[UM] Yneslea Through The Ages: Dawn, Merethic, and First Eras

>#Yneslea Through The Ages: Dawn, Merethic, and First Eras >>#Eis Vuur Warden, Scholar of the Imperial Geographical Society

The history of any race on Nirn begins with Creation. The events of the Dawn Times (or ‘Aeon Null’ to the Echmer) are practically unrecorded by the denizens of Yneslea however, mainly due to the fact that they didn’t exist during these untimes. It wouldn’t be until centuries later that the Hyu-Ketic and Echmeri Creation Myths would be written to deal with the events of the Dawn that they themselves did not participate in.

This is the first book of a three volume-set providing a somewhat complete listing of the historical events of the Ynesleaic archipelago, focusing on the time periods known as the Dawn, Merethic, and First Eras in Tamriel. On Yneslea they are called Aeon Null, Aeon Zero, and the First Aeon. Interestingly, the endings and beginnings of aeons on Yneslea correspond to the endings and beginnings of eras in Tamriel.

>#Dawn Era

The Primal Ehlnofey – the Earthbones – walk the surface of Nirn during the untimes. Considered separate from the Old Ehlnofey and Wandering Ehlnofey, they eventually become the many species of animals that populate the world. Some of these Primal Ehlnofey become bats and eventually come to reside within the massive cavern systems underneath the future Ynesleaic archipelago. These bats will become the ancestors of the modern Echmer race. When the Ehlnofey Wars end the entirety of Nirn is covered with water that quickly disperses, forming the continents and islands of the world.

>#Merethic Era

Early Merethic Era: According to the studying of hieroglyphics found within strange extremely ancient ruins on some of the Ynesleaic islands a large group of men known as the Kítapoe lived in the archipelago (perhaps relatives of the Men of Akavir) during this time period. They eventually go extinct before the Merethic (‘Aeon Zero’) ends.

Middle Merethic Era: The Hyu-Ket are believed to have come to Yneslea around the time of the Velothi Exodus. The goblins were once a group of Aldmer (the ancestors of all the Merish races) that followed the god-hero Trinimac, similar to the Orcs of Tamriel. When Trinimac is betrayed by Boethiah so the Chimer can leave the Summerset Isles the god-hero bloodily rips the shame from his being and becomes the Daedric Prince Malacath. His godly ichor falls on his followers and they are changed as he is changed. The smallest of these become the aboriginal Goblins from which all Goblinoids are descended from. A large tribe of said creatures migrate to the eastern shores of Tamriel, following the Velothi, but later sail eastwards until they make landfall on the Ynesleaic archipelago (although it is believed that some traveled all the way to Akavir) and become the Hyu-Ket. Over the next few centuries they become more insect-like in appearance as a result of eating magical porcini on the islands, although the race attributes this change to their gods.

Late Merethic Era: The Merethic Era ends with the Gol-Thek, or ‘Spirit Chief’, of the Hyu-Ket materializing for the first time in known history to unite the many goblin tribes to defeat a dragon (perhaps fleeing the ill-fated Dragon War of Skyrim) before it can establish a tyrannical hold on the islands. This information is taken from Echmer studies of Hyu-Ketic calendar systems, which they have correctly matched to the systems used in Tamriel.

>#First Era

1E 416: In Veloth (present-day Morrowind), Indoril Nerevar rallies the warring clans and Great Houses of the Chimer and allies with Dumac of the Dwemer. The two leaders unite their formerly opposed peoples against the occupying forces of Skyrim and the Nords are consequently driven out of Veloth.

After the war, Dumac and Nerevar resolve to make peace. The new kingdom of Resdayn is established as a united Chimeri and Dwemeri kingdom with Nerevar and Dumac as its joint leaders. Peace between the Chimer and Dwemer brings an unprecedented prosperity and flowering of both cultures.

1E 420: The Rourken, a clan of the Dwemer, refuses to accept peace with the Chimer. They choose self-exile and leave Resdayn forever. The Rourken eventually arrive in the region now known as Hammerfell and build their new kingdom, Volenfell. According to legend, the leader of the Rourken threw his hammer, Volendrung, across Tamriel, promising to lead his clansmer to wherever it should fall. This mythic image has been depicted on the walls of several ruins in Hammerfell: a mass exodus of golden-clad Dwemer, trudging through the Cyrodiilic forests, Volendrung a falling star in the night sky before them, urging them on.

