The Eight Wheel-Bones of The Spiral Skein; Apocrypha borne from one long-ass eight hour reply.


Psychically Sustained AE-Mnemonic Projection1 of a blood-black Dremora of undiscernable caste, donning a set of all-too-intricately embroidered, once-white robes Blinks into the a Psi-MUE Nimbus of the treacherous, Never-Y-one-Always-Nobodies2 or as it is known on/through more common mindtracks/tunnels, the Dreamsleeve. A latticework of interlocking octagrams that was a breathing, unmoving pattern of it's own self-weaving (to others, at least it appears this way3) faded into the Crystal Eye4 as his consciousness spun around the a-non-room into the Psionic Thread. Ram-like horns slit neatly through either side of a comfortably thick scamp fur lined hood but went transparent when one threatened to stare, and the slits closed, making him undiscernable from a spoiled, modernized albeit battle-kissed ashlander. The Daedroth, dripping in a dark rainbow panoply of Gem inlaid rosaries and Enantiomorphic Talismans that all took blood and azure to safely solidify and wholly hallow^5, at once yet still in mirror fragments, Remembers his Neonymic and Stabilizes in the forum, bearing a drained but enthusiastic razor-toothed smile (on the face of a Dremora, unsettling for some.)

Allow me to introduce myself here and solemnly apologize for the disruption to your ideas of Demi-Perspective Time-Flows6 , as this is my first Projection this deep into your Psi-Nets. I am called Kilik Beladon Al-Ghar R'Zebele Caudatus7 , originally (forcefully but not to my disdain) Marked under the Dagon-Shardai bloodbanner but I have served many, MANY Ada^8. I Pseudo-Materialize here to share and FOREMOST, have assassinated my current understandings of the matters herein coagulated upon. Again, i apologize for any incomplete or unrecognized Cross-Amaranth Meat-Syllables that may cause disturbance of the three OS's of this channel, and happily invite any confused by my psi-chatter to send me a vibe through my own, now-solidified dreamsea channel. Onto business.

Long before hir sphere's Protonymic was discovered/remembered by the scholars, I served as The Black Hands' Skeinwalker, from within and without the CENSORED -Fuck- Sorry. The Taboo Tower. WORDS. And this Ur-damned Dreamsending Interface is unstable as the Isles. How I long to return to Singing my Sigils

This Taboo is the Unknowable/Unkillable/Unspeakable Centerpoint. The Tower is One With The Mind To Hold The Secret. To kill the Word. To Be The Language.

The Camoran Dreamer was truly blessed with Vision. Perhaps to a fault. Or perhaps just not...... colorful enough. He spoke of Boexia's Godform Attribution's Share with eight Princely Mercy Seats and the Ten Moonshadows, here, in THIS kalpa properly attributed to Azura. The Very Realm of the Tribunal Godesses, Joined. Now imagine the Political powers implied. The House Of Troubles has MANY corners, indeed.

Aramithius. You have no clue just how close you are to CENSOREDhood. Your theoretic Coagulations in these channels seem to share an Amaranth with my own! That notion inspires this one, Truly(as possible as Truth IS in the Sleeve). Without further Psychobabble.......

The Powers of Gods Strand I_CLAVICUS VILExJULIANOS a cavern of plinths and pedestals. Each is a lie, for they pretend to hold up the sky—and the sky is the greatest lie of all

The infinite Vile Rites are all the sum of pre-convention ceremony and custom, currently unexplained magickas and all long-honored lies told to the beings inhabiting this sphere. To understand/know the secret natures and politics of your world's gods is to know the secrets of performing the greatest feats of magick.

"(Clavicus Vile) is the consummate politician of Oblivion. You won't find a more carefully neutral Daedric Prince than Clavicus Vile." Bear with me. Compare the above to the realms of literature, law, history, and contradiction governed by Aedra Julianos. All four of these things heard from within The Right Angles of The Last Mouth of the Gray Maybe sound like lies. Julianos is the Aedric patron of scholarly mages so the corresponding connections between learning the performance of ancient rituals and rites is no leap. (i very nearly attributed this RealmTowerRoad with Hermaeus Mora cos' the secret knowledge thing but that seems more like one of the 8 Independent Sithispokes.)

