An Overview of 9th Era Great Houses of Masser & Secunda, and their place in the Aurbis

Chapter 2, Part IV: The Great Houses of Masser And Secunda

  • Population: Masser - 3 Billion, Secunda: 700 Million

  • Aurbical Location: In Orbit around Shattered Nirn.

  • Capital: New/Nova Morrowind aka 'Tommorowind'

  • Population Composition: ~70% Dunmeri, ~20% Khajiit, ~10% Various Others

A Very Brief History:

In all likely hood, this part you can skip, as statistics point out that the one purchasing this guide is likely a mortal dunmer from Masser & Secunda.

For the outliers - Official records state that after fleeing Nirn in the events of Landfall, the surviving Dunmeri landed on and subsequently colonized Masser, founding the Velothiid. At that point in time, the only great houses to survive the crushing boot of the Brass God were Redoran, Telvanni, and Hlaalu.

After a brief 'war' with the Khajiit in the 6th era, the two moon provinces merged, forming what is (romantically) called the Last Empire of Mer.

With the advent of the 7th era, and the formation of the Aedric Union, the Last Empire of Mer was 'officially' dissolved, and the Great Houses of the Dunmer relinquished control of Secunda back to the Khajiit. The Khajiit, the Dunmer, and the Aedric Union then joined in defensive alliance, having need to do so as invasions and attacks from Oblivion became more and more frequent.

Presently, the Great Houses of Masser & Secunda are heralded as the leaders of the greatest population of mortals. While this of course is a title they thrusted upon themselves, it is important to note that the Dunmer are in fact the largest population of Mortals in the Aurbis, and as such, they are not technically wrong.

Dealing with the Great Houses:

  • House Redoran - Fuflfilling their historical role as warriors and protectors of the Dunmer, deal with the Redoran the way you would any heavily armed militant. Respectfully.

  • House Telvanni - Unlikely that you will deal with any members of importance from this house. No need to tread lightly with these ones, but it is advised remain at least neutral towards them. While less apt to harm you upfront, the Telvanni are always looking for test subjects and 'research assistants'. There is a reason these positions are always in demand.

  • House Hlaalu - Statistics once again dictate that it is likely you fall under the umbrella that is house Hlaalu if you are currently reading this book. Hlaalu, is in fact, so large that it has been divided into several sub-houses, each with varying importance in the Dunmeri government. Nothing to much to note here, save that your experience will vary drastically from person to person.

Political Position within the Aurbis:

Due to their sheer size, the Dunmer people and the Great Houses command an important political position within the Mortal alliance between themselves, the Khajiit, and the Aedric Union.

By numbers alone, they command the largest military force in the aurbis, and along with the research of House Telvanni, some of the greatest technology ever seen.

Needless to say, one of the top dogs in Aurbical Politics.

Interesting Facts:

  • The Great Houses are recorded in Memory to have existed long before Landfall.

  • The mer that holds the position of Hortator is formally considered the only member of House Indoril.

  • Until Landfall, The Great Houses kept many Argonians as slaves