1E 508: Another clan of Dwemer, the Noraken, banish themselves from their brethren in Resdayn over scholarly pursuits and sail eastwards across the Padomaic Ocean, never to return. The mainland Dwemer believe them lost at sea and subsequently remove most information of them from their records, but in truth they made landfall on the future Ynesleaic archipelago. As the Noraken begin to construct their factories and underground fortresses they discover thousands of bats within the caverns. Not viewing them as anything particularly interesting, the Dwemer continued on with their constructions. The bats, however, became attracted to the Dwemer and their strange tonal architecture. As years go by the nocturnal animals are affected by the tonal magic and start to undergo a metamorphosis. The Noraken eventually notice this change and immediately begin capturing the bats for examination.

1E 519-559: To classify them as sentient beings the Dwemer began to teach the changing entities literacy and numeracy, and were intrigued to discover the bats were able to comprehend the information. As they grow wiser the Noraken begin to teach them more advanced topics, such as the metaphysical nature of the universe (or at least, according to the Dwarves) and complex arithmetic, in order to utilize them as a workforce. The bats continue to change, becoming curiously more merish as time passes. The Noraken name the creatures, but the exact title has become lost to history. Modern Echmer simply refer to these ancestors as the Protoechi instead.

1E 559-699: The mer-bats (unbeknownst to themselves) become the slaves of the Dwemer, acting as manservants and engineers. They remain their pupils, however, as the Dwarves taught them more complex things. But the Protoechi soon find themselves coming to a crossroad over many of the things the Dwemer were teaching them in their first stages of cultural independence. Like their masters they believed that the gods were not untouchable or all-powerful but at the same time believed that they should at least be respected on a minimal level. They also believed that that ones’ ancestors should be honored (it is unknown if the Dwemer practiced some form of Ancestor Worship). They also believed that transcending the mortal plane was a feat both impossible and foolish (at the time). Despite these misgivings the Protoechi continue doing the tasks of their masters, but begin their own experimentations in secret.

1E 700: The Noraken vanishes alongside the rest of the Dwemer race in the infamous Disappearance of the Dwarves at the Battle of Red Mountain. The Protoechi continue doing the daily duties assigned to them, wondering if their masters had simply traveled to another part of the caverns for some new experiment without informing them.

After waiting for the majority of the year for their masters to return, the Protoechi elders calls together the entire race and states that they believe the Dwemer had abandoned them. The elders then declare the Protoechi shall become the new masters, creating their own works and experiments. The Protoechi unanimously agree to this notion, but soon come into conflict in the deciding of a ruler for the Protoechi people. Several influential individuals gather hundreds of followers in hopes of becoming the sole ruler of the cavern system (which they had name the Dweech in their fledgling language).

1E 699-704: Conflict between the Protoechi accelerates into outright war in the Battle of the Dweech when dozens of armies attack each other almost all at once. The atrocities committed during this time are terrible, with men, women, and children being submitted to terrible acts of cruelty. The Dweech is said to be painted red with blood (and in truth, there are still permanent spots left over from the bloodshed).

Zaro, an old Protoechi elder, becomes horrified and disgusted by the violence and gathers a thousand likeminded individuals (mostly women and children) and travels to the surface of the islands, marking the first time any member of the race ever saw the daytime sky. These individuals then fractured into dozens of groups, becoming the first Exul (“Exiles” or “Sun-Lovers”).

The war finally ends when three Martial-Overseers (generals) of the three largest armies – Aanon, Lalea, and Vitel – unite as one to end the ghastly bloodshed, swiftly defeating the other armies with lightning quick maneuvers (because of this they are named the Army of Light or Lightning). They establish the first incarnation of the Council of Dull Chimes, the Protoechi government, and lead it as the first Troika (“Three Leaders”).

Five Armies (known as the Armies of Air, Fire, Water, Stone, Darkness and led by the Martial-Overseers Gafanti, Trokak, Byanmiez, Mamonda, and Yamach respectively) refuse to submit to the Troika’s rule and continue waging war against the new government.

1E 705: The Troika eventually call a suspension of hostilities with the Five Armies and offer to make them semi-independent permanent extensions of the government, as well as giving them each a seat on the Council. The Armies accept and become the Penta Wards (“Five Keepers”) known as the Coalescent Efflux (Darkness), Shattering Fusion (Fire), Hidden Perception (Wind), Confined Abyss (Stone), and Neglectful Acceptance (Water). The Martial-Overseers become the first High Hypothesians, the last members of the now permanent eight-seats of the Council of Dull Chimes.

