Alchemist's Journal Vol. 1:

17th of Last Seed, 4E 201,

My journey to catalogue and postulate on the various alchemical flora and fauna of Skyrim and the relationship between the two began today, just outside Whiterun, along the East road, loosely following the White River.

This land is cold, harsh and unforgiving (much like the Nords themselves) yet plant-life flourishes, primarily in the form of wild grasses. One of the first things I noticed, and it will be my subject matter today, was the abundance of blue mountain flower with lavender.

When crushed and boiled with a modest amount of riverwater, the resulting mixture, when ingested, had the agreeable taste of lavender and the less agreeable texture of crushed mammoth testicle. Through some basic self-testing I found that my magickal reserves seemed drained in all schools, with the exception of conjuration which seemed to be slightly improved.

Due to the similar shape, structure and colour of the two plants, as well as their complementary alchemical effects, I think that it would be reasonable to suggest that the two have a common ancestor. Is this a radical thought? Possibly. However it seems like a reasonable assumption.

When the wings of the nearby blue butterflies (who seemed drawn to the plants) were added to the mixture, the magickal draining effect seemed stronger, yet conjuration remained untouched (if not improved). The similarity in colour and alchemical properties lead me to a number of possible conclusions. One, some, all, or none of which might be correct. Here they are:

The first possibility is that it is mere coincidence, but as this possibility is as boring as it is unlikely I will not discuss it further.

The second possibility is that all three species came from one species. Something which was both animal and plant, something like the Hist, though more fundamental and animal, and not nearly as intelligent. This seems unlikely but as a nature enthusiast I can say that it would be extremely interesting and almost... beautiful.

The third and possibly one of the more likely possibilities is that the butterfly, being originally blue, pollinated the two flowers and somehow passed on its own characteristics.

The fourth possibility is that blueness and the alchemical properties of fortifying conjuration & draining magicka are somehow intrinsically linked, and is present in all three beings. Some fundamental element possesses both traits and is present in all three entities.

I am not schooled in alchemy, history, botany, or really anything as well as many out there, so if I do ever get around to publishing these notes feedback would be appreciated. I do not know where I shall go next. I may follow the East Road, or the White River. I may turn south and head for Falkreath, or turn completely and explore The Reach. I must saying I am looking forward to it.

-Jonofly, Independent Scholar and Alchemist.