[UM] Yneslea Through The Ages: Second and Third Eras

>#Yneslea Through The Ages: Second and Third Eras >>#Eis Vuur Warden, Scholar of the Imperial Geographical Society

This is the second volume of a three volume-set providing a somewhat complete listing of the historical events of the Ynesleaic archipelago, focusing on the time periods known as the Second and Third eras on Tamriel. In Yneslea they are called the Second and Third Aeons.

>#Second Era

2E 1: The Year of Cold Death ends. The Council of Dull Chimes, suspecting an attack, mobilizes the Echmeri army and begins mass production of their war auralmata.

2E 5: The Kamal of Akavir set foot on Echmer lands for the first time in history. They invade both Yne and Slea at the same time, the former by way of the Hae’macrin Mountains and the latter by way of Urroal. Echmer records state the fleet was led by Tala’Faal Dir-Kamal, who was attempting to annex the archipelago under his king. Through superior battle tactics, deployment of their automatons, and Elementalists led by Aarōn the natives are able to drive the invaders back into the sea. A bitter resentment towards foreigners of all kinds manifests within the Echo Folk, which is not helped by continued invasions by the Kamal.

2E 10: The Hyu-Ket attempt a revolt, but the Council of Dull Chimes quickly puts it down. However, more goblin tribes escape back to the surface.

2E 51: The Council of Dull Chimes grows extremely interested in Masser and Secunda (which they call Jone and Jode, Aldmeri titles adapted into their language) because of Noraken notes. It is proposed that the Echmer travel to the moons to explore the flesh divinities of ALORKH (Lorkhan).

The Shattering Fusion, Troika, and Neglectful Acceptance create the Polytechnic of Aurbical Studies, an organization to train the first Auriators (Echmeri mananauts).

2E 55: Nullbarques, Echmeri transliminal vessels, are created through a joint endeavor by the Elemental Sodality, the Hidden Perception, the Confined Abyss, and the Coalescent Efflux. These vessels are able to travel into the Void itself, as well as other Outer Realms, through experimental ‘existential quantifier’ engines.

Special ‘environsuits’ are created by the Polytechnic of Aurbical Studies out of introducing binding stones to armor made out of the combination of euphrite and solarite. They are only supplied to the recently graduated Auriators.

2E 59: The first nullbarques launch into space and land on Masser, establishing an Echmeri colony known as Chiroptera to study the moons. The Council of Dull Chimes treats the colony as an Exul village, but send representatives of the Troika and High Hypothesians to live in Chiroptera.

2E 128: A chance encounter with a Tsaesci ship results in the Echmer creating a trade route with the Akaviri race. The Snake Men trade spices and literature for Echmeri cream. Every fifty years a Tsaesci Ambassador travels to the archipelago to speak with the Council of Dull Chimes.

2E 140: Chiropteran researchers stumble upon a section of the Sans-Mundic Wailway, but do not know what to make of it. A method of travel funded by Reman Cyrodiil that’s been largely forgotten, the Echmer investigate it but never figure out how to exactly work it. Ironically, if they had they might have discovered Tamriel years before Tamriel discovered the Echmer.

2E 165: Communications between Chiroptera and the archipelago become increasingly difficult.

2E 230: Nekros, the future Lord of the Rotting Darkness, is born to Sect Os in the Urb of Oexra’numsaz under his original name of Asklepios. As he grows up he becomes extremely interested in anatomy and physiology.

2E 244: At the age of fourteen Asklepios debunks and reforms the entirety of the Herbarium of the Neglectful Acceptance, making his name known to the whole of his race. This act secures him a position of authority in that Penta Ward once he finishes his ten years in the Institution.

2E 248: Asklepios graduates from the Institution at eighteen, the age of adulthood in Echmeri society. Joining the Neglectful Acceptance, he continues his interests in the body by beginning to conduct independent trials on the wildlife of the Dweech, dissecting them to analyze the ways the body functioned, especially regarding magicka and the soul. Many praise him for his daring and initiative, but unbeknownst to them Asklepios is secretly researching the black art of necromancy, which is universally reviled by all Echmer. Having been branded by the ATEDA REVE-WUM (Revenant/Necromancer’s Moon, which some say is Mannimarco) and the IDE-MAS (Ideal Masters) as one of their servants in the mortal plane, he received their tutorage on controlling the dead and souls in general. The corrupted Echmer seeks a way to become truly immortal so he can continue his dark practices into eternity.

