warriors to dedicate themselves to long dangerous hunts, willing to risk their lives by delving into the heart of mudcrab lairs and slaying them for the glory of the Empire. We are seeking healers experienced not only in the school of restoration, but with a special skill in treating mudcrab wounds and lacerations. We are seeking trained alchemists capable of brewing potions to treat and cure the many foul infections brought on by mudcrab wounds, particularly the dreadful Swamp Fever. We are seeking bards to turn these noble heroes’ efforts into song and immortalize their efforts and sacrifices forevermore in the halls of history. We are seeking skilled diplomats and politicians who would be able to climb the ranks into local royal courts and councils, spreading the dire news to the rulers who have turned a blind eye to our cause thus far. There is a place for everyone in our order, one must simply join.

We hold our meetings in local inns all over Cyrodiil on most weekdays, but we carry on the fight in our normal everyday professions as well. So be sure to keep your ears open during your travels and adventures, for if you ever hear someone speaking about the blight of the mudcrab, then our order is not far and the good fight is being fought.

Also, have you heard any news from the other provinces? Good day.