Cracked- Note by a Madman

Broken. Yes, broken, all of it broken, cracked into tiny teeny pieces. Pieces floating wibbly wobbly. Dragon’s scale, Dragon’s tale. AKA cracked, AKA broke. Ooh, they don’t notice yet, blinded. Blinded by the Dragon’s fire. It whispers through the cracks. They call me a madman, poor ---------- a madman! Yes, they call me mad, but I call them deaf. The currents moving and shifting below, they speed up and later again they slow. Perturbed-yes, perturbed- by the rest of the ocean, the ocean of clockwork. Broken clockwork, refractions. Broken clockwork cities, moving backwards across the dragon’s hide, cracking it, falling in reverse. They found the key, yes, they saw through the cracks, they saw It and they made It. The Deep ones, they swam in their depths. The metal of Aetherius, shining blue in the deeps, it feels in the cracks and sees through refractions and it swims. Calling across the dragon, bringing scales through the ocean. Pulling deep things forward through the cracks. They can’t feel, they can’t see, they don’t know. All dragons, broken reverse. Every one, every last one, because a crack opened too big. It came, it comes, it is coming. A tower, breaking as it walks, reverse on every dragon. Back and forth, back and forth, currents and cracks in the fire of the Dragon in the heart of the Serpent. So much pulled by the cracks, across the dragons- words and works and people and things, all pulled through the cracks. Some of them know, us few who found the cracks. Oh, It’s here. Breaking, eating, it pulls at me. A crack opens here, yes, here in -------, it opens, a bridge across dragons, and in I go!!

-Note by finder: No trace of the madman who wrote this. No idea what it’s about. Dragons, something cracked and broken, and things travelling in the cracks? It’s like this madman was trying to communicate something. It feels important… I should send this to the Imperial city and see if anyone can make anything of it.