2E 250: Before REVE-WUM and the IDE-MAS reveal the secrets of lichdom to Asklepios they first need a permanent display of his loyalty: they want him to kill every single members of his family and their souls trapped within black soul gems as offerings. His compassion long since having left him, he brutally massacres his entire bloodline in their home (and especially leaves a more horrifying fate for his cousin Ophelos due to their intense hatred for one another, as he sends his soul to the Soul Cairn for all eternity). Leaving a message in their blood on the wall, he takes on the name of Nekros and flees into the darkest reaches of the Dweech.

2E 251-260: Nekros continues his researches into lichdom. Because Echmer souls are drawn to the Void automatically upon death, thus ceasing to exist, the usual form of lichdom will not work for him. He instead begins to work on a new form of undeath to keep himself alive until the end of time. He takes up residence in an ancient Protoechi Stronghold (now known as Blood Skull Ruins), where he discovers a great deal of contraptions that help him in his research. Eventually he devises a way to sever his spirit – his mind, personality, and memories – from his soul and binds them within a phylactery, which will then be able to possess his dead body indefinitely as long as the phylactery isn’t destroyed. Using this painful process on himself finally transforms him into a lich.

Seeking to eventually transform the entire population of the island archipelago into undead Nekros begins to capture and persuade young Echmer to his strange beliefs, forming the Brotherhood of the Blood Skull (due to his face now being nothing more than a bloody skull). He begins to launch terror campaigns in both the Dweech and on the surface of the islands; his undead abominations, bound spirits, flesh atronachs, and followers striking fear into the hearts of many as they paint his sigil everywhere. Due to the randomness of his attacks, the Council of Dull Chimes are unable to predict where he’ll strike next.

2E 256: Chiroptera creates many interesting inventions and sends several schematics and reports back to Nirn for review. The Council of Dull Chimes deems several of them dangerous and hinging on breaking the Law, but Chiroptera doesn’t send official word back that it will stop its procedures.

2E 261: Nekros travels to Pasgaviati with half of his army in an attempt to persuade Aarōn, a fellow undead, to his side. When the Magus-Premier refuses his offer, repulsed by Nekros’ depravity, he attacks Mustikos’arcere in the Battle of Pasgaviati. The legendary duel between the two sorcerers is said to have made the sky rain blood and transform the surrounding water into fire.

To keep the Council of Dull Chimes from aiding Mustikos’arcere the other half of Nekros’ army attacks his former home of Oexra’numsaz in the Siege of Death. The Shattering Fusion rallies the Echmer army and a battle for the ages begin. Nekros and his ilk fights ferociously, committing all of their strength and power to both the Urb and Mustikos’arcere. The necromancer would have been victorious if the Hidden Perception hadn’t devised a brilliant plan. As soon as the citizens were evacuated from Oexra’numsaz, oil is flooded throughout the city and lit on fire. Most of Nekros’ army burns to smoldering ashes although a few escape, weakening the necromancer himself. Aarōn is able to light Nekros in an inferno before knocking the necromancer into the sea. However the Magus-Premier is certain that the Lord of the Rotting Darkness is not dead – having achieved nigh-immortality through undeath – and will return one day.

By forcing captured Brotherhood cultists to reveal its location Nekros’ Protoechi fortress is found and destroyed by the Council of Dull Chimes, its ruins being left to rot. Reparations for the Urb of Oexra’numsaz begins immediately and takes four and a half years to complete.

2E 459: After a large group of Elementalists from Mustikos’arcere and Acoustineers travel to Chiroptera the moon colony declares that it can no longer take anymore arrivals. The Council of Dull Chimes is troubled by this decision, but do not press the matter further.

2E 547: A large Kamal fleet led by the Snow Demon King Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal strikes out from Akavir, ignoring the Echmer territories. The Council of Dull Chimes decides to destroy as much of the fleet as possible to stop the Kamal’s unknown intentions, and succeeds in sinking five of the ships. The rest of the fleet escapes and travels to mainland Tamriel, but is destroyed by the Goddess Almalexia and Wulfharth Ash-King.

2E 572: Another large Akaviri fleet travels towards the west, but this time several Kamal ships stage a surprise attack on the Echmer territories. Several Exul are captured before the Council attacks the ships and drives them away, with the Echmer hostages still in their possession. The Echmer navy pursues the Akaviri fleet across the dangerous Bitter Sea but ultimately stop their pursuit once the Kamal passes the barrier beyond their territory.

The Akaviri fleet later on attacks northeastern Tamriel. Skyrim's Queen Mabjaarn and Crown Princess Nurnhilde are killed in the defense of Winterhold, and Jorunn is named king. Jorunn requests help from the Greybeards, who once again summon Wulfharth Ash-King. Together, the Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians fight off the invaders. Vivec teaches his people to breath water before he floods Morrowind to eradicate all of the Akaviri invaders. Following the Akaviri defeat, the alliance persists as the Ebonheart Pact, ruled over by King Jorunn and the Great Moot.

