Magica, How to store and recover it

Magica, How to store and recover it

Author: Archon Elantri

Nirn is made out of Magica. Because of this Magica is all around us. In the Earth, the Air, the creatures of this world, even the lesser races. Because of this. All of the greater races, (and a few of the lesser ones) have developed the ability to store it inside themself, and use stored Magica. Magica is the thing that power's every spellcaster's spells. Without Magica nobody would be able to cast any form spell and magic would have been reserved for the Gods. Everyone of the greater races, naturaly stores Magica inside themself. Think of it like an open barrel standig out in the rain. The rain and the water inside the barrel is Magica. Any spellcaster, can take from his own barrel, and use it to cast spells. But every Spell cast is less Magica in the barrel, when its empty no more spells can be cast. But how can one refill this metaphorical barrel of Magica? Unless you are Blessed/cursed by being born under The Atronach, it will behave as a water barrel in the rain, slowly refilling itself. But like a barrel in the rain, there are ways to increase the speed of how fast one will refill it...

There are to types of ways to regain lost Magica, Naturaly and Artificial.

Natural The Natural ways consist of training, and straining ones ability. Like a warrior, as a warrior in heavy armor trains, his muscles gets bigger, they last longer before he tires. A warrior trains by running and lifting heavy stuff to push his body to the limits, so that those limits can be pushed furter away, making the warrior last longer and regain his strength faster. Like any Physical talent, each person is unique in their Magical talent. What Race you are, and what Birth sign you are born under, are both things that will affect your untrained magical talent. BUT! With training and disipline each Novice spellcaster can become just as powerfull as a Dunmeri or Aldmeri ArchMage, no mater what talent they were born with. Any spellcaster with half a brain will do something similar. Train Your mind. Cast spells untill you have no more Magica left. Relax and recover before you start again. (Ask your Mentor to give you a training program that will do these kind of things, that will not distract you from your education in the Art of Magic.) Over time you will be able to store more Magica (and recover it faster) inside your metaphorical barrel than what you could before you started This training.

Artificial The Artificial ways, are more diverse than the natural ones, and many a Novice have fallen into the trap of using this as a shortcut. When using The Magical Arts, there is no real shortcuts, as one often ends up way over his head in trouble that your master grudgingly have to help you out of.

Alchemical substances and Enchantments are by far the most common ways of Artificialy help any Spellcaster with Magic. Our Staffs and Robes are Enchanted with Enchantments that helps us. Our pockets is filled with bottles filled with vile tasting potions that helps us in thight spots. Because of this, these will be the first on the List.

Alchemy: Mixing plants to get Magical results. Magica Is All around us, Even in plants. Because of this, one can mix several plants together then add some water into the mix too create Potions. Detales about this prosses can be found By reading: Fundaments Of Alchemy By Alyandon Mathierry A Lesser known version of Alchemy is called Worthcraft. Worthcraft is when one instead of using Alchemical ingredients to create potions, one eat them for a small fleeting effect. Worthcraft is often usless compared to potions, and best used to find out what properties an ingredient have. An alchemical fluid is categorised in 2 categories, depending on what properties they have. Potions and Poisons. There are several Potions that will help a Spellcaster with his work, Some of the most popular are the ones that speeds up the Recovery of Magica and Increases how mutch Magica one can store. There are many different qualities of these some can make one recover all of the lost Magica in a matter of seconds. Always usefull to have at hand.

Enchanting: Imbuing An object With Magica Enchantments are something every Spellcaster know of, not everybody knows how to do this and prefer instead to pay others for this service. But regardless of how an enchanted item found its way to its owner, its value to a spellcaster is vital. Just as there exsist Alchemical fluids that can temporarly increase the recovery and storage of Magica, these kinds of enchantments also exist. The difference between a Potion that does these things and an Enchantment is how long it lasts. As long as the Enchanter that created the enchantment was half competent, the Enchantment should last as long as the enchanted item is worn by somebody. To Enchant an item one need to have a filled Soul-gem and bind the soul inside it to an item, giving it purpose once more. An enchanter basicly imbues an item with a life force.

Geomancy: Geomancy is the magical art of stone and gems. A spellcaster that uses Geomancy, is often compared to a Alchemist. The reason for this is that a Geomancer uses the Magical energies that Exsist within stones. A Geomancer is often compared to an Alchemist by the uneducated. The truth is that Geomantic magic, can also be compared to Enchanting. Every stone, every gem have a affinity for certan types of spells. An Example is the Ruby, A ruby is a natural conduit for Pyromantic Spells. A Geomancer needs to refine and work his rocks in advance, as the effect is increased considerably. After a Geomantic rock is used, it crumbles to dust. When an Alchemist finds a plant, he has to determine what plant it is, and what known magical property that plant have. That is how a Geomancer do his or her work, they find stones. Today one of the most visible and commonly available result of Geomancy is the Soul-gems, that spellcasters use to capture souls. many Geomancers find themself drawn to Cyrodill to study. The reason for this is the Aeylieds and their ruins. The Aeylieds are the furthermost experts of Geomancy. Even to this Age and Era, none have come close to surpass them. Some of their most known creations are the famed Welkin and Varla stones, Stones that could fully recharge a Spellcaster's equiptment and their Magica Storage.

Blood Magic: Blood Magic is the art of powering one's spell with blood. Many view Blood Magic as evil, and is in many provines illegal. A Bloodmage have the ability to drain Magica from blood, which often means that they have to open a vein. Because of this, a Bloodmage often uses sacrifical animals (or men/mer) when casting a spell, the result and power they get depend on what they used as a sacrifice. More advanced Bloodmages can even take controll over anothers blood and manipulate it from a distance, the greater the bloodmage, the greater the distance. Vampires are among the most common practisioners of Blood magic, and has been proved to have a natural talent for it.

Soul Magic: The Soul, one of the most powerfull known power-source Every living have a soul, some creatures have more powerfull soul's than others, some of the most powerfull souls are inside Man and Mer. But the most powerfull ones comes from Daedra. The use of souls is not something many know how to do. There are a few basic soul uses that are common knowlege, Enchanting and Soul-trapping. Enchanting and Soul-trapping are but only a small part of the usage of Souls. They have barly scratched the surface. The Dunmeri culture, are one of the cultures where using souls for other purpose's than enchanting is long. Of all the mortal races, they are the recorded to have the greatest inventions that uses Souls. The Dunmers created Ghostfences. Magical fences powered by souls were common to see on Morrowind. That was before the Great Ghostfence around Red mountain was built. It was a monument to their knowlege of Souls that they could build sutch a thing. Little did we know that the Great Ghostfence was not their greatest inevtion, only the one they wanted to show off. After the fall of the Tribunals, The Ingenium was found, it was the pinacle of Soul magic. The Ingenium was a machine powered by souls, and it kept the moon Baar Dau levitating over Vivec city.