Notes on Dwemer Constructs

Report on Known and Speculated Dwemer Automatons Based on evidence found while excavating a Dwemer ruin in Hammerfell Includes personal story about one elusive construct

Mr. Sicillus Arbates of the Imperial Archaeological board,

As you know, I recently had the pleasure of organizing and participating in a fully funded and equipped expedition into a recently-discovered Dwemer ruin located in the north of Hammerfell, near Dragonstar, and was tasked with learning as much as possible on any subject, as research tends to be rather lacking due to the average adventurer being defeated by Dwarven automatons. I was lucky enough to have the additional funding of Markarth scholar Calcelmo, but he was unable to join me on my venture. With this funding, along with the Imperial funds you so graciously granted, I was able to hire a fairly large team of mercenaries and miners. As it happens, word seems to have spread among Dwemer enthusiasts of the largest and best funded dig of a Dwarven ruin since the Oblivion crisis, and several notable scholars joined us of their own free will. I am happy to report that the mercenaries did their jobs quite well, with next to no serious injuries during the exacavation. Much of the ruin was extremely well preserved. As a point of interest, we found hints of numerous automatons that are yet undiscovered, which would admittedly require more funding and expeditions.

Without further ado, here are my notes on the Dwemer constructs, of which we learned a great deal. More information on other topics will come in further reports as information and analysis returns.


Dwemer spiders- These fierce little automatons are also the most common. In general, we noticed slightly different variations on the same design. Some seemed to be simply basic workers, maintaining the ancient ruin. Some others were designed for attack, with slightly sharper claws, quieter movement, and a magickal reserve (possibly originating from the soul gem?) for shock spells. Most, however, seemed to be versatile, adept in both combat and work, and significantly rarer models were highly powerful in both fields. Our technicians and mages were able to partially reconstruct a Spider. It seems that a smaller, less powerful version of the Centurion’s dynamo core was implemented in the spiders, with the soul gems acting like the center of the dynamo inside a gyroscopic frame. One scholar Aicantar, son of the famous Calcelmo, later claimed to have rebuilt a Spider with a control device in progress.

Dwemer Spheres- Known for their ability to retract into a spherical shell and thus gain mobility, these are surprisingly complex creations. After forcibly disassembling one with a large hammer, we attempted to reconstruct it so that it might work with us in scouting inside the tunnels and pipes of the ruin. Unfortunately, while we managed to rebuild its extended form, it was unable to contract and was therefore of little use. Each one had a sword arm and a crossbow arm (though rumors of ones that only have crossbows once came out of Mournhold). Once again, minor variations were seen between models, becoming progressively more dangerous in combat. The source of its energy is still a soul gem, though we were unable to find where it was in a working model.

Dwemer Centurion- Infamous as the bane of adventurers, this nightmare stood at the height of around five meters, a little over the height of two men. We succeeded in bringing the beast down thanks to a frost mage cooling the steam that it used as an attack and possibly as power. In the center of its chest was a dynamic core resembling the device seen in Dwemer spiders. Carefully dissecting the automaton revealed a large amount of heavy plating, heavy structure, and pipes and gears running around the entire machine. Sure enough, a soul gem of high caliber was found nestled in the machine. I personally believe that the Centurion was powered by steam- there was certainly no lack of water in the deeper, Falmer-infested regions of the ruin, and pipes could easily fuel the Centurion. I could find no explanation of the infinite motion of the dynamo core, and the three we found are too valuable to smash apart. Once again, there seemed to be multiple models of the Centurion, growing more powerful with age.

Dwemer Ballista- While we did not see any of these in completion, documents found suggest that the clan of Dwemer who controlled this city had managed to capture plans from Solstheim and were working on building one. The partial model stood at about the height of a man, was extremely heavily guarded, and possessed a sort of crossbow with immense power. One scholar was fascinated by the weapon and carried one through the remainder of the expedition.

When we were beset by a thick line of Falmer from two sides, she fired one bolt into each line. It went through every single creature in the line, killing them instantly. These were heavy weaponry, arguably more dangerous than the Centurion. After the expedition, this scholar- named Katria- took one to her home along with a number of bolts for private study. Most likely there were varying versions of the Ballista, too. A future funded expedition to Solstheim may be of use.

Numidium- Known to exist, in its own way. There are other, better sources than I that you undoubtedly have access to, so I will not report on it.

Non-Verified- There were plans for numerous other constructs but their existence is not verified. Additionally, rumors of constructs and machines are interpreted and included in this section.