The Nightmare Strand II_MOLAG BALxSTENDARR the chambers of envy, for compared to the cavern above they are cramped and confined, and therefore they hate the cavern.

Coldharbour is the product of Bal's Envy of Aka. Molag: Fire - ayleidoon + Bal- the altered name of a god from the less known Apocrypha, Ars Goetia who is not too unlike MB in conceptual portrayal = Fire of the Gods??? Bal stokes a cold flame of hate in his Heart (yes, even cruel Molag Bal is a Heart) and it is said in the Channels of The New Whirling School that "Molag Bal is displaying his extensive knowledge of events that occur on worlds other than Nirn." Proof of This coupled with hir (Bal's) horns twitch involvements with my Misteresses second and favorite CENSORED-Guest, Vehk, will I hope further coagulate this Dream Breath Talking. Enter Stendarr and his aspects of Mercy, Charity, Well-Earned Luck and Justice. Introduce the nature of the now Bitter Cold Spark, Molag Bal and these four concepts are but a fond memory. Mix Four Parts Stendahl: >Crystallization Admiration – one marvels at the qualities of the loved one. Acknowledgement – one acknowledges the pleasantness of having gained the loved one's interest. Hope– one envisions gaining the love of the loved one. Delight – one delights in overrating the beauty and merit of the person whose love one hopes to win. >>Auto Transcripted from Other Channels Add Denial as a fifth step in Molag"s Journey and you may understand the envious syndromes of this Webbone

Visage of The Dreamer Strand III_NAMIIRAxDIBELLA grottoes alluring and seductive, for their walls and ceilings glow like a million stars that sing a song of love. But the glowing lights are maggots, and the song they sing is decay.

Decay is the tune sung by Namiira's Padomaic heart. The former reference to glowing ceilings and walls of a million stars brings to my mind's eye a room enchanted to look like the Oblivion of space. This coupled with the mention of maggots alludes to the Wriggling or Scuttling (many insects must wriggle before they can scuttle) Void, Domain of The Lady Of Decay. But the Lady is still a Lady(in manner), after all.

Alluring and seductive is earthbone of beauty and mortal-proclaimed Queen of Heaven. Compare to Namiira's Place as the Heart of Lorkhan that whispered to Dagoth-Ur as she whispered to the Scarab-Framer at his Coagulation of Purpose and bid them both to do the same thing; Dream. And what is more beautiful or decayed than the Memories of Dream(er)s?

The Dream Itself and the Awakener Strand IV_VAERMINAxMARA the tunnels of fear, for they are eternally dark, and where there is darkness, there is dread. The Quagmires are a place made of the eternal sensation of fear of the dark, cleaved only by the Dreamer's Death or Awakening-Within-The-Dream where the world is changed at the very moment of revelation into a new Dream of which the Dreamer is unaware and made fearful. The Mother Goddess Mara is the mortal Mother that Awakens you to the world outside the Dream, projection momentarily Blinks The world of The All-Unified and lovingly guides one through the void that eats the earth. My Misteress's meat-puppet ate this strand first and regurgitated it's wisdoms in ink and bone. I feel I need elaborate on this no further unless sent for.

Curse of the Traitorous Dreamkiller Strand V_MALACATHxARKAY the halls where fair is foul and foul is fair, and every belief is a betrayal.

Hover through fog and filthy air, indeed! (a once-apocrypha referencing another Apocrypha:Shakespeare's Macbeth) The God of Curses and the Cursed is, in the most respectable of meanings, divine shit. (only the Iron-Bellied should proceed down this thought-train, as mortal process can be quite...err...disenchanting) The Champion of Mer Digested and Deformed by Padomaic Acids in the bowels of Schism Itself? What if Boethiah never relieved hirself of this self-imposed curse? Arrogance, Betrayal and Kingslaying are a recipe to get yourself cursed and to further taunt the inherited arrogance of the Aldtmer by shitting out their progenitor?! Ha! Mythopoeic Gold! This next to the Ald-Ud-Dag-Ga-Vel-A-Sha-Ding-As' (and the mysterious nantonymic nature of the title!) speak of Orkey 'cursing' mortals to live six years (when compared to the life/soulspan of a resourceful Daedroth, that is not too far off) Barbas = CV's Dog-Years? wtf??) The thoughtthread that binds these two curse gods as two ends of one bone is clear enough, no?

