The Ostracized of the Outcasts - the Orcs that wanted to turn into Aldmers

During my travels as a treasure hunter and artifact collector, I came into the possession of an ancient crown, cross referencing with my library, I pinpointed it along the time of the early Aldmers, little other information was uncovered besides that it was a crown for some Aldmer nobles and like all other artifacts, I have them preserved at the castle's vault.

Soon, the tales of my discovery spread across High Rock and an orc by the name of Worgar gro-Brok sent me a surprisingly eloquent letter detailing his desire to obtain said artifact and promised a considerable sum of gold, were it for any other person, the temptation would have been utterly irresistible, however, for a woman of my status, background and interest, I refused the money outright and replied him as such. A week later, I received another letter from Worgar, he says though he could not obtain such an artifact, he wishes to loan it for some time and was willing to pay another hefty sum of gold, this is fairly odd for me as I had assumed he is a treasure hunter not unlike myself, regardless, it peeked my interest. We exchanged a few times more and finally agreed upon the terms: he would obtain the artifact on loan for a month, but I would accompany him to see how the artifact is being used and be allowed full access to whatever his organization might be.

Without any other unnecessary babblings, I shall recount the events after meeting Worgar. After coming to my castle in a caravan, he escorted me back to his home, a rather beautiful mansion in Shornhelm, Rivenspire, the orc is far more well-mannered than most of his kind I saw. The decorations in the house resembles that of a mer, which is considerably strange since his entire family and patrons are all orcs, all of which are, like him, remarkably well-mannered and eloquent for orcs. He offered me a room and warm meal before asking for the crown, at which point I asked him what he would do with it. He smiled and opened a hatch to the basement, escorting me and my servant in before coming down with some of his patrons.

The basement was quite a remarkable sight to behold, it was filled with furniture inspired by the early Aldmer’s style, ancient books and scrolls scattered around the room, and countless numbers of Aldmer artifact ranging from ornate royal crown to stone slabs were scattered across the room, if I didn’t know better, I would thought it was one authentic Aldmer ruin. I picked a few books and glanced at the content, all of them are centered on one subject: Trinimac, these writings accounted various sides of the early Aldmer deity, his service to Auri-el, the role he played in various creation myths, his interactions with Boethiah, and of course, his rather gruesome transformation into Malacath. Utterly stunned by the contents in this room, I tried to ask Worgar, only to find my tongue failing to capture the words. The orc smiled and explained: “My lady, my friends here and I are not simple orcs, we are part of a society called “Champions of Entropy”, my forefathers were the original founders of this organization in 3E 102, we are the worshippers of Trinimac, the Consumed Champion, the Lost Knight. Our deity was taken away from us by the cursed Boethiah and our brethrens worship the false god Malacath, whom they believe is Trinimac reborn. Although some among our race reject the false god, none is as devout as we are, by now you have already seen our headquarters and our collection of artifacts pertaining to Trinimac himself.”

“So the crown is…?” I finally managed to overcome the shock

“Yes, my lady, the crown is belonged to one of the most devout worshippers of Trinimac, we are hoping to harness its power.”

“Is the crown some sort of power source, like a soul gem?”

“I don’t think so, at least not as far as we know, this crown is simply etched with memories of the past, we are hoping to harness the power of Trinimac’s chosen from long ago, we hope to use bind this source of power to further our goals”

“Power? Why would you go to all this length just to find a power source? What do you hope to achieve with it?”

“It is not a power source we seek, the energy from the crown is unique, it echos through time, we are hoping that this might be enough to pull us back into the time of Trinimac, we are hoping to change back into our ancestral form”

I gasped at the orc’s words, left utterly speechless. Soon after I regain my composure, the orc and I talked over the fragrance of a bottle of brandy, and I finally learned of their plans. The “Champions of Entropy” is not simply a group of orc who whorships Trinimac, but rather a collection of orcs who wish to be truly accepted into society, and besides being well-educated of course, they seek to learn of the ways to revert back into their ancestral form, that of the Aldmer, using ancient artifacts of Trinimac. Worgar’s family has been collecting early Aldmer artifacts for centuries, and it is not until my discovery of the crown his collection was complete.

My artifact is now at the hands of these “Champions of Entropy”, it has been seventeen days since I arrived in Shornhelm, I now eagerly await their progress.

Lady Aliria Laurent

4E 212

Author's note: this post here is largely inspired by this thread here, sorry for the poor writing, it isn't really my strong suit, anyway, I do hope you enjoy this