2E 578: The Soulburst happens due to events in Tamriel involving the treacherous Mannimarco and the shattering of Akatosh’s covenant with Saint Alessia. The Echmer believe that this event is due to GANUS’ losing control over magicka, resulting in arcane explosions all over the archipelago. Several Mustikos’arcere Elementalists and Confined Abyss researchers die or are driven mad; Magus-Premier Aarōn himself descends into a coma that lasts for five years, severely weakening the Elemental Sodality and Mustikos’arcere in general.

MOBAL starts to draw Nirn into his realm of Coldharbour. Dark Anchors, similar to Oblivion Gates, begin to appear across the world. Brotherhood of the Blood Skull outcasts resurface and aid the ATEDA in his conquest supposedly at the will of Nekros, but the Lord of the Rotting Darkness himself doesn’t actually reappear.

2E 582: Both HRAHNDEYL and the Thek-Gol of the Hyu-Ket materialize to lead both of their races against the ATEDA coming out of the Dark Anchors. The Echmer, Hyu-Ket, and auralmata forces are able to both defeat the invaders and drive the Brotherhood of the Blood Skull back into hiding.

2E 580-896: Tensions between Chiroptera and the Echmer government on Nirn begin to escalate over matters of scholarly pursuit. The Council attempts to tell the Chiropterans that their research can lead to extremely dangerous consequences for not only themselves but for the whole of Nirn, but the lunar colony refutes and discredits such claims.

2E 643: The Kamal attempts to attack the peaceful island of Morubixaba. Fiout of the Neglectful Acceptance creates a plague that destroys the entire invading Akaviri fleet in a mere hour.

2E 866: A ship of foreigners arrive on Yne, with its captain and HRAHNDEYL having a fantastic battle before the ship leaves. Echmeri records are sparse on the event, but they refer to the captain as the ‘Carricker’, making some believe the ship was the infamous Carrick and that the captain was the notorious pirate Cyrus of the Restless League, making him and his crew the first Tamrielic individuals to make landfall on Yneslea. Almost all Tamrielic historians outright deny these claims, for Cyrus was a figure much hated during Tiber’s rule (notably for sinking the newly reformed All Flags Navy in its entire). Many mythical stories center around ‘The Restless’, such as him fighting the Tribune Vivec of Morrowind and even brawling with Tiber Septim himself, as well as supposedly retrieving the Eye of Argonia.

2E 896: A false return of the mythical Spirit Chief of the Hyu-Ket people results in a civil war amongst the race, forcing the Echmer to interfere. The moon colony of Chiroptera goes completely dark later on in the same year, and Auriator investigations reveal that the entire territory seems to have disappeared from the face of Masser. Both of these events mark the end of the Second Era.

>#Third Era

3E 4: The Echmer release the Hyu-Ket from slavery. Because of the previous crisis with the goblins along with the general public beginning to condemn the act of slavery as amoral the Council of Dull Chimes abolish the practice of owning another sentient race. The Hyu-Ket return to their simple existence of hunting and gathering, but are now fewer in population as well as changed from centuries of working for the Echmer.

3E 26: After repeated attempts at contacting Chiroptera, the Echmer ultimately give up on their moon colony and deem it lost with all hands. The Polytechnic of Aurbical Studies remains open but Auriator activities dramatically come to a crawl.

3E 102: The Echmer make first contact with the island of Esrionet to the east, becoming trading partners.

3E 104: The Echmer accidently discover the Padomaic Rim – a crescent-shaped island surrounded by jagged rocks to the east – while sailing farther from Esrionet. They quickly realize that it would serve as a great outpost to both monitor and halt Akaviri invaders, but the Esri view the Rim as merely as an extension of their own territory and the two races ‘peacefully’ dispute over the landmass, but the Echmer eventually redraw from the Rim.

3E 115: A large force of Kamal attacks Yneslea, capturing the island of Elysia. After months of fighting Magus-Premier Aarōn uses his mastery of the elements to send the entire fleet to the bottom of the sea, but is weakened for many days from the effort.

3E 268: Uriel V becomes the Emperor of Tamriel. He embarks on a series of invasions beginning almost from the moment he takes the throne.

3E 271: Uriel V sets a plan to invade Akavir.