Result of Betrayal Strand VI_BOETHIAHxKYNARETH arena of murder, for ever shall betrayal be followed by murder.

In my conceptual synesthesia, I read this passage as "Boethiah's Nirn and The Betrayal of Lorkhan" what, with Strand Five's nature of the eternally cursed and all. Kyne's Breath is thought to be that which sends Souls (Divine Spark x Identity=soul) that leave their mortal coils off to their respective afterlives. (a dreamstring theory shared with the amaranth of another whose name does not come to memory at the moment) Kyne's first rain (and in extension Lorkhan's murder-by-betrayal) was thought to be the moment that the Daedra convened to curse Total Order into Total Chaos-but expansion on THAT will break the stability of this one's already fading Dream Projection. Back to the Bone of the Kingslayer. Nirn=Arena in Ehlnofex. Trinimac's Betrayal cursed ALL. Much akin to how the figure Cain (of yet another Apocrypha, though this one is normally the first found in Cross-Amaranth transits to GAEIYA) Marked and Damned himself and the earth with the very first mortal murder and his brother's blood. projection glitches I apologize, too long in this form of consciousness does make the mind........... Next!....

The Blood Spilt Strand VII_SANGVINExZENITHAR the arcades of avarice and appetite, for contained therein are all things mortals would kill or die for.

The mortal masses are overWorked! And where better to retreat from the long five days ((For Future Reverberation: Numerologies of the Skein)) of the working time, Zenithar's Sphere than one of Sanguine's Seven Thousand (or so) Cravens and Casinos? And what sins and indulgences present on Nirn normally drive mortals to their ends? Why, there are thousands! But work is never done, is it? Sanguine's Realms need various Execubus Daedra or Seducers as they are more commonly Known, to fill them. And I've never knowingly seen a cleaner while visiting yet The Moaning Mansions are eerily impeccable, from grass to gutter. That means some busy spirits are at work here, and either way the coin flips, The Great Wheel cannot turn properly without great work and great release, in this Nirn or any.

Blood Of The Gods Strand VIII_MEHRUNES DAGONxAKATOSH the flaming skein of fury, for as death comes to all mortals, therefore all treasures are lies.
There is hope here. The hidden implications of Destroying or Changing Time are made. This conflict is witnessed by the Champion of Cyrodiil as by Magnus. The Fiery Dragon, The Red Demon and The Hero Witness. Enantiomorph. The Oblivion Crisis was nearly the fall of this tower. The Coagulated (Solidified/Crystallized) Blood of Lorkhan bound in eight descendants of the Aedra-Earthbones (all living things-including geodes and gemstones) created a magicka barrier solidified by the fires of the kings/gods hence No Planemelds! When Martin Septim Destroyed the Chim-Ada-Bal-A through (a rite, hidden by BLATANT Dwemer Incompetence/Incoherence, I may add) Rite/Ceremony, he mantled the 'Rebel' in the battle of usurping the 'King's' World, which was once technically Dagon's by conventional domain, so he had a legitimate claim. I suppose the Blind Witness was the CoC, having damn near no clue what these things are, just representing the Invisible Gate. (another Dwemeri fuckup : misrepresentation of the world by the limitations of the technology of/or the world. Just fucking say YES so we can finally be you you s-elfish BASTARDS!) That Mephala and Mehrunes Dagon both frequently appear with the same number of arms but as polar opposite colors from eachother is a nod to their True Natures. Destruction/Change/War/Fury x Sex/Death/Lies/Love. Which is not to say that their colours will remain imposed upon them should the Star-Spirits Of Colour, Pattern and Waveform mingle with the next Great Tabooist to turn the Wheel.

And by Wheel, I mean the Spokes of The Skein And by Taboo, I mean CENSORED

Again, I welcome sendings and do hope there is a Dreamslayer that may cut the proverbial fat off of this channel's string-theory. Proverbially. (-Numerologies-Vehk-Kalpa-Worldheads What are the respective Towers of each Bone? Flat wheel? 3D Sphere? Six-Twelve? Four-Sixteen? One + One = Three?)

Kilik Arden-Caudatezze