1E 706: A group of Protoechi – precursors of modern acoustineers – at the behest of the Council of Dull Chimes use powerful altered tonal architecture to bind the entire Protoechi race to the Law, a set of mystical rules and oaths engraved permanently into the psyches of the entire race. This marks the establishment of the modern race of bat elves, and the Protoechi rename their race the Echmer or “Echo Folk” (despite this, modern day Echmer have the habit of referring to any of their ancestors born before the apotheosization of Hrahndeyl into HRAHNDEYL as Protoechi).

1E 707-721: Excursions to the surface start the Fourteen Years of Progress, a time of advancement amongst the Echmer people as they spread their influence through the archipelago. The Echmer begin to invent their own cultural aspects (such as language and Sects) as well as euphrite, a metal created through their variant of tonal architecture they named Echolalia Fantasia, using it to construct their cities and auralmata (automatons). During these years the Echmer also discover the two things that would cement their power over the islands: a strong magical ore known as solarite (which they would use to create their weapons and armor), and the yak. An indigenous herd animal of the islands, the Echmer would eventually begin to milk the yak to create the cream they would become famous for.

They also discover the Hyu-Ket during these times as well. Viewing them as primitive and semi-intelligent, the Bat Elves decided to utilize the goblins as a workforce similar to the way the Noraken treated them and in short time was able to enslave the majority of the entire race.

1E 709: Yne (“Reverberate”) is officially named and proclaimed an Echmer territory by the Council of Dull Chimes.

1E 710: Slea (“Reflection”) is officially named and proclaimed an Echmer territory by the Council of Dull Chimes.

1E 711: Racron of the Shattering Fusion finishes designing modern-day Echmer weaponry (cutlasses, sabers, tridents, harquebuses, etc.) and armors (chainmail, laminar, and plate), as well as restructuring the entire military. His new customs and creations eventually become staple and remain unchanged well into modern times.

First ever recorded mention of the Maelstrom, a mysterious island used by the Echmer primarily as a research facility. Modern day Echmer refuse to speak of it, and prefer to omit from any official maps of the archipelago for unknown reasons.

1E 728: The Echmer complete the building process of all of their Urbs (cities), one headed by the Troika and the other five headed by the Penta Wards.

1E 735: The Great Gratiu’tiusaz Orrery is built by Dakon of the Hidden Perception, an Echmer acoustineer of extraordinary talent. Still standing into modern times it has been invaluable in its recordings of Masser, Secunda, and the Eight Plus Seventeen plane(t)s in the cosmos. The presence of Aedric and Daedric energies, glyphs, and materials within the orrery suggests that a few ATEDA themselves might have helped with its construction.

Hagreger the Calm, an Exul, is the first Echmer to chart and name the surrounding seas of the islands, surviving where many died before him. He also discovers the island of Elysia (“Paradise”), naming it after his wife. For his deeds he becomes the progenitor of Sect Er and is awarded the title of First Oceanographer. The island of Elysia is proclaimed an official Echmer territory later on that year.

1E 737: With the aid of the Great Gratiu’tiusaz Orrery, Xeron of the Confined Abyss creates the first astērescope and uses it to chart the position of over a hundred stars in his lifetime, along with their names and respected constellations.

1E 738: Hrahndeyl, the Echmer who would apotheosize to become the god-hero known as HRAHNDEYL, is born to a couple expecting twins in the Urb of Mkikeff’lorisaz. His mother dies from blood loss during childbirth. His father, Gtutur, decides to take the infant to the surface and live the Exul life.

Zaro dies at the age of one hundred and fifty. A sepulcher is carved into the Hae’macrin Mountain Range in his honor. The mining town of Grok is founded near it when a large solarite deposit is discovered nearby.

The island of Pasgaviati (“Nurture”) is discovered and officially proclaimed an Echmer territory, but its extremely large population of dangerous Peine beasts results in very few excursions.

1E 743: Gtutur dies in the hardly explored northern deserts of Slea (which would later be named Gtutur’s Arids in his honor) when Hrahndeyl is only five years old. The child wanders the sand dunes until being discovered by a group of Exul roamers.

1E 746: After staying with the Exul for three years Hrahndeyl travels back towards his birthplace and joins the Coalescent Efflux at the age of eight. He soon becomes a child prodigy as he solves complex problems, invents new devices, and disproves age-old theories.

