Atmora's Whispers, Part 2: Storming Gales & Ancient Fey-Tales

Part 2 of the Apocrypha series, in part inspired by an old TES-themed Minecraft server set in old Atmora. ---- ---- ----

At the College of Winterhold, tension has brewed and rivalry simmered under what may appear a well-mannered meeting. Of course niceties would not last once the stone shard from Atmora seemed to devour their spiteful energies only to whisper dark, mysterious words:

"Joore Atmoradro dein gol! Dov alok zu gramindol heim! Kiin zu grah! Dovahsebrom praal fo kras voth norok morah. Mulhaan 'Hagolfah' bein faaran fah alok Atmora fod lot...... Rinovande, Sabongurd, Kritja, Tolgard, Voth Aaz'Aak, Brotingard, Jylkurfyk...... ahrk pogaan zuk lost sizaan zu iiz!"

These were strange parsings, barely audible among the winds and dark monotonous chantings from the shard. Knowing there could be great dangers from such bad omens, the Archmage of the college made clear that only several people should be around the stone at any time. It was apparent even he needed guidance in how to handle such a potentially hazardous artifact. From the stately courtyard, he spoke loudly stating," it looks like we have all been conversing quite extensively, but it appears the weather is not getting less stormy. Some of you have travelled some ways to get here, so it may be our best interest to find our chambers for the evening." He then proceeded into the Hall of Elements (main hall), with everyone in their clan-like groups shuffling in afterwards.

It quickly became clear that clamor over this shard would not go well in keeping the college safe and progressing research. He wanted this stone safe, so in the dead of night he and his closest associates made their way into the Midden, seeking guidance from none other than the Augur (magic spiritual presence).

When they were on their way into the Midden, some followers of the Archmage had taken to scrawling notes on the stone on the way down. Unfortunately, something besides a storm was brewing amidst the drafty air.

From stone cold silence came sounds of screams, sudden clashing of metallic weapons, and faint war cries. It was even stranger when some followers of the headmaster went to scout and found nothing...

In the studious halls of the College above, the envoys began rattling awake from their sleep, many in a strange haze. Some thought they were going crazy and seeing specters, but that was only part of the picture.

While there was some stir within the college, rumor had spread beyond the enclaving walls to reach the ears of less than savory ruffians. Nocturnal wanderers, treasure hunting "traders." It was not long until the town of Winterhold got into a stir. The cause, a bandit raid, or so they generally thought.

Meanwhile, under the College the air began to turn smoky and chocked with dust. Shadows began twisting about the cavernous halls and corridors. Things were oddly silent all of a sudden for the Archmage. His followers kept an eye on him while he brought the shard to the Augur. "Oh esteemed Augur, I ponder over what this strange, wonderful artifact is. I seek your guidance, as this appears to be no ordinary artifact. I know how things went before when I took similar risks for research..." said the Headmaster, faintly grimacing.

The Augur began speaking to those about the midden depths: "Ah you have a stone that could be as ancient as frozen bergs. I see it has a story not only to tell, but to proclaim. The way had been walked, only to be stopped, now wandering in search of former glories. Do not let this slip into wrong hands, for it may have power to change history. Unfortunately I do not know much else, but look towards the Fey oft forgotten in great height. I cannot say much more for now. I may offer you all a means to keep you all safe, but..." At that moment the words became murmured and obscure, though the master wizards there did their best to ward their college of damages.

Right then, some figures began rushing into the midden from above, from the college...

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I am writing this as part of an Apocrypha series on Atmora. I also have this website from an old Minecraft RP server that did well expanding lore on Atmora:

Also, on another note, recently I saw a cooperative contest for writing lore on ,but could not find any way to get on the site yet (largely from Captchas not working right). Please check that out and keep being awesome on TESlore and beyond!

#Atmora #Skyrim #Apocrypha #Winterhold #Story #TES