Dwemer Colossus- A stone giant even larger than the Centurion, this creature’s plans were discovered in the ruin. Held together with Dwemer metal, this would have been a terrifying sight. One arm was a large mace that could be launched in a direction then dragged back in for immense destruction. The other was a curious device that combined several streams of chemicals and fire to blast bits of metal at high speed with a deadly effect. The creature, naturally, could spew flames from its mouth or some sort of wave that destroyed everything in its path for a short range. Slow and destructive, it would only have fit outdoors or in tall cities.

Dwemer Locopter- This airborne creature has been reported by adventurers, but never confirmed conclusively to exist. Spinning leathery blades in the air, it fired explosive elemental arrows in a highly accurate stream towards adventurers. Supposedly, it is unable to land, instead latching onto ceiling hooks. Also apparently could do repairs.

Dwemer Echmotor- This machine is one of the stranger ones. It is said to be a spy or stealthy assassin, resembling a Spider but larger, with more legs, and the ability to retract into a ball, though this is not what makes it so strange. Many have seen it, and it most likely exists, but thanks to its abilities, none have seen one’s scraps. Tales- including our own experience- involve its ability to simply disappear, reappearing somewhere within its sight. One scholar of metaphysics believes that the Dwemer were able to change the basic rules of reality, and that the Echmotor is adjusting reality to make it not exist where it is but make it exist somewhere else. More simply, it stops being here and starts being there. Outfitted with weaponry for assassination- sleeping bolts, poisoned bolts, small daggerlike appendages- it’d be a good reason to watch your back in a Dwemer ruin.

Aetherial Walker- This is by far the most interesting construct. It almost certainly exists- a set of plans with detailed notes were found, a factory for construction, reports on tests of the Walker, but it was never found in a way that could be proven to others. The size and shape of a man, it was filled with highly complex gear systems, pipes, wires, and was arguably one of the Dwemer’s greatest ideas. One arm was an Aetherium-edged sword while the other was a crossbow with Aetherium runes.

Aetherium is a metal found rarely in Dwemer ruins with exceptional properties. No significant piece of pure Aetherium has ever been found, but experiments on its impure ore (found in Blackreach of Skyrim) suggest its main properties in relation to the Walker. These experiments were confirmed by a set of notes we found in the ruin. Infused with Aetherium threading, it could supposedly become invisible and intangible at will- Aetherium’s first power as recorded in Dwemer notes. Its sword-arm could likely pass through most armors with ease. The crossbow would infuse the bolt with Aetherial power, the second of Aetherium’s properties, to mechanically cast spells. The third of Aetherium’s noted powers was to locally adjust time itself. While this might seem preposterous, it is possible, as I know a metaphysician who has found evidence that adjustments to time are possible. This may mean that the Walker could travel at will throughout time, or perhaps adjust its speed to attack more quickly. However the third property is used, it would make the Walker a nightmare to face in battle.

Here is a personal anecdote, and may be considered less reliable, but our personal reviews all agree. Our Aetherium scholar, Katria, was very intrigued by the Walker, having an interest in the strange metal. She not only singlehandedly explained the workings of this machine but theorized on the spot that the Walker might actually be here, hidden by the first property of Aetherium. She possessed a necklace- silver, carved in the trident-like symbol of Skyrim’s Dwemer. Upon closer inspection, we saw blue lines in the carving- a tiny amount of impure Aetherium, just barely enough to notice, which she claimed she had found in her travels. She held the necklace up and began examining the area with it, as if scanning for something when suddenly, in midair, there came a clink. A small web glowed blue in midair before disappearing. Katria explained that the intangible Aetherium was affected by the tangible sample in her necklace, then deduced that the Walker would know that we knew of its presence. Katria threw herself on the floor, as did the rest of us, as a bolt crackling with Shock magic flew over us. Just then, there was a whooshing sound behind us, and I, Katria, Aicantar, Erj, and a few others turned in time to see a female figure appear out of nowhere. She gestured as if opening a door, and the Walker- now visible- and her vanished inside a purple bubble. A word glowed on the floor after this- “C0DA”.

The Walker was gone, and it seemed like it was gone forever from this world. Katria claims to not know who or what that was, but is resolved to find out. The Walker exists, but we cannot give evidence, only a story that we all swear is true, and it’s quite possible that only one was ever made, given the rarity and controversy now known over Aetherium.

Thus ends my notes. Further funding would be appreciated to study these ruins and constructs further. Additionally, metaphysicians would prove invaluable in further expeditions. Study of this word “C0DA” might be helpful, though it is possible that the Empire already knows this mysterious word. Our findings could greatly benefit the Empire in any upcoming affairs.

Yours truly, Imperial Archaeologist Taicellus Cindiras 4E 192, 5th of First Seed