3E 278: During Uriel Septim V’s Akaviri Campaign the Legion comes across the island archipelago of the Echmer. During first contact a miscommunication error results in Exul villagers being killed by legionnaires, starting the Twelvemonth War between the Echmer Technocracy and the Tamrielic Empire. The bat elves, arrogant due to their successful engagements with the Kamal in the past, go out to meet this new foe only to be surprised to find a force to be reckoned with.

3E 279: The Council of Dull Chimes calls for a suspension of hostilities when they realize they are losing ground against the Tamrielics. They request that Emperor Uriel V negotiate a treaty between Tamriel and Yneslea, which the Emperor accepts. The god-hero HRAHNDEYL materializes to greet the Emperor when he arrives in Oexra’numsaz and helps with the proceedings. After coming to reasonable terms that leave Yneslea largely independent – but severely restricts its military and transforms it into a major base amongst the Imperial territories – the Truce In The East is signed between the two parties and the Echmeri archipelago is officially annexed into the Tamrielic Empire as the territory known as ‘Yneslea’.

Uriel V continues his plans to conquer Akavir, and orders a group of Echmer to help his legionnaires discover any other islands and find a safe route to the Dragon Land. The Echmer reveal the location of Esrionet reluctantly and Uriel V immediately sends his troops out to find it.

3E 284: The Legion discovers Esrionet. Prince Bashomon is terrified to hear that the Echmer have been conquered and surrenders his small island kingdom with no aggression. Esrionet becomes the second major base in the invasion of Akavir and amongst the new Imperial territories, focusing on militaristic elements while Yneslea focuses on more mercantile elements. Uriel V also gains full control of the Padomaic Rim to the ire of the Echmer people, who find the event heavily sardonic.

3E 285: Mustikos’arcere allows the Imperial Legion to establish Pasgaviati as an Imperial outpost at the behest of Uriel V. Magus-Premier Aarōn informs the Council of Dull Chimes of his decision and the Council are at first angered by his solitary choice, but eventually comply with the Legion.

3E 285-286: Several expeditions are launched to scout the sea lanes and coast-lands of Akavir, helped by the reluctant Echmer liaisons. On the basis of all this information, the kingdom of the Tsaesci in the southwest of Akavir is selected as the initial target for the invasion.

3E 288: The Imperial navy, led by Uriel V himself, lands on Akavir. Two Tsaesci cities (renamed Septimia and Ionith) fall to the Empire with little resistance.

Unrest breaks out in Yneslea when the Exul villagers of Slea go into a rage when the legionnaires stationed there kill a group of Echmer young adults for straying to close to the Imperial Ambassador. The Council of Dull Chimes tries to keep the peace, but in reality several members of the Council secretly support the rebellion. These events cause Uriel V to divert two legions that had been intended as reinforcements for his forces in Akavir to Yneslea in order to pacify the Echmer inhabitants instead, which ultimately contributes to the failure of his invasion.

3E 288-289: The winter storm season is unusually prolonged and exceptionally severe, and cuts down the supply line between the Imperial Province of Akavir, Yneslea, Esrionet, and mainland Tamriel. Echmer liaisons suspect that the strange weather is due to the Snake Men making an arrangement with the Kamal, but Uriel V laughs at their theories. Tsaesci raiders begin to attack the Imperial settlements.

3E 289: The massive garrison of Fort Musicmoth and Port White-Gold are finished on the island of Yne. Later on in the same year the smaller Fort Icemoth is established on Pasgaviati.

3E 290: A large Tsaesci force attacks Ionith. While defending the city Uriel V is killed by enemy arrows. Few survivors manage to bring the news to Septimia. Eventually Septimia is disbanded, and the rest of the Imperial Legion leaves Akavir and heads towards Esrionet and Yneslea to recuperate. The invasion of the Dragon Land is declared failed.

3E 291: The Legion largely redraws from Yneslea. The Echmer continues to trade cream, milk, butter, and coffee with the Empire – which the Tamrielics absolutely adore – along with other supplies for Tamrielic lore, animals, and plant specimens to study.

3E 292: All of the Imperial territories of Roscrea, Cathnoquey, Yneslea, and Esrionet are given seats on the Elder Council. An Echmer Embassy is also built in the Imperial City in Cyrodiil alongside embassies for the other territories.

3E 389-399: The Imperial Simulacrum. Imperial Battlemage Jagar Tharn banishes Uriel Septim VII into Oblivion using the Staff of Chaos, then uses powerful magic to disguise himself as the true Emperor to rule in his stead. He also imprisons all of the Elder Council members, including the Echmer Consul Sirius, and replaces them with intelligent monsters disguised by Illusion magicks. He shatters the staff into eight pieces and scatters them around Tamriel, hoping to keep the ruse permanent. Tharn's ten year reign contains several wars and much political turmoil throughout the Empire and its territories.