1E 749: At the age of eleven Hrahndeyl becomes the youngest Prime Thesite of a Penta Ward in history when he ascends to the position in the Coalescent Efflux due to being the Scion of the former Thesite when she died. Later on in the same year the High Hypothesian dies of old age and his Scion mysteriously vanishes during an experiment. Hrahndeyl is chosen to lead the Coalescent Efflux, becoming the youngest High Hypothesian in history.

1E 753: The rest of the Council of Dull Chimes begins to see Hrahndeyl as a liability when he begins to act radically. When the young High Hypothesian insults the Law itself along with the integrity of the Echmer ancestors the Council becomes furious, restricting him of several of his powers and privileges.

The strange little island of Morubixaba (“Foregone”) is discovered by Neglectful Acceptance explorers and proclaimed an official Echmer territory. Home to an unique group of Echmer and Hyu-Ket that coexist peacefully, it becomes an interesting holding to the bat-mer concerning their ancestry.

1E 754: A large mob of Echmer arrive at Hrahndeyl’s home to oust him from his position, instigated by envious rivals. Hrahndeyl travels to the surface, but the Exul will not allow him to stay in their villages due to lies fed to them by aforementioned rivals. Hrahndeyl, discontented with life, takes a sailing ship and becomes the first Echmer to actually leave Yneslea to travel to other places.

1E 754-774: Hrahndeyl wanders the entirety of Nirn for twenty years searching for the meaning of existence. He allegedly travels to the continents of Atmora, Akavir, and Yokuda. He also goes to the lands of Pyandonea and Thras. Multiple stories from the diverse races of Tamriel adds evidence to the theory that he did in fact explore the Starry Heart as well. The Khajiit remember him as “Harran-Zhirr”, the Dunmer as “Al-Hatoor”, the Bretons as “Hran of the Dale”, and the Nords as “Háski”.

1E 775: Hrahndeyl apparently discovers the meaning of all existence after allegedly traveling to the lost continent of Aldmeris, attaining great power and wisdom as a result. He returns to the archipelago and rests on a chain of three islands before descending down into the Dweech with every Exul following him. Assembling the entire Echmer race before him on a grand expanse of flatland, he spoke at great-length for several days about the things he had learned while he was away. To confirm everything that he said was true he achieved permanence in the fabric of reality by creating the Pleonastic Spire as he pierced through the Black-Welkin (the Void). This act transformed him into HRAHNDEYL – the ATEDA of Sound – and marked the first and only time an Echmer has ascended into godhood. This event causes a dynamic shift in both Echmeri philosophy and culture.

The islands that mortal Hrahndeyl temporarily resided on are officially named Hrahn’s Isles and proclaimed an official Echmer territory.

1E 801: The first Echmeri logidifices are created with Echolalia Fantasia.

1E 802: Echmer archeologists finish studying the ancient chitin ruins on Elysia, Hrahn’s Isles, Morubixaba, and Pasgaviati, deducing that an ancient race must have lived on the island archipelago at some point in history before the Noraken’s arrival. After studying hieroglyphics in the ruins the Echmer believe that the race might have been a subgroup of the mythical men described in Noraken notes from their old land.

1E 808: The volcano known as Lingua erupts on Slea, catching the Echmer by surprise and large sections of the Melodic Forest is burned away by the resulting spewing magma. The Urb of Furq’mitysaz is badly damaged from the lava flows and the Confined Abyss is forced to rebuild it, a process that takes four years to complete.

The Yoku reach the shores of Tamriel after fleeing Yokuda, settling the island of Herne while a small group sails on to the mainland. The first Yoku wash over what would later be known as Hammerfell as a 'warrior wave', or 'Ra Gada' in the Yoku language. (This term later comes to be understood as 'Redguard', the Imperial denomination for all inhabitants of Hammerfell). The Ra Gada slaughter beastfolk, colonies of elves, and local Nedic tribes alike to make way for their remnant population at Herne. Records surviving the event state that the Yokudan God Hoodoc (which the Echmer clearly identify as a foreign aspect of HRAHNDEYL, but the Redguards themselves state Hoodoc is one of their most ancient deities) went into combat with the Ra Gada alongside a troop of ‘left-handed bats’ to drive back the Orcs. Subsequent mystical events shortly afterwards result in the bat elves being stranded in Tamriel and eventually devolving into the feral Echkin, or giant bats as the common folk call them. The Echmer will remain completely oblivious of these events for more than a thousand years.

