Learning the basic of Magica.

Learning the basic of Magica. Author: Archon Elantri

When one starts to learn about Magica, there is a few things every aspiring spellcaster will learn. Some of what we learn in the beginning is obvius as to why we learn our novices it, but some of it is not so obvius.

Because what one can do with their Magica without training varies greatly from person to person. A master often teach his apprentices Magical theory. With just this knowlege a person will be able to recognise a few basic Magical sign and therefore traps of Arcane nature. The Arcane Theory about Magica Controll, is what makes a person able to Cast spells. When one know this Theory one have stepped into a larger world.

The Arcane Theory about Magica Controll, Is essensial to every Spellcaster. Knowing the basic of this theory, makes one able to controll the Magica inside oneself. The more knowlege of theory one have, the safer each cast becomes, lessening the risk of failed cast or in worst case senario, magical backfire. Together with the basics of this theory, the apprentice learns two kinds of spells. Healing And Fire. What kind of Healing and Fire spell one learn, depends on the teacher. The reason behind learning this is to lessen the risk of fatal mistakes.

The Healing spell one learns is often so basic that it only will remove small wounds and keep unlucky Novices alive long enoch that a qualified healer can come and save the novice's life. The Flame spell is learnt for two reasons. Reason One, is that one often needs to be able to make flames for alchemy just the right heat, to remove the risk of making a mistake and acsidentaly creating a posion instead of a potion. Reason Two, Many a teacher likes to takes his apprentices on trips to ruins in search for ancient knowlege and practical training. On trips like this there is always smart to know basic flame spell to light your campfires and torches.

Because of the usefullness of knowing these two basic spells many sends their kids to learn it. Most nobles have it as a part of their education growing up, but poorer men like traveling merchants and adventurers etc... often seeks to learn this. As many have learned it, finding somebody to learn it to you is not hard. BUT always make sure not to mislearn The Arcane Theory about Magica Controll. Mislearning it WILL result in Failure to cast spells, backfires and similar problems. In worst caste senario a backfire or miscast spell, can result in death. To be sure that you and yours know what they are doing when casting spells. Every city is legaly obliged to arrange anual Exams where one can get ones skills evaluated by qualified sensors.