3E 395: Jagar Tharn imposes a massive tax increase on the Imperial territories. The Echmer, who don’t have an economy based on currency, fall on hard times and the entire Ynesleaic archipelago suffers because of it.

3E 397-399: A fleet from Esrionet attacks Yneslea in retaliation for the past grievance of the Echmer giving the island kingdom up to the Tamrielic Empire, fueled by the tax increase two years ago. The Battle of the Chaotic Sea commences and ultimately ends with an Echmer victory. The Council of Dull Chimes reconciles Yneslea’s relationship with its closest neighbor but remains wary, and tries to request a small contingent of Echmer soldiers be sent to the Rim to no success.

3E 399: The Imperial Simulacrum ends with Jagar Tharn’s death and the return of Uriel VII to the Ruby Throne. The members of the Elder Council are also freed from their torment and returned to power, but like the Emperor they are also traumatized from the experience and many resign. Sirius decides to remain in office, but becomes much more quiet and redrawn.

3E 400: Uriel VII secretly orders a group of Echmer acoustineers to come to Tamriel and help the Blades with the rebuilding process of the Brass God Numidium. Because of the bat elves’ interesting history with the Dwemer the reconstruction process accelerates dramatically and Imperial Dwemerologists bow to their technological prowess.

3E 401: Nulfaga of Daggerfall finds the exact location of the Mantella, the heart of Numidium. The Blades, who have managed to collect most of Numidium's other pieces with the aid of the Echmer, reject her offer. Instead the Emperor sends his spies in Daggerfall a letter, which is intercepted and causes political intrigue amongst the royal families of the Iliac Bay.

3E 425: Emperor Uriel VII, after negotiations with the Council of Dull Chimes, declares the islands Yne and Slea of the Ynesleaic archipelago open to Tamrielic settlement. Thousands of individuals travel from the Starry Heart to the Echmeri islands to forge a new life.

3E 427: The Empire is shaken by questions of succession. The Emperor is old and in poor health. He has two declared heirs, Enman and Ebel, but there are rumors of controversy over the succession in the Imperial City. Some say that they are doppelgangers placed in the household during Jagar Tharn's tenure as the Emperor.

Hrahn’s Isles are declared open to colonization for the Tamrielic Empire by the Council of Dull Chimes.

3E 433: The Oblivion Crisis.

A group of assassins attack the Imperial Palace. Uriel Septim VII's sons and heirs (Crown Prince Geldall, Prince Enman and Prince Ebel) are slain. While escaping through the Imperial City dungeon the fate of the Emperor intertwines with that of a prisoner’s. Somehow Uriel has predicted this event and before his death he entrusts the Amulet of Kings to the prisoner so it can be delivered to the Grandmaster of the Blades and the last true heir of the Septim Dynasty can be found. The assassins are revealed to be members of a dangerous ATEDA cult known as the Mythic Dawn, dedicated to MEHAGON (Mehrunes Dagon), who wish to summon their master to Mundus so he can conquer and reshape the world. To see this goal completed they create Oblivion Gates all over the Empire and its territories, resulting in hordes of Lesser ATEDA invading Tamriel and other lands. When hidden Mythic Dawn cultists on Yneslea open up Oblivion Gates on the archipelago the Echmer military – with assistance from the Imperial Legionnaires stationed there – are able to successfully close the gates but suffer heavy losses. Several settlements and Urbs are completely destroyed, all of the members of the Council of Dull Chimes are killed, and large sections of the Dweech is razed by the Lesser ATEDA trying to reach the Pleonastic Spire.

When Martin Septim and the rest of his guard travel to the Imperial City to relight the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One, the Daedric Prince MEHAGON successfully crosses the barrier between realities and emerges in the Imperial City. Martin desperately destroys the Amulet of Kings in order to unite the Dragon Blood of the Septims and the Divine Essence of TOSH (Akatosh) to defeat MEHAGON. Martin dies but his plan works, with his soul becoming the divine Dragon Avatar of TOSH. MEHAGON and TOSH proceed to do battle in the ruins of the Temple.

The Avatar of TOSH defeats MEHAGON, but is grievously wounded in the process. With its remaining power the Dragon Avatar closes the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion permanently. Devoid of all of its power the Avatar turns into a great Dragon statue in the middle of the ruined Temple of the One. Martin, the last heir of the Septim Dynasty, is no more and the Empire is once again without an Emperor. The Elder Council under the leadership of Councilor Ocato tries to uphold the crumbling Empire. These tragic and traumatic events mark the end of the Third Era.