1E 819: The Hidden Perception and the Confined Abyss creates the first binding stones, enchanted morpholiths with the vestiges of Daedra tripped inside. They become the Echmeri equivalent to soul gems and are used to enchant weapons, armor, and regular clothing with elemental powers as well as to energize certain devices.

1E 831: The first known mention of the ATEDA of Silence – LYEDNHARH – surfaces amongst a group of cultists that declare open worship of him. Driven out of the other Urbs by their brethren for calling HRAHNDEYL a false ATEDA, these Echmer (calling themselves ‘Mirror-Talkers’) undergo self-exile far into the Dweech to construct their own mysterious Urb known as Ninu'yutesaz, the City of Silence.

1E 866: An Exul brigand named Hannar becomes obsessed with the notion of ruling over the surface as a sovereign warlord. Using persuasive speeches he is able to gather a large force of over five thousand fellow Exul and a few hundred auralmata to aid him in his quest. He also makes pacts with several scattered Hyu-Ket tribes, freeing them from their enslavement as long as they swear fealty to him.

1E 867-900: The Hannar Wars begin. The self-proclaimed Warlord conquers the entire surface of Slea in ten years despite groups of Exul fighting against him. The Council of Dull Chimes rises up from the caverns to aid their aboveground brethren, but Hannar resorts to guerilla efforts to crush them during engagements. He begins to expand his empire to the north and west, conquering Hrahn’s Isles and occupying the Ambient Littoral on Yne.

After thirty-three long years the combined forces of the Exul and Dweech Echmer finally annihilate Hannar’s army and put the warlord to death. The Council of Dull Chimes begins to keep a closer eye on the surface, interfering whenever it seems a powerful change is brewing. This results in civil unrest between the Dweech Echmer and the Exul, who are used to looking after themselves.

1E 877: A Hyu-Ket Shaman makes a pact with one of his races gods, Hiri’grash (Hircine), to gain the power to free his tribe from Echmer enslavement. Hiri’grash transforms him and the rest of his bloodline into the first werebats in recorded history. The goblins soon escape from the Dweech and into the hills.

1E 1010: Aarōn, future Magus-Premier, is born to Mirror-Talker parents in Ninu’yutesaz.

1E 1015: Mirror-Talkers begin launching attacks on Dweech Urbs and Exul towns alike in the name of LYEDNHARH. The Council of Dull Chimes reluctantly decree that the cultists be killed on sight later on in the year in an effort to end the hostilities.

Aarōn becomes extremely skilled at using silence and reflection magicks, with the lead cultists saying that he will eventually ascend to being the Favored of LYEDNHARH once he’s old enough. The young Echmer is however discontent with the life he’s living, wanting to instead further study magicka and not waste his life teaching the un-words of the Silent God.

1E 1031: Aarōn confronts his parents about leaving Ninu’yutesaz at the age of twenty-one. His father, a devout Mirror-Talker, is enraged at the thought of his son deserting and attempts to kill him. Defending himself, the young mer is forced to use his mastery of spells to entrap his father within a mirror for eternity. His mother, horrified at what her son has done, alerts the Mirror-Talker higher-ups before committing suicide. Aarōn tearfully flees into the deepest part of the Dweech to escape execution for treachery with only a few of his possessions.

Despite all odds Aarōn continues to live on his own for months inside the Dweech, surviving on insects and streams he runs across. During these times he comes to rely on and appreciate the forces of nature – fire, water, air, earth, light/lightning, and darkness – of the natural world, which shields him from harm. He begins to study them intensely, making mental notes on their uses.

1E 1032: Aarōn arrives malnourished and injured at the Urb of Furq’mitysaz, collapsing before its gates. Upon regaining consciousness he lies about his time with the Mirror-Talkers, stating that he was an Exul orphan from the surface seeking to join the Confined Abyss. The High Hypothesian takes pity on him and he is adopted into the Ward as a simple hireling, but still practices magic on his own.

1E 1036: During an experiment involving the ATEDA MOBAL (Molag Bal) a large group of Confined Abyss researchers are transformed into the first vampires in Yneslea and begin to rampage throughout the Urb. Aarōn uses incredible fire magicks to destroy and drive off most of the vampires, but is infected with the disease himself. Choosing not to cure himself, the Echmer is hailed as a hero in the Penta Ward and becomes infamous throughout Yneslea. His elemental magicks are said to be unrivaled.

The entire Urb of Ninu’yutesaz disappears without a trace. The Council of Dull Chimes mobilizes their army to attack the city when they discover from interrogated Mirror-Talker cultists that they are in possession of a powerful artifact known as the ‘Void Stone’. Upon reaching Ninu’yutesaz, however, a blinding flash occurs and when the light fades the entire Urb and its inhabitants are gone. The Council of Dull Chimes launches dozens of investigations on the matter. Interestingly, Mirror-Talker attacks will continue on throughout the ongoing years with the cultists seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

1E 1037: Several jealous members of the Ward become suspicious of Aarōn’s magical talents, especially considering his vast knowledge of silence and reflection magicks. A secret investigation is launched and several Mirror-Talker relics are discovered inside Aarōn’s room. Brought before the entire Ward as well as the Council of Dull Chimes, the Echmer admits his Mirror-Talker heritage and how he indirectly killed his parents. Both his achievements and crimes are judged, and it’s decided he be banished from the Dweech.

1E 1038-1042: Aarōn becomes a nomadic hermit, settling down in Exul villages whenever he thinks that the villagers needs his help. Although all Echmer are traditionally suspicious and afraid of magicka (except for the Confined Abyss, who are forced to manipulate it), a few Exul begin to follow him. The spurned Echmer begins to teach them how to use magicka relating to the elements the way he uses it, resulting in the surface becoming a much safer environment.

Aarōn is finally enlightened through further studies into the forces of nature, creating a new school of magic and philosophy he titles Elementalism. In it he states that the six elements, along with the dangerous seventh element called Void, make up the universe and result in Aurbical Balance once mastered through meditation and sacred practices. Because of this the elements can be used for a variety of purposes. Each of these elements are subgradients of One Source he names the “All”, which he begins to revere.

Gathering those that wished to learn Elementalism, the wise vampire travels to find a place to establish a vast academy of learning. He eventually decides that the island of Pasgaviati will be this place.

1E 1045: Aarōn arrives on Pasgaviati and launches an one-mer assault on the thousands of Peine that call the island home. He unbelievably kills the entire population of the monsters on the island utilizing powerful elemental forces and then constructs a large university for magical learning once the deed is done. He names it Mustikos’arcere and several Exul villages like Fal are soon built around it. Aarōn gains the name “Aarōn Peine-Killer” and founds the Elemental Sodality, a monastic order devoted to the All that runs Mustikos’arcere.

1E 1048: The Council of Dull Chimes calls Aarōn back to the Dweech to discuss Mustikos’arcere. After a lengthy discussion Mustikos’arcere is declared an official organization underneath the jurisdiction of the Council. HRAHNDEYL himself appears and names Aarōn Magus-Premier of the Echmer people, a title he’ll retain all the way into modern times.

1E 1200-2208: The Middle Dawn. The Marukhati Selectives, a fanatical sect of the Alessian Order, is frustrated that the aspects of the ancient Aldmeri god, Auriel exist within the Supreme Spirit of the Eight Divines, Akatosh. They channel the Aurbis to mythically remove those aspects, but their doing so breaks the Dragon God of Time. The non-linearity of the Dawn Era returns, which is why the "period" is known as the Middle Dawn. Tamriel and the rest of Nirn sleeps through the disaster for 1008 years.

According to the Echmer, the whole of Nirn was consumed by the Void during the Middle Dawn (they refer to it as the Null Epoch) and their race began to alternate between pure chiropteran and Aldmer forms. Most of their records from this untime note bizarre occurrences and events.

Mustikos’arcere adepts decide to investigate the Null Epoch, and two large ships set out from Pasgaviati. One goes westward while the other goes eastward, each captained by a member of the Elemental Sodality. Both ships are never heard from or seen again.

1E 2703: Echmer seafarers spot foreign ships for the first time in their history, but do not make contact. Most individuals believe that the seafarers were seeing things and ignore their claims. In truth the foreign ships were probably the Tsaesci force that would later go on to attack mainland Tamriel, only to be defeated by Reman Cyrodiil at Pale Pass.

1E 2711: Dozens of dragons fleeing from the Akaviri Dragonguard in Tamriel fly over the archipelago heading towards the east, but some stay on the islands for a few months. HRAHNDEYL descends from the Black-Welkin to speak with the creatures at great-length before allowing them to continue on their way.

1E 2920: The Kamal unleash a terrifying blizzard on the archipelago for an entire year, now known as the Year of Cold Death. Thousands above and belowground perish from famine and disease caused by the foreigners, installing an intense hatred and rage of the Snow Demons of Akavir for the Echmer people. This first actual encounter with an outside race marks the end of the First Era on the archipelago.